(New) Love/Hate Thread

Love: /
Hate: One month, 4 emergency room trips, and 1 upper endoscopy later i'm still sick and in pain and don't know what's wrong. So that's fun
Love: Saw Destruction recently. It was a cool gig but a strange club. The show was ok but by far not so good as I saw em in Torcy - Fall of slumber.

Hate: That this Mike Sifringer is a complete boring and stiff asshole.. as I was starting to chat with him (after he ignored me before the show anyway) and said something like "yeah your performance at FOS festival was awesome.." he was just like in a devaluating way: "uh...you sound austrian" pff...what the fuck?
1st: not true.
second: it doesn't have a shit to do with anything!
third: I fucking hate austria anyway haha

Love : Sold a handful of things on eBay, Fullmetal Alchemist manga, Cowboy Bebop
Hate : Having my hours cut at work
Love : Cowboy Bebop
Hate : That I have to carry that weight. :(

Also love : Burnout 3 <3
Also hate : Nike's new online release policy. Begrudgingly make a Twitter account, going against all my morals? Check. Follow Nike blahblah? Check. Get shoes? NOPE. STILL NOT LUCKY ENOUGH. :mad:
The road to fresh kicks is a long and fruitful journey, young one. :lol:

Like: NBA Preseason, less than a week away
Hate: Getting double teamed by two courses. Accounting is annoying, but tax is more rough...
Hate: my high-rate consumption of alcohol really starts to suck for me but I can't help. Probably Iam a victim of circumstances. Even if I stop I still feel the hunger for it. Someday I hope I can overcome that disease. :rolleyes:
I know that road well I-T-T-D...found myself heading down it a couple of years back when I was going out every other night to watch my hockey team in the playoffs.

Hate: The school district/my employer. Going on six weeks now without a contract. Those motherfuckers are begging for new hires since we are short about 1,000 teachers and they have the fucking balls to freeze our pay! Fuck them! I haven't spent the last year and a half taking grad classes for fun. I want my fucking pay raise! My salary advance should amount to about a 20% pay raise. Also hate UNLV grad school of education. Fuck them. They ought to rename it clown college! Taking my last class before graduating and it is easy tedious bullshit. After six weeks of class I haven't learned anything, and to top it off I paid for this fucking class out of pocket!

Love: Last semester of Grad school. I will be glad to put all this bullshit behind me.
Love : SOMA, Gurren Lagann, various Superman comics
Hate : Work stress and stupid people. Two things that never seem to go away.
Love: Spending my weekend intoxicated with friends.
Hate: Coming back home and laptop refuses to boot so I am forced to do a clean install of windows...
Love: Laptop runs a lot faster now.

That's some great news right there, Dave. Do we have a release window?

Man, that show is so inconsistent. I freaking loved that jump to the second part of the series but a lot of the meat of the show was so ridiculous...

I have to disagree. I didn't think it was inconsistent at all. It slowly but surely got bigger and bigger until it was so ridiculous that it broke reality and threw galaxies at the anti-spiral dude. It's too epic for words. :lol:

Love : Restarted Bloodborne
Hate : Stupid schedule at work. Eight days straight? Less than five hours a day? What the god damn-




The hype... it rises.

Love: Got the Dark Souls 3 beta(!), My friend fucking bought me Fallout 4 digitally so now I eagerly await that (!!!)
Hate: Waiting for Fallout 4
No concrete date as we still have to get photos done and CDs printed (the others haven't done this whole album thing before) but I'd imagine November time.

I can finally stop giving a shit about this goddamn record! HURRAH!!