(New) Love/Hate Thread

Wow. That's crazy. I remember that time well. This forum was much more active back then. That was a long time ago...

Hate : Mold people came to check out our house. It's in the roof, attic and all the walls. More people coming to look at it tomorrow. I am not expecting good news.

Crazy long time ago at this point, but we’re all still here! At least we got that going for us

and oof. I hope for the best but yeah that’s not great news...

Love: Picked up a copy of the Lord of Rings trilogy on 4K and WOW it looks good as hell. Haven’t watched the trilogy in 6-7 years now, glad I waited till now to do it again. Also, hell yeah Cyberpunk soon!
Hate: besides the usual crap, not too much
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but pretty much my whole family have had it and they're all good now. You seem pretty strong and healthy so you'd be fine, even if you did end up with it.

It's never about a Virus it's about taking away your rights and governmental control I never believed in this Nonsense. I guess it's the normal Flu or common cold everyone has the same season of the year which is totally normal. If you sneeze you can't enter a shop anymore what kind of bullshit is that?
Wearing this stupid masks is only because people believe they are protected c'mon it's so silly...

EDIT: Iam normally not like that but this time iam really very angry about the situation right now and that's why i refuse to agree to the widespread opinion about this.
Hate : Mold situation is pretty fucking bad. Multiple types of mold are growing in the roof, attic, all the walls and the AC system. Most likely scenario is that we are relocated somewhere else while they destroy and rebuild every wall in the house and sanitize everything we own. This could take up to two months. I have a strong feeling that once they start, it's gonna be all "oh it's worse than we thought, there's no saving anything, sorry".

Needless to say, I feel dead inside.
Dude, that's extreme! Sounds real rough, especially with everything going on at the moment the last thing I can imagine your household needs is being forced to move?! Hopefully they can fix it... Even if they do it sounds like there's going to be one hell of a bill to foot... Or will your insurance cover it? Either way, not what you need any time - especially right before Christmas!!

Love: Kind of digging Warbringer a lot at the moment. Hoping the new Evile album comes soon and lives up to expectations otherwise I might have a new "new" favourite thrash band :lol: ...also loving the new Sodom album.

Hate: Phew, not a lot right now. 2020 has been such a write off it seems like my life is kind of on hold. Especially my social life... and love life? :lol: NON EXISTENT ...barely even remember what it's like to be with a girl haha
"Insurance should cover all of it."

Or so they say. It's an insurance company, so who knows. They're apparently coming out to check everything out on Tuesday. Guess we'll see then.

Now, this might all sound bad, but the scope of HOW bad it is may be lost without some explanation. I still live at home (Not quite a bum, but close to it to be honest) with my parents and four of my siblings. My mom runs a successful Amazon/eBay business from out of our house that we all pitch in and help with. Depending on what happens, It's not just my stuff that could get lost/ruined, but EVERYONE'S. AND OUR BUSINESS. An entire family's lives... photo albums dating back to the 60s, military memorabilia, everyone's personal belongings.... and our entire livelihood. My whole family could be FUCKED depending on what the insurance people say.

Needless to say, I am stressed beyond belief.

Love : Decided to say fuck it and call off tomorrow due to stress and also partially (very partially) due to Cyberpunk coming out and The Game Awards being on
"Insurance should cover all of it."

Or so they say. It's an insurance company, so who knows. They're apparently coming out to check everything out on Tuesday. Guess we'll see then.

Now, this might all sound bad, but the scope of HOW bad it is may be lost without some explanation. I still live at home (Not quite a bum, but close to it to be honest) with my parents and four of my siblings. My mom runs a successful Amazon/eBay business from out of our house that we all pitch in and help with. Depending on what happens, It's not just my stuff that could get lost/ruined, but EVERYONE'S. AND OUR BUSINESS. An entire family's lives... photo albums dating back to the 60s, military memorabilia, everyone's personal belongings.... and our entire livelihood. My whole family could be FUCKED depending on what the insurance people say.

Needless to say, I am stressed beyond belief.

Oh wow, that sounds fuckin awful dude. I'm so sorry, I really hope that they're not cunts and actually cover it all

Love: cyberpunk rules
Hate: feel bad for people on base ps4's and base xbox's because YIKES the performance is bad on them
^My base PS4 seemed to run it halfway decently. It did crash after talking to Jackie at the noodle stand (Corpo lifepath), though.

Love : Cyberpunk, the few cool announcements at The Game Awards, the SHITTON of stuff Disney announced.
Hate : As if home stress wasn't high enough, my dad threw his back out and our downstairs shower is so fucked up we had to shut our water off. I'm not even joking.
Like: This tweet is just a basic picture of Ben and his kit. So this is either a promo pic or the sign of an Evile music video coming out.
Hate: Lethargic rn.

