NFL 2008

Well yeah. First they need to learn how to tackle. Then they need to learn gap responsibilities and learn how to recognize formations. After that we can work more on technique of shedding blocks, applying adequate pressure on the QB with the front 4, and learn how to successfully stop the run. After that it's domination time.
I remember watching an NFL game this year, can't remember who was playing, but it blew my mind that the D totally overloaded one side, and the Offense still attempted a pass play, which of course was hurried by pressure and went incomplete.
WTF wouldn't you audible to a run to the open side?
Yeah Rex Ryan is infamous for doing that.

There is one team on offense that loads one side of the o-line like that and runs to that side. They have it set up where they have 2 TEs, 2 OTs, and a guard on the left side of the line. It was pretty interesting.
Maybe I don't have enough "experience" watching football, but I rarely if ever notice formations and things like that. I guess I mostly focus on the ball and what happens with it. I would like to notice more, and do at times, but mostly not so much.
That is the one thing better about attending a game vs watching on TV, you get to watch what's going on away from the ball, which is pretty interesting. I wish networks could offer wider shots, so you can watch what the secondary is doing while the QB is dropping back, instead of getting the zoom effect and wondering why either the wide reciever was open, or why the defender was there.
Honestly, the people who name Belichick as "one of the greats" are complete morons. The only reason they even bring him up is because of the 3 Super Bowls he won in NE. But yet, and I knew this shit was going to happen, they all decide to shrug off the cheating he did like it never happened. I don't care what you, or anyone else says, he cheated. No one knows to what extent he did, but the fact is, he cheated. And in my opinion, that's pathetic and completely tarnishes anything you've ever done.

What you seem to be forgetting about Belichick is that fact that he worked for one of the greatest coaches ever in Bill Parcells. His success in NY had more to do with Parcells than his own "genius." Want some evidence? Ok, you got it:

The Cleveland Browns.

Yeah, he sure did a great job there didn't he? The Browns were actually a storied and respectable franchise, and he had only 1 winning season. Tony Dungy on the other hand, took arguably the worst franchise in NFL history, and make them a perennial contender year in and year out. So who do I think is the better coach? Yeah, you guessed it, Tony Dungy.

I love Parcels and he of course was a great mentor for many, but he benefited just as much from Belichick. You know and I know how those Giant teams won thier titles, mainly because of Belichick and thier great defenses. Of course Belichick went on to win 3-more titles without big Bill. Before Belichick even got to NE, he already had the defensive genious label attached to him for a reason. Even you once said something to the affect that you thought and wished Dungy would have brought the same label and D-style to the Colts, wich he did not do. The fact is Belichick has built up a better resume with more success and will be looked upon right or wrong, call him what you the end he is one of the elite coaches, thats a simple fact.

As I said, Belichicks success will be tarnished to a point and we can even take Bill out of the discussion if you want. I didn't want to start the comparison to or take anything away from Dungy and the original point of this. We'll agree to disagree that Dungy will be looked upon as one of the greatest ever as you put it. Though very good, He simply is not in the elite group.
a bunch of nonsense

God...I can't even read your posts any more. I'm putting you on ignore. You have no concept of how to argue. In addition, the only thing you talk about ever is Boston sports teams, so that's not a big loss.
Coachs usually have success when a GM gets him the right the right personnel to succeed. I really don't think that Belichick would have done any better in Detroit this year than Rod Marinelli. When you have talent, you usually win, and vice versa. In Norv Turner's case, last year they had a mediocre season because they adopted an entirely new scheme, and coaching changes usually take a year to meld. It isn't the coach's fault when he doesn't have good players to work with.
God...I can't even read your posts any more. I'm putting you on ignore. You have no concept of how to argue. In addition, the only thing you talk about ever is Boston sports teams, so that's not a big loss.

No sweat off my balls.
Boston is not the only thing I talk about...but whatever.
If you can't handle the truth about certain statements or don't like the city I'm from or teams I root for...than thats your problem!

No concept how to argue?
Like I'm trying to even argue...maybe sometimes? I put out my opinion, facts and try to do it with seriuosness or sometimes to bust chops...all in fun. Recently, my sentiments have been replying in regards to Dungy being a very good coach not an elite coach. It wasn't even to bring comparison to Belichick v Dungy...I knew others would get defensive and start this arguement. Also in these statements I have the opinion or right to say if I or others think that Belichick falls into the elite status of said coaches that pertain to Dungy being in this group or not? What the fuck is wrong with that?!?
Mathiäs;7965546 said:
Coachs usually have success when a GM gets him the right the right personnel to succeed. I really don't think that Belichick would have done any better in Detroit this year than Rod Marinelli. When you have talent, you usually win, and vice versa. In Norv Turner's case, last year they had a mediocre season because they adopted an entirely new scheme, and coaching changes usually take a year to meld. It isn't the coach's fault when he doesn't have good players to work with.

SD's defense also lost its backbone (Merriman) and LT was in a limited condition (Offensive backbone), so the Chargers were behind the eightball this year regardless.
Mathiäs;7965546 said:
Coachs usually have success when a GM gets him the right the right personnel to succeed. I really don't think that Belichick would have done any better in Detroit this year than Rod Marinelli. When you have talent, you usually win, and vice versa. In Norv Turner's case, last year they had a mediocre season because they adopted an entirely new scheme, and coaching changes usually take a year to meld. It isn't the coach's fault when he doesn't have good players to work with.

I think its safe to say Belichick would have done a bit better than Marinelli. However, I do agree with your whole point. S. Pioli (now going to be the Chiefs GM) has had as much to do with the Pats success as anyone. Belichick has the final say on player personel but Pioli has done a masterful job from 1-53...scouting, getting good players deep in the draft...diverse players etc. I think good GMs are the most important person on any team. Just with football the coaches are more important and dynamic than in any other sport.
And how is that nonsense?

How you ask? Allow me to show you.

Typical. Belichick and Patriots haters bringing up this Spygate bullshit.

Hate to burst your bubble, but it isn't bullshit.

Where do you think game film comes from?

Not from a guy paid to stand on the sideline videotapping a coaches signal in defensive play calls. Game film comes from league approved areas up in each team's booth.

And maybe if people would actually read about what was actually taped at that Pats vs. Jets game they would realize that was not in fact cheating.

:lol: What? If it wasn't cheating, then why exactly did the follow occur:

1. Belichick was caught doing something fishy.
2. Belichick admitted guilt.
3. Belichick and the Patriots organization was fined a combined $750,000, and they lost their first round draft pick.

Not cheating huh?

How can you cheat when you can't even see the tape, and ONE half of ONE quarter was only taped??

Well if you would read up on the situation, you would find out that this wasn't an isolated incident. Belichick has been doing this the entire time he's been with the Patriots.

Also, you can't be serious about the "it's not cheating if you didn't see the tape!" The whole point is the TAPING. THAT'S THE ILLEGAL PART. Fact is, he would have ended up watching if his hack protege hadn't narked on him.

That's how.
LT is slowing down, no question. It's the way things go. The Chargers seem to be good at drafting running backs though so I wouldn't worry too much.
Time for weekend NFC/AFC Championship Game Predictions.
Steelers beat The Ravens
Eagles beat The Cardinals
Setting up a Steelers Vs, Eagles Super Bowl.