Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all here... I hope everyone is well (and by that I simply mean still breathing as I know the course of people's luck around here)
I suppose I should do the mandatory love / hate thing...
Love: Well, fuck. I don't know. Sleeping 12+ hours a night while struggling through working the festive period (which is insanely busy for me) has kept me going, but also fucked me because now I'm used to it and it's just not possible while having a life outside of work...
...which Hate: I've noticed I don't really have! The most confusing (yet beautiful) woman I've ever met has now (hopefully) exited my life for good (mild feeling of regret / relief attached to that) and I find myself once again in a state of rebuilding and regrouping. After 4 years in London only now am I realising how much of a lonely place it can be. Also hating the fact I kicked smoking for almost 3 months and have picked it back up again. Turned 30 last month, and with new year hitting I'm all of a sudden contemplating what the fuck I'm doing with my life. Sadly I feel like I'm doing fuck all but making coffee outside in the cold. Which sure, I'm fucking good at... but can I do it forever? And if not, what else am I going to do. Feeling a little down, but certainly not out.