Negur Bunget - Vîrstele Pmîntului - REVIEWS & PREVIEWS

How? Emi said that the Aural Webstore will be the only way to order it, and as far as I can see it's not there yet.

here's the truth:

1) the auralwebstore will be the first and only to sell the earthbox when it will be available for several weeks.
2) after 3 or 4 weeks we'll give few copies (10%) to some other distributors and to the band (20%).
3) the band decided to accept preorders with a bit too much advance in my opinion, many customers decided to trust the band and now they are forced to wait a loooooooooooong time to get their earthbox, because the band is on their european tour that will last until may 31th. in the best case the band will be able to ship the preorders around mid june, and they are accepting preorders since mid february... :u-huh:
4) we at Aural Music decided to wait until we know for SURE when the boxes will be ready (the picture you see is just a prototype), so when we start we can inform our customers WHEN they will receive the box, without having to wait 2, 3 or even 4 months.
Yeah, that is very thoughtful of you. I ordered the Maestrit Artbook and the Woodbox from them, i guess its a matter of having patience then :)


L’année 2010 sera l’année Negura bunget ou ne sera pas ! En effet les roumains sortent de la brume transylvanienne avec deux fagots sous le bras : « Maiestrit » (Cf. Chronique) et ce réel nouvel opus « Virstele pamintului » qui sort sur Code 666 avec plusieurs formats de sortie, dont cd, vinyl et coffret en bois authentique des forets roumaines. Alors que raconte ce cinquième album et ce nouveau line up ? Sent-il le sapin ?

Le moins que l’on puisse dire c’est que les fans de black attendaient de pied ferme cet album car depuis 2006 le groupe c’était fait assez discret, sans doute occupé à élaborer toutes sortes de potions magiques car le (nouveau) combo roumain est très lié avec les forces de la nature, le cosmos, l’univers et la place de l’homme dans tout ceci. Coté artwork d’ailleurs on ne se trompe pas avec un design plutôt moderne pour le style malgré tout (on évite la foret traditionnelle) pour un tronc et des branches mortes sur un fond blanc, qui est en adéquation avec la musique proposée assez ouverte.
Coté production également, on est dans le grand et le sublime avec une réalisation très propre et où tous les instruments et ambiances prennent largement leur place. Car oui attention, le groupe propose du black, mais avec beaucoup de parcimonie, juste quelques touches pour donner le coté sombre et malsain. Le reste n’est qu’ambiances atmosphériques ou folk, de toutes beautés. Le chant masculin se fait donc black et bestial, mais aussi parlé, en vieux roumain par exemple. Percussions, synthé en arrière plan mais ne prenant jamais le devant, xylophone, flute, chants divers, et tous les instruments classiques du metal, bref, une véritable osmose entre tous ces instruments traditionnels ou modernes. Il faut bien avouer que le groupe est meilleur dans les parties plus intimistes et instrumentales/ambient car ils proposent une musique personnelle, qui ne se retrouve pas forcement dans les passages black assez typiques et « classiques ». Mais les contrastes sont assez saisissants et captivants. Cloches de vaches, ambiances païennes et folk, c’est un véritable festival mystique dont il est facile de se perdre et de divaguer. Le tout avec classe et une parfaite maitrise du sujet.

La Transylvanie est donc de retour avec un sublime album qui devrait satisfaire tous les amateurs de mélodies, d’atmosphères brumeuses et parfois bucoliques. Une réussite totale pour ce groupe qui connait une très forte notoriété dans le genre et qui a bien mérité ses galons, mais qui propose ici une nouvelle page plus ouverte et variée : ne passez pas à coté de cet album aéré et réussi.
Hi all

For French readers: here's the review which appears in the Spring issue of Transit Mag, switzerland...

