(New) Love/Hate Thread

Love: Great haul from the record store tonight...found a bunch of classic death and thrash for cheap...picked up an original copy of No Place for Disgrace by Flotsam and Jetsam for $3.99:headbang: Vacation next week to San Francisco.
Moved in with the girlfriend a month ago and it is going well. My old place is letting me terminate the lease early so I really hope that I don't have to give them any more money.

Hate: Like someone else already said, it is fucking August already! My summer vacation is nearly over and I don't feel ready to go back to work/school. :mad:
Love : Final Fantasy IX, Harakiri for the Sky, old issues of Superman/Batman
Hate : Too many things. Too... many... things. :(
I've never played Chrono Trigger. After I work through FF IX, I may pick that up. I'm only up to the part where Dagger gets Ramuh, so I still have a ways to go.
Dude, it didn't even come out over in PAL territories until a couple of years ago and I still bought the 2001 PSX version :lol: Just pick up Final Fantasy Chronicles, or buy it off PSN.

Love: Just spent an awesome weekend at the Vagos Open Air festival. Got to see Kreator, Gojira, Paradise Lost, Soilwork, Sylosis among others. Kreator was absolutely amazing. So was Gojira (their first time in Portugal).

Hate: It's over. Back to actual (read: shitty) life.
Ah yes, the "post-concert high" and then the immediate "post-concert low". Must've been a good show!

Come to think of it, I haven't been to a concert in over a year and a half. Coincidentally, Gojira was the last one I saw (With Devy too!)

Love : Uncanny Avengers, Cosmograf, Tekken 3, Bushido Blade
Hate : New Call of Duty multiplayer gameplay. Not interested.
Yeah, it's Piers who used to be in Fallen Fate. I got told this a while ago by someone, fuck knows if I remember who, but it certainly explains his departure from Fallen Fate. It made absolutely no sense for him to just suddenly up and leave a rather successful band the way he did, so as soon as I heard about the Evile thing it as like "ohhhhhhhhhhhh"

Props to him, I can safely say from experience that he's he's a class guitar player.
I'm not sure what to think, to be honest. No one can replace Ol in my opinion. I'm willing to give him a chance to win me over and wish him all the best, regardless.

Checking out Fallen Fate now. Not too keen on the band itself, though his guitar work seems pretty solid.

EDIT : Yeah, his two Youtube videos are pretty great.
Love : Dark Souls II (For the moment. :lol: )
Also love : Alan Moore era Swamp Thing, Gazpacho, Sound of Contact, Iq, Harakiri for the Sky
Hate : Not a lot at the moment.
Love: Party-San Festival in germany this year! :kickass:
constant 3-4 days I was drinking but not even got tired.. it was amazing to see Benediction, Malevolent Creation, Havok, Protector, Kreator, Obituary...
I think that's the best Fest I've been so far. Killer line-up and the Bus-shuttles were just hilarious too.. "666-To Hell" I had definitly a blast.

Hate: Feeling sick and like shit almost right now because of the cold weather.
Love : Deadpool : Dracula's Gauntlet, Usagi Yojimbo : Senso, Iq, Gazpacho, Cosmograf
Hate : I worked until midnight last night and had to go back at 6am and work until 3pm. I think I might've barely gotten four hours of sleep. I crashed when I got home and woke up at like 9ish, but I feel really... off-kilter.
I-Tend, that festival with Havok and Malevolent Creation sounds awesome:kickass:!

Love: Vacation out to California last weekend. Flew out to San Francisco with the girlfriend and we rented a car and drove back to Las Vegas. Stopped in Santa Maria and had Santa Maria Tri-tip bbq. Some of the best food I have had in a long time. Spent the next day getting drunk in Santa Barbara at wine tastings. :kickass:

Hate: San Francisco-fuck driving in that city. If I ever go back I am using public transportation. The TV show Psych lied to me. It was not filmed in Santa Barbara - the city was a lot different than I expected. :lol: School starts back up on Monday and I while I am somewhat excited about another year of teaching, I could use another week or two of vacation. :lol::headbang:
Lost all respect I have for Malevolent Creation. A friend of mine did a show with them a while back, and as he was leaving the backstage area to get some shots, he eard them saying to each other "who's the my pals?"

Needless to say, I don't own any Malevolent Creation stuff anymore