Movie tread

I just watched Capitalism a Love Story. That shit was depressing as hell. Been doing research in that area (thinking about focusing on economic sociology as my final focus) and the more I read the more fucking depressed I get. That movie just compounded that depression into a big ball. It's a great movie, actually, and I went and checked out his sourcing and his case is pretty fucking solid.
I just watched Capitalism a Love Story. That shit was depressing as hell. Been doing research in that area (thinking about focusing on economic sociology as my final focus) and the more I read the more fucking depressed I get. That movie just compounded that depression into a big ball. It's a great movie, actually, and I went and checked out his sourcing and his case is pretty fucking solid.

Ohhh I've wanted to watch that one for a long time! Thanks for posting it, I'd completely forgotten (and I do follow Michael Moore hehe). I also recommend Super Size Me, Food Inc., King Corn, The Cove and Blue Gold.
Ohhh I've wanted to watch that one for a long time! Thanks for posting it, I'd completely forgotten (and I do follow Michael Moore hehe). I also recommend Super Size Me, Food Inc., King Corn, The Cove and Blue Gold.

I really want to see The Cove, but I get this feeling I'm going to get very, very, very depressed.. Blue Gold, though, I've never heard of.
I really want to see The Cove, but I get this feeling I'm going to get very, very, very depressed.. Blue Gold, though, I've never heard of.

The Cove is certainly depressing, but it's also a very interesting film. It's not your average "Japanese are killing whales and dolphins (as usual)" film, but provides very intriguing insights into all the media coverage in the country; about things such as high methane levels (2000 "ppm" instead of 0.02) in dolphins that are being sold as regular fish in Tokyo. In other words: Caaaanceeeeeeer!

I've watched a part of Capitalism, and I must says it's Michael Moore's best film since Bowling for Columbine. To be honest, I think it might be his best film.

I haven't watched Blue Gold, but here's how I got it: See that "See what similar items other costumers bought" on Amazon? There're a lot of fascinating documentaries/anything that are recommend there, so just look up a movie that you like and then check the recommendations. Pretty easy, huh? :p
I really want to see The Cove, but I get this feeling I'm going to get very, very, very depressed.. Blue Gold, though, I've never heard of.

Have you seen Food Inc.? If you haven't, you definitely should! It's about the corrupt, polluting food industry of the US.

I saw Inception yesterday! It's an excellent movie, definitely not your average Hollywood rubbish. It actually makes you think, and proposes some interesting philosophical questions. I love how they talk about the dreams within dreams topic, something which has happened to me and personally hate (har har).
But wow, so many layers of dreams! It's wondrous to see how they "jump" through the dream layers. [SPOILER ENDS.]

Will watch again!
I saw The Machinist on B-R and one of the most bizarre movies ever: Naked Lunch. It's really shocking, not just visually, but when you realize what's really happening. The acting is awesome. Robocop as an agent/bug exterminator addict to his own bug powder - so is his wife -, Warlock the wizard as a swiss millionaire predatory gay and Bilbo Baggins as a writer with a living Lovecraftian type writer, how it can be bad?
I saw Inception the night before my birthday, and it is one of the top five movies I have ever seen. Fucking fantastic!
I saw Inception the night before my birthday, and it is one of the top five movies I have ever seen. Fucking fantastic!

It's definitely not in my top 5 (not even 20), it has some flaws (didn't like the final parts so much), but it's, undoubtedly, a great movie. Much better than your usual Hollywood rubbish (though I still prefer Toy Story 3. Oh I cried so much.)

I wanted to play Det Sjunde Inseglet to my students, but it's kind of purposeless since they know naught of English… and Svenska :p .
I just got finished watching "House by the cemetery" an old Italian horror film by Fulci. It was quite decent & atmospheric. Here is the trailer.

I just watched Capitalism a Love Story. That shit was depressing as hell. Been doing research in that area (thinking about focusing on economic sociology as my final focus) and the more I read the more fucking depressed I get. That movie just compounded that depression into a big ball. It's a great movie, actually, and I went and checked out his sourcing and his case is pretty fucking solid.

This sounds like a film I have to see. I can imagine this subject can make you depressed though, or motivated. ;)
I just got finished watching "House by the cemetery" an old Italian horror film by Fulci. It was quite decent & atmospheric. Here is the trailer.

if you wanna see some really interesting italian horror movie, forger about dario argento or fulci, which are the most famous but not the best in my opinion. try with pupi avati, he's the master of italian horrors! he is a film director, not specialized in horror, but when he deals with this genre i think he is superb and way more obscure and sick than better known artists!
try with "house with the laughing windows" "the misterious enchanter" (probably his best film!!!!) and "the hideout"

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i would like to mention also this, probably the best horror movie i've seen in the last 3 years. shoot in one signle room, with only 5-6 actors and probably with a low budget, but incredibly claustrophobic and innovative.

sorry it's in french
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Since I moved to Santiago I've seen tons of movies and some anime, mostly thrillers. Here is a small list of the films:

Dread - based on a Clive Barker's story
Zebraman, from Miike.
Genesis, from Cerdá - excellent short film
The Chaser
if you wanna see some really interesting italian horror movie, forger about dario argento or fulci, which are the most famous but not the best in my opinion. try with pupi avati, he's the master of italian horrors! he is a film director, not specialized in horror, but when he deals with this genre i think he is superb and way more obscure and sick than better known artists!
try with "house with the laughing windows" "the misterious enchanter" (probably his best film!!!!) and "the hideout"

Haha great! I love the desolate evil vibe in Italian horror. Im also a big fan of the spaghetti westerns. Sergio Leone, and Sergio Corbucci they made some wow, just wow films.
oooh. looks like there are some movies above that I must check out!! Nice thread. Last movie I saw was Resident Evil in 3D last weekend. Eh, it was alright, I guess. Never was a fan. Reminded me of the Matrix. Other than that, Argento's Phenomena.