love at first sight

Black Core said:
It's not number 1, cuz she hates hurting other people

number 2 is a possibility cuz her parents are devorced, but she doesn't say anything about that, so no

4 not likely, she still has many male friends

5 don't think so

so that leaves number 3: could be so, So how do I react to that? I tried being romantic by writing her poems, but that didn't help so any other ideas?
do you know who it is that she's in love with? I don't know if this will actually help you but I used to know a guy named Cody and every time Cody wanted to get laid, he'd introduce me to some girl he wanted to fuck and then start telling her stuff that made me look bad to make himself look good by comparison and for some reason, when the girl got really scared and/or pissed at me, she'd always get really horny and she'd end up fucking Cody that night or the next day. I don't know if this is all females or if the ones that I know are freaks, but I personally know a lot of girls that when they get really really pissed off at one specific person they get as horny as fucking hell cuz they want to have sex with anyone other than the specific person that they're pissed at.
uh...hope this was helpfull...
Black Core said:
I tried to live on, but it's been over a year now, don't you think it means something then? Something like I'm sure I want to spend the rest of my life with her?
umm...have you been getting laid at all in the this last year? cuz if the answer is no then this obsession might go away or become alot less intense if you started fucking other people
well the first thing you have to do is figure out why she's acting the way she is and from what you say in this post there's really only 5 possible explinations

she experienced "love at first site" the second she saw you if this is the case then she's rejecting you now because she feels as if you have already rejected her and she's making you feel the pain she feels

she has no male siblings or is having problems with brother(s) and/or having problems with father and/or telling you things that she would never ever tell anyone else if this is the case then you're "the brother she never had" and the reason that she feels uncomfortable with you trying to "get with" her because for her the idea of fucking you feels like incest

she's not in love with you because she's in love with someone else

she's going through the phase of thinking the entire male gender is evil

more than one of the above

Or maybe, just maybe, she's not in love with you because she's not in love with you! Love is not an every day occurance. It's rare and relatively hard to come by... You can't expect every person you have feelings for to have them back for you. This is what makes the world so Romantic.
Susperia said:
Or maybe, just maybe, she's not in love with you because she's not in love with you! Love is not an every day occurance. It's rare and relatively hard to come by... You can't expect every person you have feelings for to have them back for you. This is what makes the world so Romantic.
i was assuming that a woman would be more observant than a guy and that the female in question is currently fully aware of how Black Core feels about based on that, i still sort of stand by the stuff i already said
Black Core said:
Most relations begin like that
I've had a problem with that, there used to be in girl in my class who was a very good friend, but when I went to do an other study, she was the only one I trully missed, and I just realized I loved her when she was already gone, I wrote her, I e-mailed her, I even wrote poems for her. but she kept rejecting me. I feel still feel bad about how I pushed her, I think that's why she said no. But that was a year and a half ago, but I still miss her:cry: What I wouldn't give for her to love me
Any advise on this?

Demiurge's relationship advice(:p^100):
Forget it. You've blown this opportunity by establishing a non-sexual relationship, suddenly trying to change it, then pathetically trying to gain her favor like a grovelling dog. To quote(paraphrase?) HL Mencken, love is the delusion that women differ. It would be possible for you turn this around if you had tremendous powers of persuasion, but you clearly do not or this would not have happened. The sooner you stop pining for her, the better off you will be. In the future, do not worry about "pushing" women. That is what succeeds with them. Do not pester them with emails and letters, either. First thing is to get a phone number. An email is easy to simply ignore. If you can get her on the phone, she will be under a lot more pressure, which turns the situation to your advantage. Lastly, if she is not responding and you must email or leave a voicemail, lay down the law. Explain that you do not appreciate being jerked around; her behavior is completely unacceptable. She can contact you if she wants to get serious and if not, you have better things to do. This often straightens them out. Stop taking things so seriously. You should be self-sufficient and if a particular woman does not reciprocate your advances, that should be fine. After you change your attitude, you will be a lot more successful, anyway.
Demiurge said:
Demiurge's relationship advice(:p^100):
Forget it. You've blown this opportunity by establishing a non-sexual relationship, suddenly trying to change it, then pathetically trying to gain her favor like a grovelling dog. To quote(paraphrase?) HL Mencken, love is the delusion that women differ. It would be possible for you turn this around if you had tremendous powers of persuasion, but you clearly do not or this would not have happened. The sooner you stop pining for her, the better off you will be. In the future, do not worry about "pushing" women. That is what succeeds with them. Do not pester them with emails and letters, either. First thing is to get a phone number. An email is easy to simply ignore. If you can get her on the phone, she will be under a lot more pressure, which turns the situation to your advantage. Lastly, if she is not responding and you must email or leave a voicemail, lay down the law. Explain that you do not appreciate being jerked around; her behavior is completely unacceptable. She can contact you if she wants to get serious and if not, you have better things to do. This often straightens them out. Stop taking things so seriously. You should be self-sufficient and if a particular woman does not reciprocate your advances, that should be fine. After you change your attitude, you will be a lot more successful, anyway.

That actually works? I don't know, I don't want to seem desperate
Susperia said:
Or maybe, just maybe, she's not in love with you because she's not in love with you! Love is not an every day occurance. It's rare and relatively hard to come by... You can't expect every person you have feelings for to have them back for you. This is what makes the world so Romantic.
She knows how I feel about her and love can grow over time, can't it?
umm...have you been getting laid at all in the this last year? cuz if the answer is no then this obsession might go away or become alot less intense if you started fucking other people
Not an option, I don't hump on everything or everyone I see, I'm just not like that
Black Core said:
That actually works? I don't know, I don't want to seem desperate

Huh? You seem desperate now. I am telling you to stop being desperate. To clarify, by "pushing," I meant being assertive in getting what you seek from a relationship, not being pitiful, which is what you've been doing.

Suspiria said:
Or maybe, just maybe, she's not in love with you because she's not in love with you! Love is not an every day occurance. It's rare and relatively hard to come by... You can't expect every person you have feelings for to have them back for you. This is what makes the world so Romantic.

There is nothing romantic about the world. People are ants, but more complicated. They can be made to "have feelings."
Black Core said:
Not an option, I don't hump on everything or everyone I see, I'm just not like that
oh well that might actually be your problem
you can't fuck somebody that you're not emotionally attatched to and the person that you're emotionally attached to won't fuck you and this might be increasing your sex drive because you might be reaching for the unreachable, wanting something that you can't have because you can't have it, there might of been a part of your sub-conscience that already knew she'd never fuck you the day you met her. The guy that wrote "fight club" said in one of his other books "the person you love and the person that loves you are never ever the same person"
Demiurge said:
I am telling you to stop being desperate.

There is nothing romantic about the world. People are ants, but more complicated. They can be made to "have feelings."
@ Black Core put these 2 thoughts^^^ together and read the book "the art of seduction" sorry can't remember the name of author/publisher
Demiurge said:
Huh? You seem desperate now. I am telling you to stop being desperate. To clarify, by "pushing," I meant being assertive in getting what you seek from a relationship, not being pitiful, which is what you've been doing.

There is nothing romantic about the world. People are ants, but more complicated. They can be made to "have feelings."

1st point...damn right.

2nd point...There is nothing romantic about the world? Not really with you on that one.
@ Black Core put these 2 thoughts^^^ together and read the book "the art of seduction" sorry can't remember the name of author/publisher

i read that book. i can't remember. but then again i've read everything from "the Game" to "double your dating".:hotjump:
I fell in love with life itself on second sight. I think at first, I screamed, but after that, it started getting pretty cool.