(New) Love/Hate Thread

Ah yes... shoes. Indeed. Mhm. Totally interesting to me

I only ever have one pair at a time, and honestly the last pair I had cut open the backs of my feet, still wore them for like 11 months

Love: so many cool tv shows on today
Hate: i'm behind on like 15 different shows
^ That's no good. :\

Love : Batman #38. Fucking cliffhanger was ridiculous. :yell:
Hate : Not too much, really.
Crushes suck, love stinks, although i'm probably biased at the moment. Damn girls :(


Podgie and I may as well get gay, because neither of us have terribly good luck with women :lol:

:lol: ...yeah, probably... I always thought I'd make a lovely girlfriend.

Seriously though, nah. I have awful luck. This time it's luckily (sort of) ended before it even began. Seems a beautiful girl where I work is floozy / a slag. I'm not the kind guy who takes to being told they're liked, flirted with, then finds out the person has started to go out with someone else. Not had much experience with this king of, how can I put it, attention whore. But yeah, basically she's deeeefinitely not for me! So it's all good.

Would seriously consider being an abstinent gay though.




...Unleashed and I think the last few albums have been been killer. So coming home to see this tonight made me happy. Really looking forward to it!
Hate: When small, seemingly inconsequential actions have absurdly disproportional effects. Life has a way of smacking you in the face when you least want it to.
Love : Deadpool, Anthrax, Kingdom Hearts : Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Hate : Having a dream that my nose was broken and then whenever I thought about it all day today, it actually FELT like it did in my dream. *shiver* What the fuck, brain.
Ambivalent: Sara's pulled one over on me again. Deleted me from Facebook, refusing to maintain contact, and - for a second time - going out of her way to bully me into submission. Both directly and indirectly.

The ambivalence comes from the fact that, in reality, I've had a lot of my friends (including you lot here) supporting me through everything over the past year, and... well, I'm kind of starting to lean towards the path of no fucks given. I love my kids, but the fact that Sara and her family are actively going out of their way to ensure that it's impossible for me to have a comfortable relationship with them the way I should do has kind of left me thinking "Well, it's obvious that they're not going to change. May as well take my shit and leave while I still have breath in my body". It's fucking hard, and it's unfair on the kids that I've been forced into it, but I've really been left with no other choice... and provided Sara doesn't make matters worse by fucking me over even worse in the future, I'll still get to see 'em as often as possible.

If it's gotten so bad that I'm having to go to counseling as a last-ditch attempt to save what remains of my mental well-being, then I'm in a situation that I need to get myself out of immediately. No matter how painful it is. So yeah, thanks for the kind words, gents. I don't say that often enough.
Life ain't supposed to be easy but you really chose Nightmare difficulty when you came out of the womb, eh Dave?

Hate: Still pissed off about the stuff that happened yesterday, but...
Love: My new current location. 5 month internship away from home (aka 'shitstorm central') and I am totally stoked. Though I should've learned some french before coming here...
Just saw your post Dave. What more can you do than (try to) be there for the kids and support them in any way you can. Not much else I can say but I think you're looking at it from a very grounded and mature perspective - if you're being snubbed on their families side of it then it's simply a what more can I do (right now) kind of situation. Wish you the best and hope she realises how important it is for everyone that you get the opportunity to be who you want / how you want to be, with them all.