NFL 2008

Does anyone else share the opinion that Manning's receivers are that good because Peyton makes them look that good???

No, I don't share! Most are "that good" cause they just are.
He has had many that I would consider good to very good. Especially Harrison, who Peyton benefits from just as much. A true no.1 on any team...though he has now lost a step or two? Also had one of the better receiving backs out of the backfield for a good length of time in E.James...providing many YACs.
Certainly, Peyton does makes them better and impacts every guy in the locker-room.
No, I don't share! Most are "that good" cause they just are.
He has had many that I would consider good to very good. Especially Harrison, who Peyton benefits from just as much. A true no.1 on any team...though he has now lost a step or two? Also had one of the better receiving backs out of the backfield for a good length of time in E.James...providing many YACs.
Certainly, Peyton does makes them better and impacts every guy in the locker-room.

I mean, Edge has been great since leaving Peyton. His Cardinals numbers would put him in the HOF by themselves.
I've never seen so much bitching about the OT rule in my life.

Its all over the networks, on line etc. Now that poor Peyton and the Colts lost in OT, it now becomes an even bigger debate. No longer can the Colts be over-hyped and have thier asses kissed by the network media. After they beat Pittsburg, (a nice little win) they were the best AFC team and the "Manning Bowl" hype had started. No excuses, just take care of 8-8 team in regulation and its not even being discussed today. I'm sure if...oh...lets say the Ravens lost in OT, we wouldn't hear peep.
I mean, Edge has been great since leaving Peyton. His Cardinals numbers would put him in the HOF by themselves.

He's been pretty meh in Arizona, but that was to be expected. I think Edgerrin James was easily the best Colts running back ever. That includes Baltimore and Indianapolis Colts. The guy averaged 1,515 rushing yards, 459 receiving yards, and 12 rushing tds a year. Those are amazing stats man. I still think letting him go was one of the few, and by few I mean VERY few, mistakes Polian has made. Hell there's talk of him ending up back in Indy because he wants out of Arizona so bad. I'm still on the fence on that idea but still, it's fucking Edge man.

I mean, he is so well loved an respected by the fans and the Colts organization that Jim Irsay the owner gave Edge his own Super Bowl ring the year they won it. I want to see him retire a Colt because he deserves it.

But anyways, as for the argument you brought up earlier, I think it would depend on the player you are talking about. When it comes to Harrison it's more 50-50. They are easily the best QB-WR combo ever. With Reggie Wayne it's more 70-30 in favor of Peyton but it's starting to even out with less Marvin on the field. Dallas Clark is a YAC monster but still, it's mainly Peyton directing him on where to go, and as for Gonzo, we'll just have to see in the future whenever Harrison retires. But I like how you brought up Stokley because in his prime when he wasn't so injury prone, I really do think he was one of the best slot receivers ever. You can tell a lot of what Welker does for the Patriots was taken from film of Stokley in the slot. God he was amazing.
I mean, Edge has been great since leaving Peyton. His Cardinals numbers would put him in the HOF by themselves.

Stop can't be serious, as to if he was only good because of Peyton?
I don't care if he is averaging negative yardage since joining Ariz. When in his prime, he is a great player on any team. Peyton has carried players on his back and made some better...Edge is not one of them and didn't need to be carried.

When he left Peyton, Edge was the Colts alltime leading rusher. Won the rushing title his first two seasons and was one of the best RB in the NFL. Peyton didn't benefit from having this, right??? Nevermind the aforementioned receiving yards out of the backfield. Both cases Peyton is handing off or dump-passing the ball...not too hard to do. Don't give me the defense is worrying about Peyton and the receivers instead of Edge? The running of Edge sets up the passing game as well.

As I said "PEYTON IS GREAT & HAS MADE EDGE AND OTHERS AROUND HIM BETTER", only to different degrees. If you don't see Edge as a talent that had a major impact on the Colts success and having others benefitng from him as well?...then you don't know football.

edit: and then I see Mr. Colt fan...Mr. King D seems to have the same take on Edge and other Colt impact players as I do...atleast I think he agrees with me? He would know on this topic.
You're so bitter for someone who had the most overhyped team in history last year. Best team in history my ass.

Bullshit! I'm not bitter. That hype stuff can be aggrevating, wether your a Colts fan or not and is thrown out there for all to see.

You are not an over-hyped Pats team when you go undefeated, make it to the SB and get it handed to you by a stellar Giants defense in a close game. The hype is somewhat earned and expected here. I was the first one on here to say congrats to the Giants after that game. Disappointed yes, not bitter.

As far as this year, you could actually say in looking at the big picture...the Pats going 11-5 after all the injuries is as impressive if not moreso than the Colts going 12-4 and losing in the first round. Again, not being bitter or a smart-ass...that just is what it is.
I don't think Edge wasn't a good RB, I do think, however, that he was made immensely better by Peyton.
Tbh, Peyton is best QB I have seen in my life time. I have never seen anyone do the things he does as far as his awareness and audibles go. Throw that in with being one of the most accurate and strong armed QBs in the league, and I don't think you can overestimate the impact he has had on anyone on that team.
We'll agree to disagree. I think Peyton has only made Edge slightly better, not "immensely better". Edge, to a point, returns the favor to Peyton as well.

tbh, as much as I have disdain for the guy. Peyton has always carried himself professionally and the right way. Said it before, if I had to show a video to a kid on how to play quarterback...I would show them a video of Peyton. The arm release, The vision, the footwork, etc is how its done.

Now, if I had to show a video of a winner, that is cool as the other side of the pillow-on ice, has all the intangibles to go along with the arm, does not throw interceptions in big games, knows how to wear jewelry on his fingers, knows how to get the hot supermodels...then it would be me, cause I QB'd my H.S. team to a Superbowl...really I did.:D

That aside, it would of course be Thomas Edward Brady, Jr.!:lol:
2007 Pats season in JPEG form:

Do ya know since no.37 signed with and put on a Pats jersey, I purchased , wore and adorned my own no.37 jersey every single game. After that play in the SB, it has not left the hanger in my closet!
How bout one more shot of "just knock the fuckin ball off his helmet Rodney-instead of grabbing the fuckin guy" juice-roid!

It shouldn't have never come to that play. Prior to that, I think it was A. Samuel who had an easy game-ending interception go right thru his hands without a real challenge.
Its all over the networks, on line etc. Now that poor Peyton and the Colts lost in OT, it now becomes an even bigger debate. No longer can the Colts be over-hyped and have thier asses kissed by the network media. After they beat Pittsburg, (a nice little win) they were the best AFC team and the "Manning Bowl" hype had started. No excuses, just take care of 8-8 team in regulation and its not even being discussed today. I'm sure if...oh...lets say the Ravens lost in OT, we wouldn't hear peep.

Yeah, I feel you on this one. And it feels like disrespect from my end, as a Charger fan.
seed were you serious about Edgerrin James' stint in Arizona being HOF worthy!? He's averaged less than 4 yards per carry every season for them so far. If that was the criteria for the HOF then there would be like 20 active HoF running backs.

I was being sarcastic, ldo.
I was using a bit of hyperbole to further my "Peyton is great" argument.