(New) Love/Hate Thread

Love: Christmas Vacation. Spent the last week in Chicago and North West Indiana with my girlfriend. Chicago was really cool- I would consider living there. Had a great time with my family in Indiana for Christmas. My brother got me Cards against Humanity and we played that Christmas Day. Never thought I would have to say "bleached asshole" or "Dick Fingers" in front of my parents. Sstill, I had a blast playing it. :D

Hate: My sister and her bullshit. Seriously, I try be chill most of the time, but hearing about the shit she is pulling with my parents and her son, my nephew, makes me want to slap the shit out of her.

Johnnie Walker Whiskey. Fuck this shit. Ended up at a bar in Chicago last Sunday night with a whiskey book, over 300 types of Whisky. I made a horrible decision and decided to do a flight of Johnnie Walker Whiskies. Four different kinds, each one was 1/3 of a shot. It was like drinking airplane fuel, I didn't make it to the last shot, felt like I was going to vomit. Guess I'll stick with Jim Beam, Jack Daniels and Fireball.
Love: Day's off. Heavy metal. Rockstar energy drinks (even though they rot my teeth)
Hate: How cold it's getting / having to stand outside and work in it for 11 hours every day.

Love / Hate: Over a year later and I'm still madballs in love with my ex, not a day goes by when I don't think (fondly) of her. She messaged me on facebook saying she misses me and have I been up to much... and it's just a reminder of how I wish she'd never let me go. It's such a fucking shame. The only girl I would've been willing to spend the rest of my life with. Not sure if it's a good thing we're on opposite sides of the world to each other or not anymore. Life eh, it's fucking shitballs mad fucking crazy fucked up but such a rollercoaster.
Love : Porcupine Tree, Superman : New Krypton Vol. 2, Metro 2033 Redux
Hate : Work, sleeping like crap
May 2015 be a better year than 2014. Best wishes to everyone who posts here or lurks around. :)

To you too!

Only 6:45 here, but happy new year to everybody else!

love: /
hate: same stuff, also hate looking for jobs here, the thought of having to move into my moms apartment when all my family moves to florida in less than two weeks
2015, same as 2014. First person that I hear say "new year, new me" today is getting drop kicked trough time and space. :lol:

Love : Batman & Robin #37, Kingdom Hearts 2 HD
Hate : Being sick and just sneezing like seven times
2014 was a damn good year, one of the best of my life. I hope 2015 is even better! And Happy New Year to all the regular posters and lurkers! Looking forward to Evile's resurgence and new albums from Havok, Vektor(I hope), and Gama Bomb.
Oh boy, 2015... New year new...

2015, same as 2014. First person that I hear say "new year, new me" today is getting drop kicked trough time and space. :lol:

Shit :lol:

Love: Getting to replay Halo 3 on the master chief collection was cool
Hate: All the same, cleaning up my room to move is making me sad. Super lame
Sadly, thatguy will no longer be posting on these forums, as he is drifting through time and space... endlessly.

Love : Invincible Ultimate Collection HC Vol. 2, Kingdom Hearts 2 HD Remix, Multiversity : Thunderworld #1, Metallica
Hate : Wisdom tooth pain. The first three were alright but this last one wants to be a bastard. God dammit.
Love : Michelinie/Layton Iron Man, Grant Morrison's Animal Man, prog, Kingdom Hearts
Hate : Closing shift at work starts soon. I can already feel the clock slowing down.
Fucking LOVE : Grant Morrison's Animal Man. The first dozen or so issues were "good", then soe weird stuff happened and it starting getting "great" up until the last few issues where the fourth wall was broken, stepped on, and crushed into dust. My head hurts. So fucking awesome.
Also love : Haken, Soen, Gojira
Hate : Not much right now