NFL 2008

Pittsburgh vs. winner of Min-Phi is my pick.
Min-Phi was my preseason NFC Championship pick, so I'm going to stick with it. I had New England beating Philly, then Bernard Pollard ruined that. But, I had NE beating PIT in the AFC Champ. so I'm going with the next best thing.
I have Pittsburgh big in that game, I don't think SD can travel in to cold weather and beat a team of Pittsburgh's quality. I'd like to see Norv and LT (local product) win, but I don't see it happening
The Chargers do have a good defense (especially against the run) and a running game. Two good things to have in cold weather. We played the Steelers pretty tough this season, and have historically played them tough. I don't think you can write the Chargers off in that game at all.

One and done for Mr. MVP...atleast now he has more time to make his commercials.

On the Brady / Manning stuff...I'd rather not go over this stuff again...but whatever?

The difference is, unlike you...I can recognize, appreciate and see Manning for what he is, as much as I hate him and his team. For whatever reason you can't do this with Brady. At times you make it sound as if Brady has done nothing in the NFL. The fact is everyone knows he has been one of the best QB's in the NFL for some time. Both Manning (who has had the much better receivers of the years) and Brady have benefited from good situations, coaches, teams etc, not just Brady as you think. Put out all the stats, records and stuff you lose all credibility when you say things like "Brady can't hold Peytons jock"..."Brady basically had 3-rings handed to him, all he needed to do was not fuck it up"..."Brady benefited from great teams"...really? Yeah that Pats team that was 14 point underdogs to the Rams in 01' was real great. Brady had no input and wasn't a factor at all in those big games, right? Give me a break.

The one thing I do know is your boy Peyton, as much as he is worshipped and adored, is simply overrated as a big game / playoff performer. I've seen him enough to know so save your stats, cause you only use them when it benefits your guy and they don't always tell the story in winning anyways. Peyton has been both good and horrible at times in the playoffs...that about makes him average, not great. I'll take the stats that matter (playoffs) , 14-3 / 26td 12int over 7-7 / 21td 17int any day.

I do recognize what Tom Brady is. Like Dodens said, Brady lucked into a great defense and a solid offense. Peyton on the other hand was drafted into a horrible team and made that team what it is today. Can you say the same about Brady? Hell no. I can't count how many times Manning has bailed the Colts out of so many games because. As much as I love Tony Dungy, he has never really accomplished what he was hired to do; that being create a defense on par with the ones in his Tampa Bay days.

And please, drop the stupid "Brady didn't have the receivers Peyton has" because the two offenses were completely different. Brady didn't need stellar receivers because all he needed to do was not fuck shit up, hand the ball of to his running backs, and watch that defense rip it up. Duh?

It's just sad that Patriots fans have to use that horrible argument to support the opinion that Brady is as good or better than Manning. Brady had to force the shit out of a lot of passes and run up the score on numerous teams in scrub time and he still barely broke the TD record. The only record anyone seems to care about. He didn't come close to any of the other records Peyton broke in '04, like the godly QB rating he set. And throughout that entire season, the biggest and most glaring difference here that no one in Patriots land wants to admit to: the Patriots basically gave up on the running game. All they did was pass the ball, they had hardly any running game all season long. The Colts on the other hand, well let's see: Edge rushed for 1548 yards on 334 attempts and 9 tds, and Rhodes had 53 rushes for 254 yards and a td. In contrast, the Patriots top 3 rushers from 2007 didn't even equal Edge in yards or attempts. And of course there is always the fact that Manning didn't play for 3 quarters in their last two games. So yeah, excuse me for not think that Brady is anywhere near as good as Peyton.

