Metal's Most Maligned Sub-Genres (And The People That Listen To Them)

Serj sings like he's having an autistic fit. I never understood the appeal of that band. Really annoying IMO.

Don't worry, skill and originality do go over some people's heads. Wouldn't it have been great if S.O.A.D had tried to sound like 95% of the other bands out there? Pfffffftttt
Don't worry, skill and originality do go over some people's heads. Wouldn't it have been great if S.O.A.D had tried to sound like 95% of the other bands out there? Pfffffftttt

It would be pretty original too if you recorded a bunch of monkeys having shit-fights also... but it hardly makes for a good listening experience.
That's exactly why I said skill and originality. A lot of vocalists in some genres of metal sound like they are throwing up, dying, have bad constipation, etc (you were talking about about a shit party?) but none sound like Serj Tankian...
That's exactly why I said skill and originality. A lot of vocalists in some genres of metal sound like they are throwing up, dying, have bad constipation, etc (you were talking about about a shit party?) but none sound like Serj Tankian...

Thankfully. ;)
Somehow I only like his vocals on Toxicity, just as I only like anything else about the band on that album. I think I'll listen to it next. Great album.
Serj Tankian: Having an incredibly wide vocal range that includes normal singing, screaming/shouting, growling/snarling, inhaling/exhaling tricks and reggae/hip hop capacity, does not = terrible. A lot of metal vocalists can just scream or growl and that's it. You can't even compare the two in terms of talent.
Somehow I only like his vocals on Toxicity, just as I only like anything else about the band on that album. I think I'll listen to it next. Great album.

The first album is definitely the best, songs like Soil, Darts, Know,- hell, just about every song on the entire album, they all are harder and more original in every way than anything SOAD made later.
"Tee hee hee hee hee" is the sound I'm making out loud reading Nocturnal's posts.

I don't mind Serj's "yelling with rabies" but I can see how it is a polarizing force of love-vs-hate. Nothing mild about it.

I like some of their later singles. They are all good if you are a teenager or relapsing into teenageness. Not bad for exercising either.
I like some of their later singles. They are all good if you are a teenager or relapsing into teenageness. Not bad for exercising either.

People shouldn't be able to pull the it's-music-for-<age group> card when they've admitted their own follies of adolescence.
No, that is more projecting. If you have to tell people "Oh yeah, I remember when I used to listen to angry teenager music/mallgoth music/etc" it means that you've never truly come to peace with your past and now create an authority image in a futile attempt of looking wise when in reality you are just the junkie that becomes a prohibitionist after a particularly bad trip.