(New) Love/Hate Thread

Considering Netherlands Deathfest next year to see Demolition Hammer as I'm not sure they'll stop off in London - what do you guys think?
I think that the two of us need a brutal/romantic weekend at Netherlands Deathfest next year P

LOVE: I can fianlly announce this publicly now - I got an email from Mr. Scruff the other day. Turns out I'm playing bass for Hellbastard in Europe for two shows, including Obscene Extreme, in July. Pants = shat!
Love: The Demolition Hammer reunion videos, Doom, uncharted 4 and a million other video games
Hate: Nick Menza died what the fuck. Other feelings stuff that's lame
Congrats, Dave! Dunno who Hellbastard are, but that sounds epic! Haha.

Love : Rush, Dark Souls 3, Black Panther comics
Also love : Rocket League. That game is actually pretty fun.
Hate : Really weird dreams last night.
Y'should do pal, I gave their last album my album of the year award for 2015 :lol: Been a fan of those guys for a loooooooooooooong time. Check 'em out.

Love: The Demolition Hammer and Hail of Bullets footage from MDF. Wonderous.
Love : Almost done with Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 and the first volume of AKIRA. Can't wait to see the movie for the latter once I finish the books.
Not sure : Overwatch. That game is weird.
Hate : Not much. The tropical storm that hit us yesterday wasn't really too bad, so I have nothing to complain about.
Love: Summer vacation. The best thing about being a teacher is June, July and August. Every night is Friday night through the end of August.

Hate: The wind...20 - 35 mph gusts the last few days are wrecking my pool days!
Hate: Gave myself a large surface wound on my left leg playing football Thursday night, thought I could treat it myself but by Saturday morning it er, didn't look too good... So I went to the hospital and it turns out it's infected. In pain and on crutches now. So no more football for a while!
Yeah, the first nurse I saw on Saturday was really helpful. Kind lady. The one I saw at the hospital yesterday was younger, and not so nice... she seemed like she didn't really know what she was doing?? I basically told her what to do, got her to redress me and that was that. Going to see the doctor today to see how to care for it from now on. The antibiotics seem to be working, the redness up my leg has gone down loads, and it's nowhere near as painful... so hopefully I'll be back to my best soon.

Worst thing is, I never get ill or anything. But a few weeks ago I hurt my wrist and had to take 5 or so days off work, and then did this, and have had to take more time off... so when I get paid this month it's really gonna hurt. Because of course, my bosses don't pay me sick pay or anything...

Still, like you said - at least I've not broken anything, or the infection's spread further up my leg. The nurse said if it was to I could end up in trouble, in hospital on a drip. Nobody wants that!!
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Glad it wasn't anything TOO serious, Podgie! A broken Podgie is not a happy Podgie. :lol:

Love : Rush, rereading Rurouni Kenshin, Overwatch
Hate : That gay club shooting in Orlando. Now being called the worst shooting incident in American history. 50 dead, 53 wounded. Orlando is roughly two hours from here. I've been there on multiple occasions. I saw Evile there. Twice! To imagine something like this happening so close to where I live is just terrifying. (Not saying that it would be less scary if it happened in another state, but still. It puts a different perspective on it.)
The guy who did it was allegedly ISIS, and had voiced hatred of blacks, gays, jews etc. Shit like this seriously pisses me off. THESE PEOPLE DID NOTHING TO YOU. NOTHING.

Another thing that pisses me off about this, everyone starts blaming Islams or Muslims or what have you. Donald Trump called for a temporary ban on Muslims coming into our country. What about banning members of an entire religion from entering our country screams "Land of the free", Mr. Trump?
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Love: Just went to see the nurse for the final check on my leg. One week after grazing my leg to the point where it looked like a WW1 shrapnel would and, I'm overjoyed to say I HAVE A SCAB. Not only that, but there is minimal signs of infection, which is great. I'm almost in no pain now, really happy I didn't end up in hospital with septicemia or having to have my leg amputated or anything crazy haha

Back to work tomorrow and I can't wait to see everyone on the market. Can't believe I just said that... but yeah, totally stoked right now. I'm celebrating by having a few beers and watching the football on my final sick day.

Hate: Right now? Just the fact that I'm shit at quitting smoking haha (yeah, this whole situation has scared me into completely changing my diet and the way I treat my body).
Damn. I was kinda hoping to see Pirate Podgie with a pegleg. :lol:

Love : Rurouni Kenshin, Overwatch, Rush, Gojira
Hate : Not much. I have four days off work!