NFL 2008

I disagree. The only distractions this guy has caused is because the media attempts to interpret everything he does as "OMG TO IS ABOUT TO BLOW!" when nothing is going on. Not that he hasn't brought it on himself by his past actions, but he obviously is keeping a lid on it.

As far as his questioning of the scheme and coaching....isn't that wtf we have been doing for a while now? Obviously the person who gets to see it all first hand is going to call bullshit first. That's a double standard by fans and media imo.
Honsetly, TO just gives too much information. He answers questions that he should just respond with "no comment" or "how about you shut the fuck up you little prick before I squish your head with my massive biceps." I've seen a couple post-game interviews and he just reveals too much information that he really shouldn't. That's why he gets such a bad rap. He gives the media way too much ammo, and they know he'll keep spewing whatever they want to hear. Kind of a win-win for the media tbh.
I am honestly surprised TO hasn't pounded a random media person into the ground yet. I probably would have at least smashed a few cameras and mics at this point if I were him.
So I did a little more research and went through some of the game film and I found a few things that were quite interesting.

1. Apparently I'm not the only person up in arms about the horrible officiating during the Chargers - Colts game. Ron Borges of decided to dissect the horrible officiating as well. There's one part in particular I want to address based off of a quote of his:

Sometimes you have to know when to swallow your whistle. Referee Ron Winter’s officiating crew did not last weekend.

Winter’s crew committed the cardinal sin of officiating by overly affecting what was a thrilling AFC wild-card game in San Diego between the Chargers and the Colts by making three calls in overtime that gave San Diego three first downs. The calls propelled them nearly as readily as the remarkable Darren Sproles in a 23-17 victory and advanced them to the playoffs’ second round.

Law enforcement is necessary in all walks of life, most especially in the violent world of the NFL, but when the law takes things into its own hands, nothing good can come of it. Winter’s crew did just that with an OT postseason game.

Such a game should be decided by the players, not by overzealous part-time employees with whistles in their mouths but no judgment in their heads. Of the three calls, two seemed borderline, but the most egregious was when they flagged the CB Tim Jennings for defensive holding on a ball Philip Rivers lobbed up that was uncatchable on a 3rd-and-8. Instead of being forced to punt and then play defense, the Chargers got a first down that kept the game-winning drive alive.

That was the second of three pivotal penalty calls by Winter’s crew that gave the Chargers first downs. The third, a 15-yard facemask penalty on Clint Session, was the only one clearly justified.

I mainly posted a large chunk of it to give you guys a little lead up to what he is talking about, but I mainly want to hit the point about the 15-yard facemask penalty called on Clint Session in OT. It was clearly a facemask penalty, I'm not disagreeing with that, however once I looked at the game film and then found a picture of it, I noticed something that immediately angered me. Allow me to show you.


As you can see, Session is in the middle of all the Chargers players and clearly has a hand on Sproles' facemask. But if you look directly up from that at Session's facemask you notice a hand covering his. That's right, the guy who was penalized for grabbing a facemask HAD A FUCKING HAND ON HIS FUCKIN FACEMASK TOO. LIKE HOLY SHIT ON A STICK BATMAN HOW THE FUCK COULD THE REF MISS THAT?!

This fucking play gave the Chargers a first down instead of forcing them to punt because both of those facemask penalities (if called correctly) would have offset eachother and the play would have been dead, forcing the Chargers to punt and giving the Colts a chance to win the game. But noooooooo, the worst ref in the entire league just had to be in San Diego the night the Colts were there, and of course just like clockwork he completely botched yet another playoff game.

2002 NFL playoffs
In his first playoff assignment as a referee, Winter and his officiating crew were involved in a controversial finish to a New York Giants and San Francisco 49ers Wild Card playoff game played January 5, 2003. Officials apparently forgot that New York's Rich Seubert, a guard who had lined up legally in a receiver's spot, was an eligible receiver.

Seubert was grabbed and pulled down by Chike Okeafor on a botched field goal attempt while going downfield to receive a pass. The back judge, Scott Green was the downfield official, thus this was his play to cover, but he had to scramble from the goalpost to get into position to cover the play. Green, not knowing that Seubert was eligible, did not throw a flag to signify the penalty. Instead, the Giants were called for having an ineligible man downfield on the play (guard Tam Hopkins, who had crossed the line of scrimmage during the play).

