(New) Love/Hate Thread

Love: Just went to see the nurse for the final check on my leg. One week after grazing my leg to the point where it looked like a WW1 shrapnel would and, I'm overjoyed to say I HAVE A SCAB. Not only that, but there is minimal signs of infection, which is great. I'm almost in no pain now, really happy I didn't end up in hospital with septicemia or having to have my leg amputated or anything crazy haha

Back to work tomorrow and I can't wait to see everyone on the market. Can't believe I just said that... but yeah, totally stoked right now. I'm celebrating by having a few beers and watching the football on my final sick day.

Hate: Right now? Just the fact that I'm shit at quitting smoking haha (yeah, this whole situation has scared me into completely changing my diet and the way I treat my body).

hey this remembers me on the Nurse in the hospital who gave me an injection against the pain in the night..Horrible! What a fucking bitch..She replied: "NOO not in the vein!"..and just ran the needle in my stomach!!
My pain also didn't get better after that injection anyway. They let me lay on the bed and rot to hell basically.
Good to hear you're a bit better mate..

EDIT: Quit smoking is a very good idea and eating healthy food.. nothing wrong to smoke a cigarette when going to gigs or something but I feel better without it.
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Reactions: Snyde
Love : Usagi Yojimbo, new blink-182 and Fates Warning, Overwatch, GTA Online shenanigans
Not sure : Birthday is in 11 days...
Hate : Ordered a Revoltech Rurouni Kenshin figure. Broke one of the hands within 30 seconds. -_-
Love: Best friend came up from Alabama to visit for the week, videos games and feelings and stuff
Hate: That friend left this morning so now i'm bored as hell
Hate : My phone has died. I'm getting a new one tomorrow, but still... ugh.

needs more series tho but yes it's awesome

Love : Finished Steins;Gate. Life is complete.

how was it then?

I want some new series to watch actually, I finished Orphan Black and it was .. eh okay to watch when I had nothing else but the Americans/Canadians pretending to be English wasn't great, you can always tell -_- And like, no UK people said half the shit they said lol.
Honestly? It's probably the best show I've ever seen. I'm curious about the PS3 game and all the side stuff, but the show was so perfect that I think I just want to leave it as is. Haha.
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Reactions: Lunella
Unsure: Probably won't have a job when I get back from Europe, having told them in no uncertain circumstances that making me do a weeks worth of hours in the three days immediately before I go on tour simply won't happen. Ah well.
Unsure: Probably won't have a job when I get back from Europe, having told them in no uncertain circumstances that making me do a weeks worth of hours in the three days immediately before I go on tour simply won't happen. Ah well.

Wow, who the hell do you work for? That's ridiculous.
I'm currently looking for part time jobs to fill some extra hours myself, data entry or something easy like that and noticed how cunty a lot of these office workers are. Good luck with your tour though, keep safe out there. :)

Love: Mr. Robot. The main character is on the autistic spectrum! I'm loving how brutally honest it is. I originally thought E Corp was a Metaphor(?) of Microsoft, but then later someone mentioned Microsoft so it wasn't.