NFL 2008

Disrespect? How do you feel disrespected? The Colts were charged with 2 fluke defensive holding calls by a referee crew who leads all crews in penalties called and completely bombarded the Colts with penalties. I could rewatch the game and probably write a book on how many penalties I saw on Freeney alone. Like the play where the Chargers left tackle had his hands all up in Freeney's facemask and was holding him at the same time. It was completely ridiculous. The game was decided on bullshit penalty calls which resulted in a Chargers win which was completely unfair. If the Colts were even able to have an offensive possession they could have tied the game again or at least put some points on the board. But no, they weren't given the chance because of the retarded overtime rules. The Colts literally lost because of the refs. Now you want to talk about being disrespected? heh, ok.
Disrespect? How do you feel disrespected? The Colts were charged with 2 fluke defensive holding calls by a referee crew who leads all crews in penalties called and completely bombarded the Colts with penalties. I could rewatch the game and probably write a book on how many penalties I saw on Freeney alone. Like the play where the Chargers left tackle had his hands all up in Freeney's facemask and was holding him at the same time. It was completely ridiculous. The game was decided on bullshit penalty calls which resulted in a Chargers win which was completely unfair. If the Colts were even able to have an offensive possession they could have tied the game again or at least put some points on the board. But no, they weren't given the chance because of the retarded overtime rules. The Colts literally lost because of the refs. Now you want to talk about being disrespected? heh, ok.


You know who you're talking to, right? Remember the Ed Hochuli call in the SD/Denver game? Now THAT was something to cry about. THAT was a direct cause/effect relationship with two completely different outcomes of the game. Yes Denver still had to score, but if that call had been correct, the Chargers would have won, period.

Not so in the SD/Colts game. Maybe the calls were questionable (I am not saying they were), but they weren't wrong. You, of all people, know that "illegal behavior" happens all the time without being caught on the field.

At least I can admit (if only to comfort myself) that since the Chargers did not dominate the Broncos in game two, they allowed a score that was so close that it would allow a bad call to make that much difference.

What about the rest of the SD/Colts game? Who won the game? The Chargers turned it over twice at/near the goal line and missed scoring two touchdowns. In an even match, the team who turns the ball over more usually loses. So maybe this wasn't an even match. Then you get a lucky score based solely on Manning's call for a quick snap that caught the Bolts D completely off-guard. I am not saying that wasn't a great call by Manning, but it was a fluke that resulted in 7 point for Indy. That is three plays away from a much more imbalanced score, in the Chargers' favor. The Colts also got more sacks. Yeah, Scifers pinned the Colts back pretty good, but if Manning is so great (and I think he is) then he could move his team 80+ yards to a score. Why didn't he? Because the SD defense made sure it didn't happen.

If the Chargers had had to punt in OT, I was pretty confident that their defense could have ended up getting the ball back, because they were dominating the Colts' offense. If we had lost in OT, it would have been a bummer, but I sure would not be ranting about how the rules need to change.
Not to speak for Achrisk.
But I think he simply looks at his 8-8...what the fuck is going on with this Chargers team...but says thanks for somehow making the playoffs and thrilling me with an OT win over your Colts. No props or headlines are even mentioned for his Bolts?

You talk of the retarded overtime rules??? Make the arguement that OT should be changed..but you wouldn't be complaining about it if the Colts won a simple coin toss and won the game. I can easily look at my Pats outplaying the Jets this year, out-gaining the them on total offense by 2-1, and lose the game without touching the ball in OT. A game they could've and should've won and inturn the Pats make the playoffs. But it just didn't happen, the rules are the rules, calls are made, things happen. We can't really bitch about it.

You need to stop complaining or making excuses...or don't, because personally I find it amusing. It was your Colts organization that led the biggest charge in the history of the NFL on bitch'n and moaning about changing or making calls, more-so on or protecting the receivers, offense etc. Especially when the Pats were winning playoff games and roughing up the Colts with some good'ol nasty aggressive play. Kinda liked when they slapped the Rams around in the SB...I loved it, its football not soccer. Sometimes its not filming, scouting, coaching or whatever so-called cheating all teams can and do get away with? Its having depth, defense, strappin it on and simply beating up the other team.

The Colts got thier wish...rules were changed, calls were made and they certainly have benefited from it more than any team. I wouldn't be complaining about officiating if I were you.
First off, I don't care about what happened against the Broncos, that has nothing to do with the playoff game against the Colts.

Those two defensive holding calls in overtime were complete bullshit and you know it. Yes I'm aware penalties happen all over the field and aren't called, but like I said earlier, I could write a book on the penalties committed on Freeney alone.

I don't even understand your second to last paragraph. What about the rest of the game? And obviously the Chargers won, mainly due to those 2 bogus calls in OT. Trying to make the Colts look bad by playing the hypothetical game isn't going to win you the argument. Who cares if the Colts scored on a fluke play and the Chargers could have scored when they turned it over twice in the red zone. The fact is, the Colts caught the Chargers D with their pants down and the Chargers turned the ball over twice in the red zone. There are no shoulda coulda woulda's in football.

