Most overrated bands

Draconysius said:
They ARE trying, but they're failing miserably. Maybe they started as a bandwagon-jumper after the Oslo church burnings, but now that the goth stereotype is cool, they're writing songs about vampires, and gore, etc. Their song "Gothic Romance" is one fine example of bastardizing the gothic subculture. The song has absolutely nothing to do with "Gothic Romance" --a style of novel in the 17-1800's. Now all those Snot Topic worshippers think CoF are the unholy kings of goff.
I was being sarcastic about the "vampires and gore and satan are goth" part, by the way, because CoF tends to write almost nothing but that subject.

Where to start. Ok, from the beginning.

They were writing songs about Vampires long before this current "goth" trend. The current "goth" trend has very little to do with ACTUAL goth culture, as evidenced in the sounds of the early Sisters of Mercy, Christian Death etc.

The lyrics are very reminiscent of the Gothic writers, particularly novels such as "The Monk" and "Castle Rackrent". The prediliction with vampy, cliched horror also harkens back to themes found in the Hammer Horror series of films, which certainly predates whichever pop-punk outfits you are thinking about. "Gothic romance" has nothing to do with the dyed-hair fat-chicks at the mall sub-culture, but rather more to do with the literary tradition of ghouls, virgin-victims and rattling chains.

personally i dont think that CoF tries to be anything other than CoF and there image is just whatever it is. can't wait to here where they go with their new cd whenever that thing gets released. i bet it'll fire up the old "CoF sucks" bullshit on this board like never before and i'll bet the term sellout comes up a few times.:Puke:

and carcassian once more speaks wisdom which makes up for the time that he refered to katatonia as a second rate paradise lost or at least something along those lines.
cookiecutter said:
Although I am not a fan, their appeal is that they are melodic, catchy, good musicians, and accessible.

accessability and melody is the main reason I don't like them.
Personally I think Slipknot is one of the most over rated nu-metal bands around. There are probably Slipknot fans on here which is fine as this is just my opinion, but the majority of the songs are fairly poor when you compare them to other metal bands. Also they have like 3 pointless members that do hardly anything in a show but everyone still loves them for the sheer fact that they are "hardcore" or whatever but tbh they aren't original and really are just singing about the same stuff as other bands that people haven't heard of.
ender7227 said:
Overrated nu-metal bands... isn't that obvious? ALL nu-metal is overrated.
I think Metallica is overrated, as well as CoF and Dimmu Borgir.

Yeah dude I get sick of people saying shit like Slipknot and other nu-metal bands are overrated. NO SHIT. Tell us bands that most people don't think are overrated.