(New) Love/Hate Thread

Fingers crossed that turns out to be the case. I'll be making a statement to social services soon to try and mitigate some of the damage done by the bloody outrageous lies that have been told about me (yet my family was never consulted about anything even once... hmmm) and just hope that it helps a little bit. Might have to told that off until i get an assessment from a counseler though.
Shit like this makes me wonder about the human race sometimes. Some guy at work in in a similar situation and was arguing with her in the break room. Shit's messed up. Hope you get it sorted amicably.

Love : Not much, really
Hate : Those shoes I wanted were limited to New York City's Jordan brand store only. eBay vultures are now looking for at least double the retail price. So pissed.
And it comes to the worst conclusion.

Hate: Just got a letter from social services. Sara has told them that we're no longer together (saves me the trouble), but in doing so has come up with an insane load of crap saying that I entered her house without permission (not true) and have been 'violently abusive' towards her since the relationship ended. As such, I'm LEGALLY not allowed to be present for the birth of my child and I'm not allowed to see Sophie unless Sara says so.

...SO basically, I've been fucking screwed and I need to get a lawyer.
Out her as the liar she is. Best of luck, Dave. :kickass:

Love : My uncle's wedding was today. It was really nice.
Hate : Not too much
Love: Spend yesterday celebrating my friend's birthday with his friends, watching the Leafs fuck up
Amazed: Watched the NBA Slam Dunk contest for the first time in years. God damn, Lavine is incredible.
Oh for the love of.... I hate people like that.

Love : Avengers #41, this band Dead Empires I just found, Far Cry 4
Hate : Work drama that's literally just drama
Love : Far Cry 4, various metal bands, Avengers vs. X-Men Companion omnibus
Hate : I think I'm getting sick...

Oh, and by the way....

Love: Another great Birthday. Went down to the Strip and saw the Cirque du Soleil show Zumanity. I also decided to treat myself and bought a new guitar amplifier at guitar center. Bought a 35 watt Orange combo amp..played it a bit last night and it sounds a lot better than my old amp. Hopefully this is the encouragement I need to play guitar more.

Hate: back to reality tomorrow.
Happy birthday, comrade! Glad you enjoyed it.

Love : The Order : 1886. Don't listen ti the internet, this game is awesome!
Hate : sick :ill: