Miscellaneous beer thread

It'd take Brian quite a while to walk to work. He'd be tanked by the time he got there.

I've had some beer from that brewery you went to, Spiff. Where was it in relation to the city? Why didn't I go?!

I had a Blue Tongue last year, Sprucey. It was pretty good from memory.

You're right, Sydo, the James Squire Amber Ale is great.

I went to a pub in South Melbourne with a micro brewery attached to it today. Excellent stuff - it seems some good beer is brewed in Melbourne after all. :)
It was about an hour's walk from the city I think, Winnie, maybe a bit shorter. We caught a train and then, once we worked out where it was on the map, walked back to town.
Ah well, maybe next time. It's awesome how so many people speak such good English there.

Last night I went to Transit, which is about Transport at Federation Square here in Melbourne. I bought a pot of Carlton Pure Blonde, thinking it would be cheaper than the other beer on offer, Stella. To my shock and awe, it cost.....


Never in my life have I had a beer as overpriced as that. Oh dear.
On the back of that insanely expensive beer which nobody commented on, leaving me feeling like a Leonard Cohen record, I had some excellently cheap beer last night.

Went to Pugg Mahones in the city, where they served pints of Guinness, Bulmer's cider or Tooheys New for $3 till 9pm, $4 till 11pm, then $5 after that. Awesome.
Yeah boozle is good!

I reckon I should have done what you said, Brian! I was only at that joint because it was a mate's birthday.

I'm taking you with me next time, Southy!
It probably will cover it eventually....with any luck.

Yeah for sure, a beer is on the agenda. Come down see Melbourne sometime! It's been 3 1/2 years since we had a beer in Brisvegas. I must get back up there sometime too. Maybe when my uncle's second kid is born.