leave this world behind
Love: finally got the original Pressing of Protector's A Shedding of Skin! You won't believe me how much albums arrived and left my house of that album already
I almost believe that the first Shedding of Skin album I got in 2011 was also an original but I sold it already again. I know Iam crazy but that's the same with the Coroner - Grin album which I held a bootleg of. Those albums are very special to me and I hate not to have an original of it.
Hate: all this fucked up stuff with my arm.

I almost believe that the first Shedding of Skin album I got in 2011 was also an original but I sold it already again. I know Iam crazy but that's the same with the Coroner - Grin album which I held a bootleg of. Those albums are very special to me and I hate not to have an original of it.

Hate: all this fucked up stuff with my arm.