Late in the game, Giants' safety Shaun Williams was ejected for throwing a punch at 49ers' offensive lineman Jeremy Newberry. Winter explained call by saying "By virtue of his actions, number 36 (Williams), has disqualified himself."

Commissioner Paul Tagliabue described the situation as the most disappointing officiating blunder he'd seen in his years as NFL commissioner [2] and announced that officiating mechanics surrounding field-goal attempts and last plays of games would be changed [3].

As a result of the incident, Winter did not officiate a Giants game during the 2003, 2004, or 2005 seasons. The next Giants game he worked was a Monday Night Football game on November 20, 2006 between the Giants and Jacksonville Jaguars.

Say what you want about the Hochuli call, at least that guy is arguably one of the best officials in the league and happened to make one mistake, this guy and his crew is fucking horrible and should never have been in the playoffs. I think now, I'm justified in my bitching that the Colts were fucked. Thank you.
Since we are making bold predictions, I'm going to predict that the Colts will go 14-2 and win the Super Bowl next season.

14-2 sounds about right, losing to Titans Away and Baltimore Away. And maybe losing another game to Pats @ home, or Dolphins Away(unlikely).
There's no way they are going to lose to Baltimore. The Colts seem to always beat them regardless of the circumstances. And I don't see the Colts losing to the Pats next year either. Mainly becuase Brady most likely won't be playing.

I figure they'll lose one against the Titans and probably tank the last game of the season. I really like next seasons schedule.

Away games:
New England
New York Jets
San Francisco

Homes games:
St. Louis
If you looked like that pushing 33 you probably would love it to tbh

First of all, that's kinda gay.
Second of all, pushing 36.
Talk and reports are that Dallas is probably going to release TO come February when they can officially. It's stupid. Next year everyone will be happy go lucky and bestest buds, and we'll still win 9 games. Huzzah.
First: It's not gay to point out he is in rediculously good shape for his age, and most people would be happy to be half that fit at any point in their lifetime.
Second: Oops, pushing 36.

Releasing TO really won't solve anything, but I really can't see them resigning him, at least more than an extra year at his age. They paid too much in dollars and draft picks for williams to be #2.
So I did a little more research and went through some of the game film and I found a few things that were quite interesting.

1. Apparently I'm not the only person up in arms about the horrible officiating during the Chargers - Colts game. Ron Borges of decided to dissect the horrible officiating as well. There's one part in particular I want to address based off of a quote of his:

I mainly posted a large chunk of it to give you guys a little lead up to what he is talking about, but I mainly want to hit the point about the 15-yard facemask penalty called on Clint Session in OT. It was clearly a facemask penalty, I'm not disagreeing with that, however once I looked at the game film and then found a picture of it, I noticed something that immediately angered me. Allow me to show you.


As you can see, Session is in the middle of all the Chargers players and clearly has a hand on Sproles' facemask. But if you look directly up from that at Session's facemask you notice a hand covering his. That's right, the guy who was penalized for grabbing a facemask HAD A FUCKING HAND ON HIS FUCKIN FACEMASK TOO. LIKE HOLY SHIT ON A STICK BATMAN HOW THE FUCK COULD THE REF MISS THAT?!

This fucking play gave the Chargers a first down instead of forcing them to punt because both of those facemask penalities (if called correctly) would have offset eachother and the play would have been dead, forcing the Chargers to punt and giving the Colts a chance to win the game. But noooooooo, the worst ref in the entire league just had to be in San Diego the night the Colts were there, and of course just like clockwork he completely botched yet another playoff game.

Say what you want about the Hochuli call, at least that guy is arguably one of the best officials in the league and happened to make one mistake, this guy and his crew is fucking horrible and should never have been in the playoffs. I think now, I'm justified in my bitching that the Colts were fucked. Thank you.

Your beginning to turn this into the JFK assasination investigation x2.
I think everyone has agreed that the officiating sucked...but this won't be the first and or last time this happens. Your Colts lost...let it go man...let it go.:)

I know Borges...he is or was a Boston reporter for a long time. He is a certified wack-job to say the least. Honestly, he could have a member of his own family find a cure for cancer...he would still find a way to report something negative about them or it.