NEGURĂ BUNGET | Vîrstele Pămîntului (2010)

Negura Bunget aurait dû sombrer corps et biens. Ainsi en avaient décidé Sol Faur et Hupogrammos. Mais Negru a choisi de continuer à mener seul la barque. Et voici que surgit de la brume ce ‘Vîrstele Pămîntului’. Privé de ses forces créatrices, le vaisseau roumain allait-il se perdre en mer ? Difficile de ne pas succomber à cette crainte. De fait, ce cinquième album est loin de la richesse du génial ‘Om’. Heureusement, Negru a eu la clairvoyance de s’en aller voguer sous d’autres latitudes. L’ossature n’a guère changé. On retrouve cet équilibre entre black metal, instruments folkloriques et pointes postrock. Mais l’âme se fait plus traditionnelle, plus majestueuse. Flûtes et guitares acoustiques ne cèdent le pas que très tard à un orage de riffs sombres sur ‘Pămînt’. ‘Dacia Hiperborean㒠se construit par petites touches successives – synthés, arpèges aigus, batterie – jusqu’à la douloureuse explosion, dans un crescendo évoquant les structures du postrock. Le nouvel équipage du batteur excelle dans l’art de créer des pièces évocatrices. Si la noirceur est omniprésente (‘Tara De Dincolo de Negură’, ‘Chei De Rouă’), elle est toujours enrobée de douceur, de majesté, de tristesse (‘Întoarcerea Amurgului’, ‘Arborele Lumii’). Negura Bunget n’a pas coulé. Le vaisseau fantôme navigue toujours aussi fièrement. [Dave]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Artist: Negura Bunget
Title: Vîrstele Pamîntului
Type: Album
Label: Code 666 [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]
When it came to picking my album of the decade I chose ‘Om’ the 2006 release from Negura Bunget without a second’s hesitation. It was pretty much everything I looked for in my music; atmospheric, passionate, transcendental, mesmerising, majestic, brutal and I could go on but you get the picture. However the utter shock that saw 2/3 of the essential line up leaving in 2009 made me wonder about the follow up album and despair that we were never going to even see it arriving. I was in fact rather angry as things unfolded in the press to hear that Negru was going to carry on with the band after the departure of Hupogrammos and Sol'Faur, against their wishes. How dare he, was my initial thought but after calming down and learning that the previous members were going to come back with new project Dordeduh and that Negru had got new members on board as well as some of the previous live players all sharing in the writing of the music, I realised that we might even end up with two good bands from the turmoil. [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Firstly and importantly I am pleased to say that I very much consider ‘Vîrstele Pamîntului’ as being the natural evolution of what we heard on ‘Om.’ It is an incredibly spiritual and natural listen and again that word transcendental springs to mind. The ideology behind the recording is to quote the band “about places of the earth and places of the spirit, about bounds transcending worlds,” and once the first few hesitant listens sunk in that is exactly what I realised I was hearing. We never did hear exactly why the others left the band and I can only hypothesise about this. The real brutality behind previous recordings has been on the whole replaced by this feel of (well in a word) Omness. Perhaps they were wanting to get back to the primitive, which is something the departing members did with aplomb on the reinterpretation of the Maiastru Sfetnic album ‘Maiestrit’ which you can also read about on this review update. [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Apparently the album title translates as ‘The Ages of the Land/Earth’ although as for the actual song titles and lyrics I have no further information. What I can describe is the music itself and the album that weighs in around 55 minutes starts on a completely breathtaking note with ‘Pamint’ Think of the pan-pipe breezing out melody around tinkling cowbells. You are immediately taken to lush mountains as it fragrantly meanders and builds. There is some definite Ennio Morricone about this make no mistake and it is possibly the greatest piece of music not to great a cigarillo chewing Clint Eastwood striding purposely to unleash carnage. Instead we have new vocalist Corb passionately addressing the heavens as the music builds to a crescendo and at highest peak everything else comes blazing into play as we explode into majestic guitars, bass, drum and the ever atmospheric keyboards. What an entrance and if this does not literally floor you all I can say is that someone must have stolen your soul. As things progress you will pick out fragments and nuances that take you back to ‘Om.’ Inia’s keyboard playing is fantastical and otherworldly as we enter ‘Dacia Hiperboreana’ and witness that unique trembling guitar sound that the band seems to have. Acoustically this is really enchanting stuff and if anything lack of brutality is not so important as the music literally bristles with life and you know there are going to be moments of aggression to come. Come they do with the vocals becoming more strident and heartfelt; what Corb is cursing is beyond me but he does a fine job of it. There is a really uplifting melody too as this one unravels so perhaps the gods looked down, heard the call and offered some reward. [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]The songs are long, involving and have a wealth of ideas about them. It must have been interesting getting a full band contributing to the writing of this and the players no doubt all brought plenty of different facets to the recording. ‘Ochiul Inimii’ finally sees a bloodcurdling rasp unleashed and the music does go off on a charged gallop for a while with the xylophone clattering hell for leather behind it. The vocals are actually pretty versatile and we get some clean crooning on ‘Chei De Roua’ which really suits the song and makes things take on a bit of a different vibe before the drums batter in again and they growl away. It is impossible to pick a highlight although the first track is perhaps the most evocative opener I have heard in a long time. This is very much an album that needs to be listened to in one hit and woe betide anyone interrupting. I also think that like ‘Om’ it would be fantastic if the band played it completely live. After a highly charged and downright eerie instrumental section the jagged guitar fire of ‘Arborele Lumii’ stands out and sees the band playing a song without any real traditional instruments and retaining a metal feel to things at odds with most of the rest of the album. [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]As far as Vîrstele Pamîntului is concerned the question is not shall I buy this album but which version shall I get? There is no question about the fact that this is every bit as essential as seeing the band on tour is. As per usual the group are releasing a special version “handmade woodbox, roped and filled with the very earth of the place it comes from.” And yes with music as good as this it’s actually worth buying what is essentially a lump of mud! Another album for those end of year lists, whether it will be remembered as fondly at the end of this decade however remains to be seen. [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1] Pete Woods [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]



