I know that road well I-T-T-D...found myself heading down it a couple of years back when I was going out every other night to watch my hockey team in the playoffs.
Hate: The school district/my employer. Going on six weeks now without a contract. Those motherfuckers are begging for new hires since we are short about 1,000 teachers and they have the fucking balls to freeze our pay! Fuck them! I haven't spent the last year and a half taking grad classes for fun. I want my fucking pay raise! My salary advance should amount to about a 20% pay raise. Also hate UNLV grad school of education. Fuck them. They ought to rename it clown college! Taking my last class before graduating and it is easy tedious bullshit. After six weeks of class I haven't learned anything, and to top it off I paid for this fucking class out of pocket!
Love: Last semester of Grad school. I will be glad to put all this bullshit behind me.