Miscellaneous beer thread

Alright guys, now im not much of a beer drinker. The only beers I've tried that I like are Tooheys Extra Dry and Guinness Draught, although its much better on tap and I like to get out to the local Irish pub whenever I can for a few pints. :kickass:

So what beer recommendations do you lot have?
Absolutely hate XXXX Gold and VB. Looking for something that tastes good, isnt light or mid strength and wont break my wallet.

might break your wallet but yes tis a great Beer...

i am liking Carlton Dry with a slice of lemon in the summer months.
i incorrectly referred to it the other day as Carlton Extra Dry , Was getting mixed up with Tooheys Extra Dry Or TED as it known , u can usually buy both on special for about $66
Just got back from my local workers club and thought I would try some of their limited selection. Picked up some Steinlager. Doesn't taste like beer at all. Quite nice. Will be trying some kilkenny on the weekend.
Alright guys, now im not much of a beer drinker. The only beers I've tried that I like are Tooheys Extra Dry and Guinness Draught, although its much better on tap and I like to get out to the local Irish pub whenever I can for a few pints. :kickass:

So what beer recommendations do you lot have?
Absolutely hate XXXX Gold and VB. Looking for something that tastes good, isnt light or mid strength and wont break my wallet.

I once had a holiday snap shot that I showed my work collegues- it was four or 5 cartons of Steinlarger in my cupboard. It was in my last phone, which I lost in a drunken stupor one night:yell:

Kilkenny isn't cheap but its nice and creamy, I think you'll like it, Brighteyes.

Had a few Boagies at dinner tonight.
I've just read this entire thread, I think I overlooked it originally :)

I wasn't a beer drinker when I lived in Australia (I didn't drink at all, really), but have become fond of a few lagers since moving here. Kronenberg is a fave, along with Becks, Grolsch and Bud. I had a pint of Steinlager once in an aussie pub chain (Walkabout), which was lovely but just isn't on tap anywhere else, and I avoid the Walkabout.

I drank Stella when we first came back, but went off it when I discovered 1664. They do a 1664 'blanc' here, but I've never tasted it. They also do 1664 in cans with one of those widget things, which tasted a little smoother (the poster says it has smaller bubbles - fuck knows if it does:)).

Still not a huge drinker cos I'm trying to lose weight, but I'm tempted to branch out now, especially since I've found out about www.beerhere.co.uk which sells mixed cases of beers from around the world (including Steinlager!). Lovely.
Yeah - go into a pub here and ask for a pint of 'wife beater' and they'll give you Stella. That says a lot I think.

Bud is cos it's cheaper than water here, so good to fill out the drinks fridge for a party, but I don't buy it for myself.

I have to admit to being afeared of real ales - but I should look into them and try some, just to get some variety.