Negura Bunget

Tech/Extreme Prog Metal

From, the ultimate progressive rock music website

The organic and inorganic are here intertwined to an extent hitherto unseen in the atmospheric black metal genre. As the previous reviewer noted, these compositions exhibit an ethnic, folk foundation. I would argue that this is black metal with the structure of folk music; black metal is the canvas upon which rich, ethnic oil paint is slathered. This is by far the most "progressive," multifaceted, and unconventional black metal album I've encountered.This is likely to polarize opinion and, as such, draw an undeservedly mediocre rating. Fans of "Om" will either love this album for pushing the boundaries, or be disappointed that it lacks much of the melodic black metal core of the previous work. This promises to be one of the darkest albums of 2010, at any rate.


NEGURA BUNGET (ROM)-“Varstele Pamantului” CD’10
(CODE 666)
Iata ca am apucat sa ascult in tihna noul material. Acum o luna si jumatate, la auditia oficiala organizata de Negru in Bucuresti, am ramas usor confuzat... asta poate si datorita faptului ca am mers pe o idee preconceputa... sa vad cum suna NEGURA BUNGET fara cei doi... si daca e sa privesc astfel, soundul sufera... De aceea cel mai corect ar fi sa prezint albumul din 2 perspective...

Prima, cea care face trimitere la istoria trupei si muzica compusa pana acum: nu mai discutam de nimic ce era, de nimic ce sa aiba legatura cu transcedentalul “Om”, de instrumentatia in forta, de virtuozitatea chitarilor sau impunatoarea voce masculina!

Conceptul pare insa sa fie acelasi, trimiterile ancestrale fiind mult mai vizibile, Folk-ul devenind unealta principala a sunetului iar keyboard-ul mai prezent ca nicicand... Deci e clar, cel putin pentru mine, noul NEGURA BUNGET nu are nici o legatura cu albumul “Om”... poate doar cu primele realizari.

Privit din perspectiva unui album independent, pot spune ca “Varstele Pamantului” va cuceri rapid o mult mai mare masa de oameni, deoarece Folk/Pagan/Viking place, e curentul la moda, mai ales strainilor! Si daca vorbim de piata europeana, Germania e principalul bastion de doborat! Iar recenziile la superlativ au aparut deja pe acolo, ceea ce ne face sa fim mandri de munca acestor timisoreni!

E bine ca nu au luat-o pe linia trupelor a caror muzica se poate dansa in hora pagana, nota Experimentala si sobra a conceptului dand o dimensiune de decenta spirituala, daca se poate spune asa...

Este clar ca partea de percutie este cea care dirijeaza “alchimia” pieselor, keyboard-ul completeaza si partile mai putin inspirate (sau hai sa le spunem cele mai simpliste), restul instrumentelor Metal fiind usor peste medie. Intregile compozitii sunt destul de simple ca structura, cu insertii Folk multiple, cu voci masculine normale intens folosite, mai ales pe principiul naratiei cursive dar si parti cu voci agresive, care nu prea m-au convins...

