Pretty much. Positive emotions cause me physical and mental anguish, and therefore should be stopped via a high-caliber bullet to the face as soon as possible
Love : Devin Townsend, Jimi Hendrix, Evile
Really like : That a song from Skull came on shuffle and I actually enjoyed it. I was shocked. I was like "What song is this!? New Truths Old Lies?! What the hell is this song from!?"
Hate : Quite a few things, mainly how crazy people get when they hear the term "Tax-free weekend" though.
I have to say, I've grown sick of Facebook recently but again - I have no choice but to participate for the sake of my band. Plus it's the only communication I have with most of my friends in bands (Onslaught, Virus, Warlord UK and Anihilated in particular). Once I decide to quit music I may well delete my Facebook page, but that's a way off yet I think.
LOVE : Hitman : For Tomorrow. Hitman is an incredible comics. Holy shit. This volume was the best yet.
Also love : Brightest Day Vol. 3
Hate : Florida weather.