Most overrated bands

The Greys said:
Listen to soulside journey. This is when the band played death metal.

Consuming Impulse has mentioned people sucking cocks so much......... HOMO

The only one that sucks cock is you buddy. You get tea bagged.

Damn I don't like Darkthrone. I must not be tr00 enough for this forum. Sorry that I'm not allowed to have opinions differing from a lot of people in this forum.
You do of course realize that The Greys was suggesting you check out an album of theirs that ISN'T raw black metal, for your own sake, right?
You do of course realize that The Greys was suggesting you check out an album of theirs that ISN'T raw black metal, for your own sake, right?

Yeah I also got the part about how I should get teabagged because my musical tastes differ from his. I've heard the album and I do think it is better than their later stuff but I was referring to what everybody seems to consider "essential" albums by them such as Transylvanian Hunger and A Blaze in the Northern Sky which I consider to be utter shit.
dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
Yeah I also got the part about how I should get teabagged because my musical tastes differ from his. I've heard the album and I do think it is better than their later stuff but I was referring to what everybody seems to consider "essential" albums by them such as Transylvanian Hunger and A Blaze in the Northern Sky which I consider to be utter shit.
They are not utter shit. You may not like them but they are utter shit. If you can't hear what it is that Darkthrone is going for and how they have clearly succeeded with those releases then yes you should be teabagged. But if it is only a matter of "I don't care for it", then whatever your loss.
dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
Not really. I've heard a good share of bands that have really raw production and I like some of them but it seems like Darkthrone has shitty production just to cover up the fact that they can't play their instruments.
They play their instruments just fine. Playing simple music is different than playing bad music.
The funny thing about Darkthrone is, even though they have a very unpleasant production, it is not to "cover up" anything. You can heard everything just fine!
Crimson Velvet said:
The funny thing about Darkthrone is, even though they have a very unpleasant production, it is not to "cover up" anything. You can heard everything just fine!
Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Korn, Slipknot, HIM, and Disturbed are the most overrated bands, in my opinion. Their music is generic, cliche, and tries oh-so-hard to be badass. I'm especially fed up with CoF and HIM trying with all their little black hearts to be 'goth'. Yes, writing songs about vampires and Satan is SOOOO goth, Dani!
Carcassian said:
They're not trying to be goth. You appear to have very little idea of what "goth" is.
They ARE trying, but they're failing miserably. Maybe they started as a bandwagon-jumper after the Oslo church burnings, but now that the goth stereotype is cool, they're writing songs about vampires, and gore, etc. Their song "Gothic Romance" is one fine example of bastardizing the gothic subculture. The song has absolutely nothing to do with "Gothic Romance" --a style of novel in the 17-1800's. Now all those Snot Topic worshippers think CoF are the unholy kings of goff.
I was being sarcastic about the "vampires and gore and satan are goth" part, by the way, because CoF tends to write almost nothing but that subject.