And about that punter...

Scifres, passed over again this year in Pro Bowl voting, booted the ball six times last night for a 51.7 net average – an NFL playoff record for a punter with five or more punts. All six were downed inside the 20-yard line, also an NFL playoff record. Five times Scifres pinned the Colts inside 11 yards, and Indy had 6 yards in returns. Scifres had one booming drive of 67 yards.

You have to realize that your offensive gameplan and playcalling is completely altered when you are pinned down in your own endzone. So trying to kickstart 5 drives inside your own 11 yard line is a fucking insane feat to complete. If I wanted to, I could use your argument and say, "Well if the Colts had decent field position all night they could have easily won the game."

Also, the Chargers defense did not dominate the Colts offense. The yardage totals for both offenses were almost identical. San Diego had more first downs and won time of possession. But you have to remember, 2 of their first downs were given to them by penalties called on the Colts defense on the Chargers offensive possesion in overtime.

-The officiating crew for the game, led by referee Ron Winter, called more penalties for more yards in the regular season than any other in the league. Saturday night, they threw 12 flags that resulted in 114 yards. The Colts suffered nine of those penalties for 74 yards in losses.

– The two biggest penalties came in overtime on the Chargers' winning drive. Indy was called for defensive holding on a pass play that gave the Chargers a first down at the Colts' 35, and for a 15-yard facemask penalty on Sproles that produced another first down on the 20, one play before Sproles' winning run.

You really need to look at my previous may have missed it as I snuck it in before your reply to Achrisk?

Not being bitter, smug, etc...its just a reality check.
Not to speak for Achrisk.
But I think he simply looks at his 8-8...what the fuck is going on with this Chargers team...but says thanks for somehow making the playoffs and thrilling me with an OT win over your Colts. No props or headlines are even mentioned for his Bolts?

The only reason the Chargers even made the playoffs was due to the Broncos sucking major ass. To me, they didn't belong in the playoffs, and I'm not just saying that because they beat the Colts. No 8-8 team deserves to win their division, let alone make the playoffs, and on top of that HOST A FUCKING PLAYOFF GAME. No spank you.

You talk of the retarded overtime rules??? Make the arguement that OT should be changed..but you wouldn't be complaining about it if the Colts won a simple coin toss and won the game. I can easily look at my Pats outplaying the Jets this year, out-gaining the them on total offense by 2-1, and lose the game without touching the ball in OT. A game they could've and should've won and then they make the playoffs. But it just didn't happen, the rules are the rules, calls are made, things happen, I can't and won't bitch about it.

Of course I wouldn't be complaining about it because I would have nothing to complain about. However that doesn't change the fact that I have always thought the OT rules were completely ridiculous. Whether you want to believe that is up to you, I really don't care. Besides, I've already put my two cents in on how I think OT should be handled.

You need to stop complaining or making excuses...or don't, because personally I find it amusing. It was your Colts organization that led the biggest charge in the history of the NFL on bitch'n and moaning about changing or making calls, more-so on or protecting the receivers, offense etc. Especially when the Pats were winning playoff games and roughing up the Colts with some good'ol nasty aggressive play. Kinda liked when they slapped the Rams around in the SB...I loved it, its football not soccer. Sometimes its not filming, scouting coaching or whatever cheating all teams can and do get away with? Its having depth, defense, strappin it on and simply beating up the other team.

The Colts got thier wish...rules were changed, calls were made and they certainly have benefited from it. I wouldn't be complaining about officiating.

Let me guess, you are talking about when Polian protested to the competition committee about how the Patriots DBs were raping the Colts' receivers in the 2003-2004 AFCCG right? Yeah, you Pats fans sure love to bitch about that one don't you. It was a dirty fucking tactic (not surprising coming from Belichick), not to mention Polian didn't ask for anything to be changed, merely that the rules actually be enforced properly; which they weren't.
The only reason the Chargers even made the playoffs was due to the Broncos sucking major ass. To me, they didn't belong in the playoffs, and I'm not just saying that because they beat the Colts. No 8-8 team deserves to win their division, let alone make the playoffs, and on top of that HOST A FUCKING PLAYOFF GAME. No spank you.

I bet you and your Colts were hoping for Bronco's win on Sunday night...

Yes, it is sad that the AFC West could be won with an 8-8 record. If Denver or SD or KC or Oakland was better, things would have been different. As it turns out, the AFC West sucked, so the winner is 8-8. We (that's right Nec) offer no apologies for winning, and will offer no apologies for knocking any or all teams out of the playoffs that can't beat us. Like Rivers said, everyone in the playoffs is 0-0. If the Colts win, they deserve to go on. If we beat them, then we deserve to go on. Simple as that.