Sunetul este focusat pe o latura atmosferica si mai putin de virtuozitate Metal... sau, poate ca o fi virtuozitate, dar ceva se intampla cu “panelul coloristic” (exprimare plastica, desigur)... din acea nota gri inchis (ca negru nu poate fi decat in dreptul trupelor old school Black Metal), totul pare sa se transforme in ceva colorat, cu nuante luminoase, jucause...

Nu zic ca ar fi un lucru rau... din contra, varietatea stilistica este binevenita si asa putem vedea ca Metalul nu se incapataneaza in a se ancora in faze clasice si atat... dar totusi, prea putin Black si prea mult Folk (pasaje care ar putea fi comparate cu PHOENIX)...

Este totusi un sound plin de melodie, cu interludii interesante (de parca ar fi film istoric regizat de Sergiu Nicolaescu), cu o piesa foarte lucrata, “Dacia Hiperboreana”, dar si una spectaculoasa, de toata frumusetea,“Pamant” (cea mai bine gandita, structurata si interpretata piesa de pe material), cu multiple pasaje de drujba inserate aleatoriu in dinamica secventelor dar care nu prea se integreaza cu restul conceptului (treceri prea seci si brutale dintre atmosferic si brutal)... si cu o gramada de instrumente traditionale: tambal, cobza, buhai, caval, fluier, nai, xilofon... Sunt tare curios sa vad cum va suna DIN BRAD, pentru ca eu la asa ceva ma asteptam de la proiectul lui Negru!!!

NEGURA BUNGET a reusit sa contureze un “back in time” si creeaza acea aura arhaica, veche, traditionala, folclorica... cu texte in limba romana ce trateaza subiectul strabunilor nostri, dacii...

Nu mi-a placut insa calitatea mixajului, parca ceva lipseste... la o muzica atat de atmosferica cu pasaje lungi relaxate, totul ar fi trebuit sa rezoneze altfel!

In ciuda controverselor personale intre cei ce au infiintat trupa acum ani buni, trebuie sa mentionez faptul ca Negru s-a zbatut imens pentru a tine acest nume in viata, pentru a arata si altora ca NEGURA BUNGET este un nume valoros (creat si consolidat prin multa munca) care este, fara dubii, Ambasadorul Metal al Romaniei!

Si tot de mentionat e si faptul ca in mai putin de un an de zile si-a strans in jurul lui o echipa cu care a reusit sa lanseze albumul (parca se simte pe alocuri si aceasta graba)! Imi dau seama ca i-a fost foarte greu dar, daca e sa privim din acest punct de vedere, albumul este superreusit!

Dupa cum am mai spus, NEGURA BUNGET a luat-o de la zero, acest “debut” fiind unul deosebit, chiar remarcabil pentru ceea ce exista astazi in scena Metal!. Ma bucur ca recenziile sunt superpozitive (chiar maximale de la reviste mari de afara!!!), ca trupa presteaza in toata Europa in zeci de concerte, ca exista!

Continuitate nu inseamna neaparat schimbare, cat transformare.. sau un nou T0... noul NEGURA BUNGET este inca la stadiul de cocon ce are in spate avantajul numelui si un culoar fantastic de vizibilitate... privit pragmatic, totul a fost exploatat pana acum perfect... ramane de vazut daca si muzical va reusi sa se mentina la nivelul maxim pe care l-a aratat fanilor cu “Om” sau “Maiestrit”! Nu uitati, “Om” a fost pozitionat de Terrorrizer pe locul 6 din top 100 albume Black Metal de pe mapamond!!!

