(New) Love/Hate Thread

Regardless of whether I understand your cryptic, possibly passive aggressive posts and attempts to antagonize, I must say, I do actively dislike you. :)


Love: Good day at work. Been working solo on a busy market recently and the owners have said if I can make x-amount then I need help, but until then I'm alone (which is bad for business of many levels). Anyway, today I smashed it in the classiest of fashions. In your face, you fucking greedy *politically correct expletive*.

Hate: http://www.metalinjection.net/metal...d-facing-possible-execution-for-playing-metal
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Haven't been here since like, Christmas? Been busy and weird stuff has happened. Also, Dave... Black sacrament... where it at? Read two reviews for it and I want it

Love: Mothing at the moment
Hate: Friends moving, eviction notices, something awesome that was supposed to happen plot twisted in the worst way, and then suddenly while I was trying to burn a cd on my laptop the cd tray somehow got broken.

It like half of this shit hasn't been resolved by Saturday i'm gonna snap because this sucks.
We're only printing one copy. it'll come in a carved wooden box made from Christ's cross and sell for £10million.

...Naw :lol: We're getting the CDs pressed next month, hopefully. Money is an issue, since the pressing costs are almost 1000% of the album's sodding recording budget.
Fuck me, gotta love this. Prepare your seats, gentlemen.

So some of you might remember that in October 2012 I was asked by my admin to review the local Evile gig, where a certain band were opening that, in my review, I chastised for blatant plagiarism. The individual responsible was a bit of a cunt anyway; he was notoriously horrible to bands he played with and fans at his shows, he stole my music in 2008/9 (and subsequently got called out for it) and for some reason, he'd singled me out for some sort of bizarre feud where he'd copy everything I fucking did. I took over Full Thrash Assault, he suddenly announced that he was doing a festival. Broke up with my ex, he jumped on that like a free meal. I announced engagement, he followed suit. I announced I was going to be a father, sure enough, he followed soon after. So after being outed as a thief - and disappearing for the past three or four years - he's resurfaced using his old band's name to do, I shit you not, a recording-only charity album with guest artists.

Hmmmmmm.... sounds a lot like that there Nefasturris thing I've been working on for the past two years. Only a week or two after tracks were publicly aired for the first time as well. Jesus fucking christ, I don't get what his fucking problem is - had he decided to make an honest return to music and try to do things legit (i.e. not steal other bands/unsgined bands' riffs) then I'd have thought nothing of it. But making your 'return' by doing the exact sort of thing that got you in fucking trouble in the first place? REALLY? I haven't even spoken to the cunt since 2012 for fucks sake. He actually thinks that nobody has noticed, yet about four people instantly messaged me upon seeing his new 'band' page. It's fucking mindblowing.

So yeah. That had me laughing all day. I'm really bloody angry about it - obviously - but also slightly concerned about this weird sort of obsession he seems to have. On the other hand, the sheer audacity of this is so fucking maddening that I almost can't help but be impressed with him. Needless to say, a song on the album has suddenly had a lot more vitriol put into it!
Looks like my last post killed the thread :lol: On the plus side...

Love: I'm spending the Weekend re-recording Nothing to Gain for a single release, and just now I've literally come up with what may be the best harmony I've ever written. In fact, the whole song, with the new changes, is fucking excellent. I'm shaking. This is awesome!
We can only take so much negativity, Dave. :lol:

Love : The Division beta. It's actually... fun. Wow. I wasn't expecting this.
Also love : Fallout's 50's music, Ed Brubaker's Captain America run, DC's Rebirth sounds interesting....
Hate : Stupid people
Tell me about it! The guy I work with is a complete sociopath as well...

Love: One more day off...
Hate: The guy who's mentioned above. Also, girl problems. Always attract the wrong ones, and always seem to still have a lingering "thing" for the last one... Maybe I'm just going through a lonely period or something!

Also, had tons of beer today so everything I just said could be the alcohol speaking.
Tell me about it. I'm sure I'm better off without though haha

Love: A bit of grindcore / power violence shit
Hate: The fattys I live with
Love: Just did a huge fucking 75 minute interview with Global Thrash Assault about the new Vindicator and Nefasturris albums, FTA and the thrash scene as a whole. Wonderful to be given such an opportunity.
Maybe I only visit so randomly because all the negativity here :lol:

why does the most ridiculous shit happen to you Dave. and also about the cd presses, you know there's always digital sending *wink* you know *wink* what *wink* I mean? ;)

Love: two of the four things I mentioned got fixed at least. And my friend let me borrow his copy of Bloodborne again and since I lost my save I gotta beat it again
Hate: the cd tray and friend moving thing weren't fixed/can't be fixed. Ugh.