(New) Love/Hate Thread

I have seen just about every damn Repub be like "yeah he didn't win" so definitely not the best way to respond to losing.

Hate : The thought that I'm actually gonna finish KH3 tomorrow. I've been waiting for this game since 2006 and by this time tomorrow, I'll be finished with it (the story, anyway). This thought gave me quite a pause earlier today when I thought about it. Shit's crazy.

So nice to see someone else that loved the third one too, I always feel so crazy really really enjoying it. I bought the dlc when it came out but never actually played it, I really got to get around to it

Love: ps5 tomorrow!!
hate: the fact that fedex absolutely sucks so i'm probably gonna have to just sit and wait outside all day tomorrow and wait for them to show up because i'm not risking someone just stealing it and walking off
^ I finished it earlier today. Still recovering and will be in some sort of depression for at least a week. :lol: Downloaded ReMind and will probably go through that over the next few days alongside Melody of Memory on Friday.

Love : The fact that Cyberpunk was delayed a few times. Without it's most recent delays, I never would have had the time to replay all of Kingdom Hearts and finally get through the third one. Most people flip out and get mad whenever a game gets delayed but it never really bothers me. In fact, I've come to kind of enjoy it. The game usually ends up being better due to it's delay and I get to keep playing whatever games I'm already playing or start/restart something else. It's a win-win. :lol:
Also love : The new Magic : the Gathering set Commander Legends comes out soon!
Hate : Been pouring down rain all day and will continue all night. Thankfully, Eta isn't as strong of a storm as it was when it hit Nicaragua, so I probably shouldn't complain.
Hate: Covid cases rising in Ontario, and the incompetence of both the mayor and the provincial premier. Considering that one of the key regions in the Toronto area is a serious hot zone with a gigantic Indian/Pakistani demographic, and Diwali weekend is coming up, I am 1000% sure we're gonna get a great increase.
Like: I got the job, starting Monday.
Also like: I finally beat Fallout New Vegas. I had the game since I was 15 and while I always explored around and did different side quests, I never actually got to the Hoover Dam fight. Needless to say, wasn't very happy with the independant route. Next time I'll go for NCR as well as tackle the DLC.
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New Vegas is absolutely fantastic, I oughta pick that up again on my pc at some point

Love: PS5 is pretty damn cool, absolutely loving it so far
Hate: not a ton at the moment, minus the fact that in the recent election my state decided for dumb ass fuckin reason to keep our same piece of shit governor
My brother just restarted New Vegas a few days ago. He was doing a hilarious unarmed build and punching peoples heads off. Sadly, it made his Xbox crash HARD a few times so he uninstalled it. :\

Love : Kingdom Hearts : Melody of Memory. I loved Final Fantasy Theatrhythm for the 3DS and was super excited for what basically boils down to a Kingdom Hearts version of Theatrhythm. IT'S SO GOOD. <3
Hate : Black Friday is creeping ever closer and I don't know what to expect.
All this talk about New Vegas makes me want to hunt down a PS3 or pony up the cash to play it on Playstation Plus or whatever it is on the PS4. One of my favorite character builds was melee/light guns build. There were some cool animations in VATS for using Machetes to take out Legion scum. My old apartment was over by Black Mountain and driving down the highway to Boulder City you pass the 188 overpass(junction of highway 95 and 93) and there is a big time gun club over there so it makes sense they have the gun runners there in the game. I still need to play some of the DLCs. I think I did Honest Hearts, which was great, and I barely survived Dead Money.

Love: Thanksgiving Break starts tomorrow. Going to play some Fallout 4.

Hate: Lack of participation from my students in virtual learning, especially since my principal is now on us about what we are doing to help these kids. Bitch, I have made over 200 phone calls home since the beginning of the school year, and some of these parents and students just don't give a shit or they have other things they are worried about.

Taking a history class at a local college for education and advancement on the salary schedule. The class is on the Renaissance and while I have enjoyed it, I wish it was better. I haven't received any feedback on my assignments from the instructor which is frustrating. I am required to do a weekly discussion post and maybe I am expecting too much, but I find the contributions of many of my classmates to be lacking in analysis or depth. Half the time I read what they wrote, and I think, did you even do the assigned readings?
Like: New job I'm in actually has me doing work related to what I studied in school. Honestly, a first.
Hate: These people talk too much during these fucking meetings. I get that I'm still the new guy and learning the ropes but every time they go off topic into something else or spend another ten minutes on something already made incredibly clear I just feel like tearing my head off.

Edit - Also hate: The laptop I'm using is dog shit, and is only salvageable because I'm remoting in from my computer.
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Happy Thanksgiving to any and all that celebrate it on here!

Love : I actually have the day off today. Normally, I'd be going to work at some point in the afternoon/night to prepare for Black Friday insanity.
Hate : Black Friday is tomorrow and I have a feeling that regardless of spiking Covid cases and literally everyone saying to avoid large crowds that our mall is gonna be absolutely packed. There's apparently gonna be police stationed at the main gates to shut down the entrance once they hit whatever capacity the mall deemed necessary. I work 1pm-10pm. Will I even be able to get to work? Who knows!
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Hope you have a good day Americans! (and Canadians?? No...) Being English I don't really know what it entails, but I do know you guys have a special dinner so... that's a win at least. There's gravy, right?!