God damn it, I wish you people would stop talking like football is a one man sport. The best teams win each year, not the best goddamn players. I could go through game by game each playoff game that Manning has played in and there is only ONE playoff game that he is responsible for, that being the 2004 AFCCG in NE. Every single other playoff game has been the combination of different problems that were out of Peyton's control. Take for instance the 2003 divisional game against NE; the Colts defense blew some major ass and the two fumbles Edge had near the goalline were killers. 2005 divisional game against the Steelers, yet again the defense decided not to show up, and Vanderjagt literally lost the game for the Colts after Peyton had once again shouldered the offense and put them in position to tie the game. 2007 divisional game against the Chargers was not Peyton's fault. Peyton and the offense came out red hot until Marvin fumbled, Kenton Keith gave the Chargers and interception, the defense decided to come out and play half-assed football, and the defensive line couldn't not establish a pass rush at all since Freeney was out for the season. And how about last night? How is Peyton responsible for some cracked out kicker constantly putting them in shitty field position? How is he responsible for a make-shift offensive line blowing blocking assignments? How is he responsible for a running game that had been non-existant all season long? How is he responsible for a linebacking corp that played scared? Explain that shit to me please, because I'd love to read your answers.

Don't worry, I wasn't touching that game with a ten foot pole, either way. Didn't expect them to turn the ball over like that.

Where's your sig and avatar, KD?

Oh, and fuck you, Val. I hope to god Minnesota wins this game. I hate the Eagles so fucking bad.
Great, Tavaris pick 6... I mean, who saw that coming?

I was going to change it back to a regular Colts helmet since it's not christmas but I became preoccupied.

And Marino was a shitty quarterback because he didn't play his best in the playoffs, right?

And comparing the system that Manning stepped into when he was drafted with the scenario in which Brady was gifted as the starting QB in a solid playoff run on a rising team is absurd. Not to mention the fact that the Patriots were caught filming other teams' warmups and it's likely that they've been doing this the entire time. Brady had possibly the single coziest position a quarterback was ever dropped into. Yes, he is an excellent quarterback, but he would not have 3 Super Bowl rings if he wasn't on the Patriots. Unlike the Colts, the Patriots are a single unit, a cohesive structure well-coached and well-stocked with players on all fronts. The Colts, very frequently, have to rely singularly on Manning. How many times has Brady had all the burden on his shoulders?

And Marino was a shitty quarterback because he didn't play his best in the playoffs, right?

And comparing the system that Manning stepped into when he was drafted with the scenario in which Brady was gifted as the starting QB in a solid playoff run on a rising team is absurd. Not to mention the fact that the Patriots were caught filming other teams' warmups and it's likely that they've been doing this the entire time. Brady had possibly the single coziest position a quarterback was ever dropped into. Yes, he is an excellent quarterback, but he would not have 3 Super Bowl rings if he wasn't on the Patriots. Unlike the Colts, the Patriots are a single unit, a cohesive structure well-coached and well-stocked with players on all fronts. The Colts, very frequently, have to rely singularly on Manning. How many times has Brady had all the burden on his shoulders?

WTF! Did I ever say Marino or Manning for that matter were shitty? NO!

I'm not the one over doing it with undo criticism or tearing down a QBs accomplishments like some do here with Brady. Simply saying Manning hasn't been this great QB in the playoffs...whats so hard to understand about this? He has had some good moments but mainly makes his mark on greatness with regular season stats, records etc. He deserved the MVP as I mentioned before, was more important than anyone on turning his team around in the right direction after a rough start. That said, sorry, but an MVP who leads a 12-4 team, shouldn't get bounced in the first round by an 8-8 S.D. excuses!

Please stop with this whole Brady benefiting from a system stuff. Sure its a nice little gig he was put into, but he still worked his ass harder than anyone, has made the most of his oppurtunity x's ten and has been more instrumental than anyone in said system. He's not some humpty thats just along for the ride. Lets not forget, for the longest time Brady had no big-time receivers to work with and he managed to do damn good. F-in Troy brown, God love him, was his no.1 receiver for quite a while.

Until recently Manning has had much better receivers to work with throughout his career. He has had his own well-structured cohesive units (especially offensively) that you speak of. Don't make it sound like he has had nothing to work with. Both QBs, actually all QB's have much to burden on thier shoulders, its the nature of the position.
And please, drop the stupid "Brady didn't have the receivers Peyton has" because the two offenses were completely different. Brady didn't need stellar receivers because all he needed to do was not fuck shit up, hand the ball of to his running backs, and watch that defense rip it up. Duh?
It's just sad that Patriots fans have to use that horrible argument to support the opinion that Brady is as good or better than Manning.

