(New) Love/Hate Thread

Like: Birthday today, 8am classes didn't suck, 1998 Daredevil.
Don't Like: Kinda hungry.

Yeah, the reader is ALRIGHT, but I think the main problem is just that it isn't as good as Comixology's reader. It feels like a big step down. Workable, of course, just... disappointing.

I read a lot of manga, so I can understand how not getting a proper reader sucks. If it's any consolation, I think the app's not too bad.
Glad you enjoy it! :D

Love : At the Gates! New album soon! Teaser sounds great!
Hate : People who just keep talking and talking and talking and talking... about mundane life bullshit (social media, iPhone woes, etc). So god damn annoying.
Well, crunch time. Sara left me in the most brutal way possible. Podcast gone, Game Surgery having it's remaining episodes uploaded ASAP, video series cancelled, Vindicator quit, all games, consoles and CDs being sold. I'm done.

Cheers, folks. You're amongst the few people on this earth I hold a vague semblance of affection for.
Oh, for fuck's sake man... I saw your post on facebook but had no idea till I saw this. I've had a really low past few days myself, but this really puts things into perspective. Don't want to pry and ask details or anything, but if you want to talk to someone you know where I am. Heaven knows you put in your time listening to my problems in the past! In the meantime, it feels weird me saying this instead of it being said to me - but don't do anything stupid. x
Heavy alcoholic medication, self-abuse, and avoiding phonecalls and the internet has helped drastically. Still not quite there, though. I think I'm on the verge of a breakthrough... couple more days.
Yeah, I fucking hate the cliché fucking wankery that is this comment but, time helps. Also, one time we will ACTUALLY have to get drunk and hang out together. No games though, I suck.
Glad to see you up and about, Dave.

Love : Opeth, Captain America's speech in Avengers #34
Hate : Waiting for my PS4, hypocritical coworkers
As with most of the world's problems, my breakdown was caused by a woman being an absolute waste of flesh with the self-awareness of a smoked salmon. After three days of solitary confinement with nothing but an absurdly high rate of alcohol consumption and a giant spider (that I named Vinnie), you tend to realise that they're not worth the matter they're composed of.

The funny part is, that her immediate response upon my return to the cesspool of society was to continue as if my breakdown hadn't happened in the first place. The difference being that this time, I know that I'm in the right. Therefore, her frothing bug-eyed self-delusions (thanks for that one, Yahtzee) and frankly astounding viciousness has little effect at this point.
LOVE: The reminiscent feeling you get when you listen to album you listened to a lot during a certain time in your life, even if it was a bad time. Actually, especially t was a bad time. I've been feeling that today and while I've not been so happy recently, the album's made me smile, made me cry and it's rekindled my (mandatory) love for the band and made me remember the hard times it helped me get through.

HATE: Caught the scar where one of my extra fingers was earlier on the corner of the (250kg+) coffee cart when I was maneuvering it backwards, I don't know why it hurts so much when I bang it - but it's a feeling like nothing else. It's left a little lump... and it hurts.

EDIT: LOL/HATE: HOw Heafy was made to sound like David Drainman on the last Trivium album - it REEEEEEEALLY sucks.