Hate : As if home stress wasn't high enough, my dad threw his back out and our downstairs shower is so fucked up we had to shut our water off. I'm not even joking.
The amount of bullshit you're taking is cruel man, I feel for you. It's like you pissed someone off bad in a past life and you're taking unnecessary levels of karma for it.
Seriously. I don't know what the fuck happened but our lives have just been steadily falling apart for the past two or three weeks. It's insane. The insurance people are supposed to be here on Tuesday to check out the mold situation for themselves. My mom seems to think they'll get around to actual work next year sometime. This means that we can't put up any Christmas decorations and that our Christmas holiday stuff will have to be elsewhere. Christmas is really the only holiday we do stuff for, so this sucks pretty bad. :(

LOVE : Cyberpunk 2077. I've had little trouble with it on my base PS4. Only one crash and a couple of really bad slowdowns. Pop-in and slow loading textures and stuff are still semi-common, though. Mostly, it just runs like Skyrim/Fallout on consoles, which isn't great but it's far from "unplayable" as some people describe it. I finished Act 1 last night and was blown away by the chain of events that ended that act. Shit was INSANE.
Hate : Because the mold situation compromised our air conditioning system, we can't use it. It's fucking 82 degrees in my house right now. I'm melting.
Jesus Keenan, don't know what to say. That's all so intense. Without sounding cliche, at least you're all healthy (well, minus your Dad's back...) and you're going to be together for Christmas, wherever you end up spending it. I know it REALLY sucks now, but you'll get through it. Families are extraordinarily robust... Sending positive vibes your way over the Atlantic!
Hate: Being asked to help on certain tasks at work with little clarification and missing documents that I don't know if it has been found or not.
Also Hate: Aunt got Covid as a result of being a nurse. With the vaccines rolling out, I guess its fortunate that there's a cure on hand she could possibly get but still.
Like: N/A, I just want the work day to be over.
Jesus Keenan, don't know what to say. That's all so intense. Without sounding cliche, at least you're all healthy (well, minus your Dad's back...) and you're going to be together for Christmas, wherever you end up spending it. I know it REALLY sucks now, but you'll get through it. Families are extraordinarily robust... Sending positive vibes your way over the Atlantic!

Thanks, Podgie. <3
Seems like the insurance company is gonna go through their procedures at a snail's pace. We still have no new info. It's not looking like anything is gonna happen until next year at the least.

Love : Cyberpunk is great and I'm not having any major problems with it.
Also love : Cards from the new Magic set, Kaldheim, have been previewed. A Norse-themed Magic set? FUCK YES. IT ALL LOOKS SO COOL.
Hate : Working this weekend, all next week and next weekend. I have Sunday, Christmas (duh) and like, the 29th or something as my next off days. What the hell. I have to work Christmas Eve, the day after Christmas, New Year's Eve AND New Year's Day? What did I do to deserve this. :lol:
Well, fingers crossed Keenan!

Hate: Came home from work and tried to sleep early to wake up and watch the Celtics play the Nets, couldn't sleep... stayed awake for the game, we sucked :lol: didn't feel like it was worth going back to sleep after watching the postgame show, so I'm about to go run a busy Saturday shift on zero sleep :lol:

Love: Erm... Got a bit of time to have coffee and listen to some music before I head out? ...ah, the simple things
Managed to get tomorrow off because my manager is a bro. Still working on Sunday but that's fine. I just needed an extra day to recuperate from this week's madness. Our store was INSANELY busy. Like, almost too much to handle levels of busy. It was absolute mayhem.

Since we've not heard back from the mold/insurance people yet, we still had Christmas at our house as normal, albeit with very little in the way of decorations. It was all good, though. Everyone had a good time so I can't complain. Hope everyone on here had a happy Christmas as well. <3

Merry Christmas, all!
(Yes, even you, Dave. RIP.)
Merry Christmas, Keenan, and anyone else who sees this! Hope you get your house sorted out soon!

Love: Had a great Xmas. Traveled up to mountains of Utah with the wife and her parents. Had a nice xmas and was able to do some exploring/hike a slot canyon not too far from the cabin we stayed at.

Hate: The in-laws fucking argue with each other way too goddamn much. It is like watching George's parents from Seinfeld. Luckily for me, they think I am great.
Merry Christmas all! Hope everyone's had a good time, however you've spent it.

I spent Christmas alone for the 2nd year in a row :lol: was actually planning on heading up North to spend it with my family this year but covid restrictions here kind of squashed that so, it was just me. Just been chillin' round the house watching a load of NBA (Nets are terrifying with KD) and football (of the American variety, of course!).

Not sure when I'll be going back to work... 2020 has been one fucking weird year, and it looks like 2021 is going to start off the same for me!

Merry Christmas, all!
(Yes, even you, Dave. RIP.)

This forum needs a "love" emoji ... "<3" will have to do (even if it does look like a deformed ice cream on it's side, or something)

Luckily for me, they think I am great.

Always good to be on the right side on the in-laws :lol:
Merry Christmas, all!
(Yes, even you, Dave. RIP.)

Hope yall had a good week and what not! (Hope wherever Dave is he's doing good)

Love: got a copy of dark side of the moon on vinyl i'm excited about (before this year I had only heard the wall, then this year I heard animals and now my friend gave me a copy of this so I can check it out), new backpack is pretty nice too
Hate: as much as i LOVE christmas, very excited for stuff to winddown so i can go back to chilling alone so i can finish cyberpunk