I'm not using this as an arguement to why Brady is better...its just a simple fact about his receivers and what good he made of it. I'm not even arguing who is better anyways. Whatever thier situations, I can recognize both QBs being great and and others only see Peyton in this light.

Brady did much more than just "don't fuck it up and hand the ball off". Example 1a is the game winning drive in the Superbowl against the Rams. I don't care what kinda offense, eventually you have to put the ball downfield make big plays, first downs etc. You put Peyton with some of Brady's average or below receivers, sit and watch them and what Peyton makes of it, then you can let me know what ya think? Until then, be glad Peyton has had some great receivers around him. When Peyton didn't have much to work with and was in tough situations, then succeeds...he is the great hero. When Brady doesn't have much (receivers) to work with then rises to the occasion and makes everyone aorund him better...he is only a product of his environment?

Sure, Belicheck gave Brady the defense that you hoped Dungy would've built for the Colts. But Dungy and the organization has certainly given Peyton an offense over the that many Pats fans had long wished for. Its a two way street my friend.
... And how about last night? How is Peyton responsible for some cracked out kicker constantly putting them in shitty field position? How is he responsible for a make-shift offensive line blowing blocking assignments? How is he responsible for a running game that had been non-existant all season long? How is he responsible for a linebacking corp that played scared? Explain that shit to me please, because I'd love to read your answers.

I know, isn't Scifers a monster?!?! And he's not even going to the Pro-bowl. That is a travesty!
I'd also like to put my two cents in about the overtime situation.

The solution to this problem is simple. It's so simple that most people I explain this to usually respond with, "Wow, that's actually a good idea." So anyways, here's my idea:

Play one extra quarter.

Fuckin genius right? I know!

Play another 15 minute quarter, 2 timeouts, challenges come from the booth. If there is still a tie at the end of the game, leave it as a tie during the regular season and during the playoffs (wait for iittttttt) PLAY ANOTHER QUARTER! MADNESS I TELL YA!
Football is a little to br00tal to just keep playing. Injuries in 5th and 6th quarters would be a huge problem as bodies start breaking down.
Does anyone else share the opinion that Manning's receivers are that good because Peyton makes them look that good???
I'm not saying Harrison and Wayne aren't good receivers, but I don't think people would consider them top of the line if they hadn't had the best QB in football throwing to the for the last 10 years. Let's not forget the EVERY receiver that has played for Manning has been "great." Remember Brandon Stokely? How awesome is that guy now? How awesome was he before Indy? But he was "the best slot receiver in football" while he was in Indy.
His receivers are well coached and great route runners, but don't kid yourself. Neither of those guys are in the Moss, Owens, Johnson, Smith, Burress category of the past few years. Does anyone here think that Wayne put up near as good of numbers with say... Jake Delhomme throwing him the ball? No, I don't think he would.

@KD- I don't like the idea of a system that still provides the chance for ties. I'm not watching fucking soccer, and I don't know how to calculate aggregate score, so I don't want any god damn ties. I don't feel like watching a football game for 3 1/2 hours just so we can end up right where we fucking started. Your system would actually provide more ties, so I disagree. This is why I support the college system. Fair, no ties, quickest ending to a completely fair system, and will create endless drama while being fucking entertaining to watch. I don't care who it is playing in college overtime, I stop to watch the game.. it's just fun.

Oh, and Hook 'em!!
One Is Better Than None

Is that directed at the Chargers? Have the Colts only won one?

I think a whole quarter of OT is too much. I am ok with sudden death, but I would also be ok with the college style. If the Chargers had had to punt, I was pretty confident that their defense could have ended up getting the ball back, because they were dominating the Colts' offense.

As far as any excuse on the part of the Colts, we turned it over twice at/near the goal line and missed scoring two touchdowns. In an even match, the team who turns the ball over more usually loses. Then you get a lucky score based solely on Manning's bad ass awareness. That is three plays away from a much more imbalanced score, in the Chargers' favor. The Colts also got more sacks. Yeah, Scifers pinned the Colts back pretty good, but the our defense dominated to keep you there.
I definitely agree that the greatness of the Colts' wide receivers has a lot to do with the greatness of their quarterback.