Written by Jake McCloskey on Saturday 27 March, 2010. Last updated on Saturday 27 March, 2010 After Hupogrammos and Sol Faur’s departure the future of the band seemed rather uncertain. I don’t intend on recapping the drama behind the scenes but it ended with the two previously mentioned members forming Dordeduh, and whether agreed upon or not Negru continued the Negură Bunget name. Four relatively new and unknown members would join him, and without two of the three men responsible for their previous opus Om many fans were filled with doubt. Now finally almost four years after Om Negru has released the “Vîrstele Pămîntului” marking a new era for one of the great modern black metal bands.
Obviously with two members the sound has changed slightly and the opener “Pamantul” strongly signals this. Rather than trying to improve on the same style as the monumental Om Negură Bunget shifts gears a bit and takes on a different approach while keeping their unmistakable sound. Negru’s dominant creative control clearly shows with the much stronger folk influence which I imagine has to do with his folk project Din Brad. This leads to some songs that are hardly metal at all, such as the album closer “Intoarcerea Amurgului”, which is also one of the stronger tracks. Also compared to the flurry of guitars on Om this offering is much more melodic, favouring tremolo picked single string guitar riffs. This mixture of melody and folk gives “Vîrstele Pămîntului” a much “earthier” sound compared to the cosmic journey of “Om”.
I can’t really say this transcends their previous album, but it’s certainly one of the best albums to come out this year. The album improves with each spin, and songs like “Arborele Lumii” and the previously mentioned “Intoarcerea Amurgului” are among the bands best. Although the previous turmoil within the band was unfortunate “Vîrstele Pămîntului” is another black metal masterpiece from Negură Bunget. And hey now fans have twice as much music to look forward to with Dordeduh’s debut hopefully being released this year.

rate: 10/10 !!!!!

Negura Bunget - Virstele Pamintului Review von Kruemel vom 04.04.2010 (63 mal gelesen)
Manchmal weiß ich einfach nicht, wo ich anfangen soll... seltsamerweise besonders dann nicht, wenn mir eine Scheibe besonders gut gefällt. Um also das Fazit gleich vorweg zu nehmen: die Fans von NEGURA BUNGET haben nicht umsonst vier Jahre gewartet! Denn mit ihrem neuen Album "Virstele Pamintului" erschufen die im Black Metal verwurzelten Transilvanier ein sehr mystisches und gleichzeitig progressives Kunstwerk.

Bereits mit den ersten Tönen des Openers 'Pamint' wird klar, dass man es hier nicht mit dem "üblichen" Black Metal, wie man ihn etwa von den nordischen Vertretern dieses Genres kennt, zu tun hat. Keine fiesen kalten Gitarrenwände und Blastbeats schallen aus den Boxen. Vielmehr spielen zarte Panflöten, Viehglocken und vorsichtig gezupfte Saiteninstrumente eine leise Melodie, zu der später Klänge aufeinander schlagender Holzstöcken und beschwörende Sprechgesang hinzukommen. So wird eine unglaublich mystische Spannung aufgebaut, die am Schluss des Liedes dann doch in atmosphärischem Black Metal gemäßigten Tempos endet. Auch 'Dacia Hiperboreana' ist mit seinen sphärischen Keyboard- und Gitarrensound und spärlich eingesetzten sehr emotional wirkenden Vocals sehr spannend. Das epische Instrumtal 'Umbra' wirkt einfach nur faszinierend.

Eigentlich wird in allen Liedern auf "Virstele Pamintului" Atmosphäre und Spannung die größte Bedeutung zuteil. Und obwohl die Kompositionen stellenweise auch recht progressiv sind, wie z. B. 'Ochiul Inimii' oder 'Tara De dinicolo De Negura'), ist keiner der Songs überladen. Insgesamt wird durch die verschiedenen Elemente und Melodien eine unglaubliche Dichte vermittelt. Oft kommen wie bereits oben erwähnt ursprünglich anmutende Instrumente zum Einsatz: Panflöte und Glocken ebenso wie Hörner und Trommeln. Der Gesang mag für den ein oder anderen ein wenig ungewohnt klingen, wechselt er doch zwischen kräftigen Kreisch-Vocals und fast volkstümlich anmutenden Stimmen. Trotzdem passt er perfekt zu NEGURA BUNGET's Werk, welches sowohl thematisch als auch musikalisch unheimlich "schwer" und erdgebunden ist. Es besitzt einfach eine magische Ausstrahlung und mystische Tiefe, die einen bei jedem Hören immer wieder in ihren Bann zieht und somit nie langweilig werden lässt.

Anspieltipps: einfach alles... und da das selten vorkommt, gibt's von mir nach langer Zeit mal wieder die vollen 10 Blutstropfen!

Gesamtwertung: 10.0 Punkte

9,4/10 !!!!!