If the Chargers didn't belong in the playoffs, the Colts should have booted them out.
The only reason the Chargers even made the playoffs was due to the Broncos sucking major ass. To me, they didn't belong in the playoffs, and I'm not just saying that because they beat the Colts. No 8-8 team deserves to win their division, let alone make the playoffs, and on top of that HOST A FUCKING PLAYOFF GAME. No spank you.

I agree and even mentioned this to you prior to the Colts v Bolts game, with no reply? Why doesn't the better record holder (the Colts) have the home field? Or lets get crazier and just re-seed all the teams by best record...Bolts are out Pats and others are in.
I don't even understand your second to last paragraph. What about the rest of the game? And obviously the Chargers won, mainly due to those 2 bogus calls in OT. Trying to make the Colts look bad by playing the hypothetical game isn't going to win you the argument. Who cares if the Colts scored on a fluke play and the Chargers could have scored when they turned it over twice in the red zone. The fact is, the Colts caught the Chargers D with their pants down and the Chargers turned the ball over twice in the red zone. There are no shoulda coulda woulda's in football.

To sum up that paragraph, even when given the turnover advantage and a fluke touchdown, the Colts couldn't do more than tie the Chargers in regulation.

And about that punter...

He's a San Diego Charger. Part of our team. Part of why we won. He's not an excuse for why the Colts lost.
If the Chargers didn't belong in the playoffs, the Colts should have booted them out.

Did you not read anything I said? It obviously wasn't as simple as just booting them out. wtf?

To sum up that paragraph, even when given the turnover advantage and a fluke touchdown, the Colts couldn't do more than tie the Chargers in regulation.

He's a San Diego Charger. Part of our team. Part of why we won. He's not an excuse for why the Colts lost.

:lol: So wait wait wait...

Scifres is a San Diego Charger, and is part of why the Chargers won, but yet I can't use him as an excuse for one of the reasons the Colts lost? What?! :lol:
Did you not read anything I said? It obviously wasn't as simple as just booting them out. wtf?

Yeah, I know. It wasn't simple at all for the Colts to boot them out, because the Chargers are talented enough to be there. Although they may have entered the playoffs in an ugly way, now that they are there, there should be no whining about it. Sure, we can discuss the merits of changing the system, but no whining.

:lol: So wait wait wait...

Scifres is a San Diego Charger, and is part of why the Chargers won, but yet I can't use him as an excuse for one of the reasons the Colts lost? What?! :lol:

Yes, a reason, but no, not an excuse. See the difference?
Yeah, I know. It wasn't simple at all for the Colts to boot them out, because the Chargers are talented enough to be there. Although they may have entered the playoffs in an ugly way, now that they are there, there should be no whining about it. Sure, we can discuss the merits of changing the system, but no whining.

Yes, a reason, but no, not an excuse. See the difference?

Why is it whenever I have a problem with something I am bitching and whining instead of just stating my opinion? I don't get it. I can't say anything without it being considered biased, whining, bitching, or an excuse. It's getting pretty old guys. It's ok to voice your opinion or disagree with me, but the second I open my mouth it's all bad. I don't know what perception you have of me, but I consider myself a very unbiased person 95% of the time. Of course when it comes to the Colts I'm going to side with them more, but still, if we were debating something like who has a better running back, then clearly I'm going to side with the Chargers.

Whatever you want to call it, I think the Colts were screwed in that game in more ways than one. Yes, I do think the Colts could have played a lot better, but that doesn't matter. Nothing can change the past, so just ignore me for a while until I completely get over it.

I rooted for the Chargers last season when they beat the Colts, and I'll root for them this season (whether you want to believe that or not). It's no small feat to beat the Colts no matter the circumstances, but it's just a shame it had to end like that.

With that said, I still don't think the Chargers deserved to be in the playoffs. Even if they win the Super Bowl I'll still feel this way.
It's cool, man. I can understand where you're coming from. Your team had a shaky start, then went on a killer run. Manning got the MVP and you guys made the playoffs. Then a team which has been much crappier than your team for most of the season scrapes into the playoffs and eliminates your team in a game that seemed to you to have some unfair disadvantages for your team. I also understand the emotional letdown. Believe me, as a Bolts fan I am keenly aware of disappointment.

I think I am reacting to what I feel as a lot of disrespect for the Chargers, not just from you, but just everywhere. And also to my own knowledge of how bad we were, and how our 8-8 looks to other teams who have much better records, but didn't get in. And we did suck this season and are the least deserving team to get into the playoffs.

But you gotta know where I am coming from, because now that we are playing well, and now that we are in the playoffs, I cannot help but be excited. And I feel compelled to defend the Chargers' current playing. We all evaluate the games when our team wins or loses and decide for ourselves how much we really deserved the win or loss. Of course we are happy for the W's and hate the L's. So when I am pretty satisfied with a playoff win and perceive that people want to invalidate the win... I guess I just got defensive.