(New) Love/Hate Thread

:lol: Oh god...

Love : I finished a new DIY project and it came out damn near perfect. :D
Hate : Work politics bullshit
^ I remember I wrote lyrics for First Beer and it was a good laugh. But when it comes to Five Serpents Teeth Iam not really sure because that album is too recent for me and the lyrics are actually not carved into my head.
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Love : Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, replaying Demon's Souls, Amazing Spider-Man comics from a few years ago
Hate : Tooth pain :erk:
Violent puking? what the hell you did there.. I really started a diet of alcohol and nutrition this year and it seems to help but still I drink alot.

Also I hope for you to send my shirt out Dave otherwise you can run for your life.
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Feels like I haven't been here in forever... anyway! Hope you're all good.

Love: 3 weeks and 3 days without a cigarette.
Also love: Met someone special a month ago or so. I was happy on my own, and wasn't looking for anything - but life's funny like that.

Hate: Right now, nothing!
Yeah, Dave, where's MY shirt?!


Oh, wait. I didn't order one. Nevermind. :lol:

Love : My new DIY project. My new hobby is so fun.
Hate : Not much, as I'm off work for a few days

Love: Three new Nefasturris songs (well, two and a cover) aired on the radio gain last week. Fucking hell. Pressure's on. Good job the album's nearly done and we're fucking booked in to record the drums on January 4th :D Plus, first Vindicator rehearsal in five months on Friday!
Nice! I wish I could listen to the radio still, but I have developed an unholy hatred for commercials/adverts, so I just can't do it anymore. :lol:

Love : Battlefield 1, Bolt Thrower, Theatrythym Final Fantasy : Curtain Call
Hate : Wanting a new DS game, but not knowing what to get!
Holy shit it's been a bit since I've been on here, my bad

Love: my brother got me Kevin Conroys sign and I'm so hyped about that
Hate: most everything sucks at the moment
Love: Samain Fest in Brittany was amazing! Cool people and the food was delicious sauce. The beer also very tasty. It was very turbulent though..
I stayed on Thursday with some people in Rennes and I had shots of whiskey and was flirting with a girl (was very hot) but she had to leave anyhow. I wished I could have talked with her longer..
I also got in contact with the members of Duckhunters and I hanged out with them at the fest. Killer show. Well it's too much I could talk about now..It was just amazing I just was getting more drunk than I wanted to..eh.

Hate: I was getting involved with some violent drug dealers the other day and there was this bitch stealing 40 euros from me. They wanted me to sell the weed but I refused and then there was this drunk bastard starting to kick me in the face. I just escaped but I was too frightened to fight back. I was kinda very stupid to even go into their fucked up house but they lured me into a trap.
Damn. That sucks, Dave. At least you get to see them, though!

Love : New Animals As Leaders
Hate : How bad I am at Modern Warfare Remastered. The nostalgia trip it gives me is great, especially with friends, but HOOOOLY SHIT I am so bad. :lol:
Also hate : Had to move all my shit upstairs. I'm so damn sore right now.