
I just watched the video for 'Not Falling', and it's not a bad song. I agree that the drummer and bassist are the highlight from what i have seen, although drumming isn't particularly eye-opening in Not Falling.

I found the song itself to be ok, but a bit repetitve after a while. All in all though it's quite an original sound, and they sound like good musicians.

Hehe, that's good. =) Not Falling is a pretty standard sounding song. Most people seem to think its among the stronger on End of All Things.... because its so catchy, but there's others I like better. End of All Things.... is both more standardized but at the same time still oddly experimental, there's a LOT of different things going on in there, just like LD50.

My favourite video was for Death Blooms, even though it was all chopped-up to shit. Then Not Falling, then Dig, and lastly World So Cold....that video kind of sucks, again because they chop-up the song and because they look really normal in that video. >_< Lost all the imaginative visuals.....and the set in it is ugly too.
As far as bands that are in the 'mainstream' loop of things, Mudvayne are probably the band I like the most. I haven't heard anything I don't like from them, which I really can't say anymore about too many bands that are/were considered 'nu metal' or whatever genre name you like.
I like the World So Cold video. You get to see the band members as they actually are. They are pretty cool looking people. Too bad they butchered the song with cuts.

Some of Mudvayne's newer riffs have melodies in them that remind me of bands like Killswitch Engage and stuff, but don't expect a full Gothenburg sound. Like, the one riff in Silenced, or some of the riffs in Not Falling or Mercy/Severity, or the other one(the heavier main riff) in WSC.
The distortion on the guitar parts is a little too treble-oriented if you ask me. It's so heavy on the treble, I can make out the riffs, but only barely. It really sounds like shit live. I totally agree with whoever said they need to get rid of that GUUG or whatever he's called now. I was actually at a gig here in San Antonio and between songs, someone threw a bigass boot (not cowboy boot, goth boot) right at him. He got on the mic and was like 'who the FUCK threw that thing? Hey if you see that fucker, knock him out!" haha :)
Stick to their albums if you like them cause they are one wait.........THE WORST band Ive ever seen live. Sounded like shit, the vocalist just stood in one spot with his foot on the speaker for 45 fucking minutes. I was expecting so much more after I listened to the new album. I kinda liked it but live they were just soooo bad.
SunlapseVertigo said:
Really? I think their new album has an awesome guitar tone. If anything, i would place that description to crappy-produced black metal albums....

I know what you mean - crappy production = tr00 and kvlt man! Who needs to hear the riff itslef when you've got the atmosphere!

Yeah I know what you mean I think it's something to to with "Dischords" :confused: someone told me once, Korn have the same effect, the type of chords and effects they use don't suit with the human brain, that's why cheesy power metal ManOwaR, Hammerfall gives you that uplifting feeling, the chord sounds are more natural as opposed to strange augmented things, Immolation gives me a headache, but earache is more obvious with listening to Immolation.
I'm not a fan of Mudvayne. I agree their rhythm section is very talented, but the guitarist is weak and the vocalist is annoying. Plus their songs are weak (in my opinion).
IMO they are better than all the other bands that are considered "nu-metal" such as Slipknot, Disturbed, Puddle Of Mudd, Korn, etc.. For some reason I cannot get into them though. Tney have some metallish riffs, but then the guitars always seem to soften up once the vocals kick in. Definitely not a bad band though.
Nope, boring worthless garbage. Whiney angst ridden vocals, bland freatureless drumming, simple repetative riffs and songwriting which would look bad on an In Flames album. I couldn't give a shit whether they're mallcore or not, they suck really, really bad.
That's like saying Death Metal 'doesn't exist. Whether you approve of the term or not, it is a phrase that is commonly used to describe this genre of music.

What's the problem?