Erik Thomas

View Profile There are some heavy expectations for Negura Bunget and Vîrstele Pamîntului, not in only following up 2006's critically acclaimed Om – an arguably classic, landmark black metal album that elevated the band to an Emperor-like pedestal -- but also in founding member Negru doing it with an entirely new band after a split with the other original guitarist/vocalist Hupogrammos and long time bassist Sol Faur. However, with the new line-up, Negru has managed to continue the essence of Om and Negura Bunget.

I’ll say this right away; Vîrstele Pamîntului (loosely translated to ‘Land of Ages’ or ‘Ages Land’) is no Om -- at least, not musically. But it's still a magnificent album, and despite a lessening of black metal elements and much more emphasis on ethnic ambience, you can feel the very essence of the band and of Negru, Romania, seeping and dripping from every note and instrument on what is most-assuredly a painstaking work of art. Heck, you can even get a special edition of the album with some soil from Romania contained.

Still melding Romanian ethnicity and black metal, Vîrstele Pamîntului is instantly recognizable as Negura Bunget but takes it's time to get going, taking your hand and leading you slowly and artfully through time and history, with mystical nods to a regal and strife-ridden nation, to the Bulgars, Moldavians, the Vlachs and, some say, the very origins of Dracula. The essence of the Carpathian mountains, where Dacian Romans and Goth clashed, where Huns roamed and where the Ottoman Empire collided with the West. And all of this is contained in the notes that fill Vîrstele Pamîntului. The first two tracks “Pãmînt” and “Dacia Hiperborean㔠will test patient listeners with almost ten minutes of ambient ethnicity, spoken words, whispering and pained calls to God. About three minutes into “Dacia Hiperboreanã," new vocalist Corb and Negru deliver a steady double bass march over some stirring synths and shimmering guitars and the tone for the album is set. If anything, Vîrstele Pamîntului is moving, but it rarely enters into anything blistering, with a steady gait and trot throughout most of the black metal parts.

However, ethnic tranquility and craggy majestic ambient hues fill most of the album, such as the aforementioned first three tracks as well as “Umbra”, “Jar” and “Întoarcerea Amurgului”. It's not until four tracks in with “Ochiul Inimii” where you get a sense of anything vaguely black metal, but it's still a steady, controlled rage, and it's all drenched in Slavic/Balkan instrumentation and atmospheres that are simply captivating. “Chei de Rouã”, “Tara de Dincolo de Negur㔠and “Arborele Lumii” are the album's most direct, harsh black-ish tracks, but amid the shrill riffs, screams and Slavic austerity, Corb displays his fittingly accented clean croon. If Dracula were in a black metal band, this is how he'd sound.

As with Om, Vîrstele Pamîntului isn’t just an album, it's an experience--an experience driven by (and filled with) ethnic and historical pride that you can feel and not just hear. I’m reminded of the recent Nechochwen release--even those disappointed in the lack of truly vehement black metal should still appreciate the sheer amount of artistic brilliance and deeply rooted passion that fills this release that is not superior to Om, but a more than worthy follow up.

10/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ist es wirklich schon vier Jahre her, als das göttliche Album “Om” erschien? Für mich ein absoluter Meilenstein und hätte ich die Review hier für Bloodchamber geschrieben, dann hätte ich Höchstpunktzahl gezückt. Damals wie heute. Doch es hat sich im Lager NEGURA BUNGET viel getan. Hupogrammos und Sol Faur sind verschwunden und treiben nun gemeinsam mit DORDEDUH ihr Unwesen. Doch Negru hat schnell neue Leute um sich gescharrt, um ein neues Album aufzunehmen und eine Tour vorzubereiten. Doch kann er an “Om” anknüpfen, auf der Hupogrammos und Sol Faur beim Songwriting ja nicht unbeteiligt waren? Nun, ich werde es sehen.