Black Friday is tomorrow and I have a feeling that regardless of spiking Covid cases and literally everyone saying to avoid large crowds that our mall is gonna be absolutely packed. There's apparently gonna be police stationed at the main gates to shut down the entrance once they hit whatever capacity the mall deemed necessary. I work 1pm-10pm. Will I even be able to get to work? Who knows!

Sounds awful. Glad I'm avoiding it all (although it's not quite as a thing here).

Love: Lockdown
Hate: It's due to end next week and I'll be returning to work :lol: DISCLAIMER: I like my job. I'm just able to enjoy being lazy, and I'm damn good at it...
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! Yes, it usually involves copious amounts of food. Usually Turkey, mash potatoes, stuffing and a lot gravy!
Sounds good to me!!

Turkey's traditionally eaten at Christmas here. Is it the same for you guys too or do you usually have something different on Christmas to Thanksgiving...?

P.S. Have you guys ever had a Yorkshire pudding?
Happy Thanksgiving for you guys Zero/Keenan. Good luck on Black Friday tho.

Hope you have a good day Americans! (and Canadians?? No...) Being English I don't really know what it entails, but I do know you guys have a special dinner so... that's a win at least. There's gravy, right?!

Canadian Thanksgiving is basically American Thanksgiving celebrated in Mid October. Same food, same festive cheer, just different date and slightly different circumstances (I'm not incredibly familiar with my history/if the same origins apply to us as did to the US).

Christmas is roughly the same tbh. I don't think stuffing is served usually but I could be wrong. Everything else is served as expected.
Hope you have a good day Americans! (and Canadians?? No...) Being English I don't really know what it entails, but I do know you guys have a special dinner so... that's a win at least. There's gravy, right!?

American Thanksgiving is basically be thankful that things aren't absolute shit and eat a lot of food. That's it. That's the holiday. :lol: Like Zero said, common foods being turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, some sort of pie and lots of other stuff.

Christmas for us is usually a big ham. Sometimes it just ends up being lots of snack/appetizer kinda stuff, too. The past few years wwe've done competitions for various meals, so like three versions of the same thing, whatever it is. Depends on who's there really, which, sadly... doesn't look like it's gonna be anyone this year. :(

Gonna try to grab a PS5 tonight when the big online retailers inevitably restock them for Black Friday. Wish me luck!
Gonna try to grab a PS5 tonight when the big online retailers inevitably restock them for Black Friday. Wish me luck!

Best of luck, absolutely love mine so far

Love: platinumed miles morales which fuckin ruled, one of my favorite games of the year, also platinumed astro's playroom which is also super fun. Surprisingly better than some of the games i've played this year and it was just a little intro game for the ps5! Keenan, if you get a ps5 absolutely play that first!
Hate: spent all of thanksgiving just absolutely passed out in bed because i've been sick (not covid) for the last few days, just absolutely sucks ass
For xmas it usually Ham or a Roast. I have had Yorkshire pudding at Lawry's Prime Rib. It is one of the best tings I have eaten. One of those things that is too good for me to learn to make at home.
Well, Black Friday weekend was about as ridiculous as you can imagine. Our store had a limit of 120 customers and we had someone counting the people coming in and out. There were a handful of times I felt like we were way over our capacity, though. It was CROWDED. Obviously there was no social distancing going on because A) people don't care and B) There was not enough space to do that kind of thing when the store was that crowded. Saturday and Sunday were less busy but still busier than any store should be in this current situation.

Overall, it wasn't as bad as it usually is (duh) but still far worse than it needed to be given the current circumstances.

Love : Finally off tomorrow after working that whole damn weekend
Also love : Opened some sick cards in booster packs from the new Magic expansion, Commander Legends
Hate : A coworker I often work with seems to have covid, does this mean my days are numbered?
Also hate : We apparently have a mold problem at home, so that's fun
Hate : A coworker I often work with seems to have covid, does this mean my days are numbered?

That sucks, hope they get over it. You'll probably fine Keenan. I mean, I know it hits people differently but pretty much my whole family have had it and they're all good now. You seem pretty strong and healthy so you'd be fine, even if you did end up with it.

Apart from the fact it's undeniably killing people off, I think the thing which is fucking shit up for people here now is how you have to stay off work or have your kids off school if they come into contact with someone with it. Causing people to have to miss work for 14 days and only earn the statutory sick pay (which isn't really enough)...

Love/Hate: Go back to work tomorrow. Expecting it to be a busy weekend back. Not really looking forward to it. Adamant I'm going to continue working in shorts, but it's starting to get cold here so... we'll see about that (I stand outside 10 hours a day)...
Like: December always puts me in a good mood inspite of the shit weather.
Hate: Covid dampening it - the fun part of the days before Christmas for me is watching people get all riled in anticipation, and instead I'm stuck home wishing the beer store didn't get so busy past like 5pm.
Also Hate: Trying out Tekken but I cannot get used to the fucking movement in that game. And there's so many combos, what???

Hate : A coworker I often work with seems to have covid, does this mean my days are numbered?
Also hate : We apparently have a mold problem at home, so that's fun

What a shit combo. Hopefully things work out already for you.
Damn, an ex friend of mine sent me the Facebook post from Matt of him selling his custom Jackson. I still remember us all roasting him for how long it was taking and him saying it would be worth it
Wow. That's crazy. I remember that time well. This forum was much more active back then. That was a long time ago...

Love : One week until Cyberpunk
Hate : Mold people came to check out our house. It's in the roof, attic and all the walls. More people coming to look at it tomorrow. I am not expecting good news.