Kuhglocken, Panflöte, eine Zither. So vernimmt man die ersten Töne des Albums. Ein Bucium erklingt und Holzhämmerchen klopfen eine Melodie (!!). Folkloristisch und naturell kommt “Pamint” rüber, dazu ein rumänischer Monolog, der sich zu einem fast schon beschwörenden Gesang steigert. Auch die folkloristische Gitarre wird langsam lauter, der Gesang wird wütender und die Rumänen legen mit ihrem Metal los. Der neue Sänger Corb steht hier keinesfalls im Schatten Hupogrammos’. Nein, er ist sogar sehr ähnlich. Die Melodie, wie immer, wunderschön, wie es nur NEGURA BUNGET hinbekommen. Dann eine kurze Ruhe, ein Keybord ertönt. “Dacia Hiperboreana” handelt keineswegs von der rumänischen Automarke, sondern von einem Gebiet, was die Rumänen um ca. 200 unserer Zeitrechnung nördlich der Donau besiedelten. NEGURA BUNGET versteht es, mit ungewöhnlichen Instrumenten eine Stimmung aufzubauen, in der man die Augen schließt und man sich in die Berge Rumäniens versetzt fühlt. Und hier kommt dann Corb erstmals so richtig zum Einsatz und zeigt, dass er es wirklich drauf hat. Ob Growls oder Gekeife, er steht dem alten Sänger in nichts nach. Die Musik, episch, majestätisch, einfach schön.
Ein Keybordteppich breitet sich aus, auf ihn werden Percussions gelegt, die zur konzentrativen Entspannung wunderbar dienen können und dann folgt “Ochiul Inimii”, mit akustischen Gitarren zu Beginn. Kurze Ruhe, pulsierendes Drumming, Corb spricht …, und dann wird es morgenländisch anmutend. Doch dies ist nicht von Dauer, denn die Rumänen zeigen nun auch mal ihr derbstes Black Metal-Herz. Corb keift sich seine Seele aus dem Leib und geht später in ultratiefe Growls über. Das Schwarzmetallische wird dann ab und zu immer von akustischen Einsprengseln unterbrochen, in der auch wieder Flötentöne zu vernehmen sind. Negru gibt hier sein Können am Schlagzeug zum Besten. Von Blasts bis zu ganz ungewöhnlichem Drumming mit derben Breaks.
Auch wenn “Chei De Roua” recht folkloristisch beginnt…, der Track entpuppt sich als Schwarzmetallperle, begleitet von einem Doublebass-Gewitter und heimatlichen Gesang. Das Riffing kommt bei diesem Song besonders gut und trifft auf Härte. Ein Black Metal-Kracher.
Ein Horn begleitet sägende Gitarren und die Blastbeats setzen ein. Corb keift in bester Schwarzmetall-Manier und akustische Gitarren setzen ein, um eine bizarre Atmosphäre zu den Blasts zu schaffen.
Eine Stimmung, wie in einem Gruselfilm erzeugt Inia Dinia mit ihrem Keybord bei “Jar”, um einen krachenden Wechsel zu “Arborele Lumii” einzuläuten. Hier regiert ein enormes Riffgewitter, gepaart mit einprägsamer Melodie.
Spirituell wird es dann wieder zum Abschluss des Albums. Wie man es von NEGURA BUNGET kennt, verschmelzen hier die verschiedensten Instrumente zu einem Guss wunderschönster Atmosphäre und Melodie. Ein traumhaftes Ende.

“Virstele Pamintului” enttäuscht in keiner Hinsicht. Im Gegenteil. Bei jedem erneuten Hören kommen neue Facetten zum Vorschein. Die Rumänen um Negru ist DIE Band, die es versteht, melodischen Black Metal mit folkloristischen Instrumenten zu vermengen und dabei zu keiner Zeit unauthentisch oder dilettantisch klingen. Zwar fehlt auf diesem Album ein Reißer, wie “Terasul De Lumini”, aber das ist kein wirklicher Nachteil, denn hier wurden es einem tollen Song gleich neun wunderschöne Lieder komponiert, die allesamt mitreißen. Man fühlt sich bei NEGURA BUNGET in die transilvanischen Berge eingeladen, um dort den Mythos der rumänischen Kultur und Natur zu erleben.
NEGURA BUNGET haben mit Hupogrammos und Sol Faur zwar zwei langjährige Mitstreiter verloren, aber doch ihren Spirit behalten und mit den neuen Mitgliedern mehr als nur Ersatz gefunden.
“Virstele Pamintului” steht “Om” in nichts nach und ist mir daher, welch Überraschung, die Höchstpunktzahl wert. Hier werden nicht nur Black Metaller bedient, sondern all jene, die Musik zu verstehen wissen. Jede Komposition von NEGURA BUNGET ist eine Reise in die wunderschönen Weiten der Natur.