NFL 2008

How can I say that? Well let me show you:

Did you catch what he said at the end of the clip to Kelvin Hayden? I sure did. It was something along the lines (exact quote tbh) of, "You fucking suck!" So yeah, I hope he is bleeding internally due to the hit he suffered today.
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Fuck, so THAT'S why Ike Taylor got an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty...was wondering what he did. :lol:
I'm so fucking hurt, especially since you made it so obviously a defense mechanism.

Face it, there are no fans in football more annoying than Cowboys and Patriots fans, except Eagles fans.
Just as muz and i were hurt by yours.
"a defense mechanism?" You are so juvenile sometimes.
I do agree with you, however, that Eagles fans are the single worst fans in football... or any sport for that matter. They booed Santa and cheered when they thought Michael Irvin was paralyzed.
I've never had a problem with Pats fans, except Muz, and he's just a homer.
The average Cowboy fan can be annoying because they can be band wagoners. We also have the worst fair weather fans in the league, as well. As soon as we start to suck, you'll hear everyone talk about how much they hate the Cowboys. It's kind of ridiculous.
My point was that you are really annoying, tbh. And it's nonsensical to accuse somebody of being juvenile because he pointed out your kneejerk reaction that essentially boils down to "Nuh uh, you are!" I don't blame you though, I understand that you're from Texas.
I don't know why you feel you have to constantly attack me for no fucking reason. I rarely ever post in reference to anything you say, unless you feel like you have to talk shit to me in the first place. It's a shame that someone as intelligent as yourself can't keep from being such an asshole at all times. I don't blame you though, I understand you're from New Jersey.

edit: and tbh, if you feel I'm that annoying then put me on ignore. That feature is great.
I agree with that Krig. I was really high on Orton when he came out of college (he's a fellow Boilermaker :) ) and I didn't think he was given enough time to develop properly when he got his first chance at being the starting QB. If I were a Bears fan I'd have a lot of confidence in what he can do, but like you said, they've got some problems in the receiver department. Olsen and Clark are pretty good TE's, and Hester has a lot of promise but is still very rough around the edges. Hester to me, is more like a slot receiver though (ala Stokley). He's probably the second most dangerous person in the NFL with the ball in is hands (obviously behind Peterson). I guaruntee if the Bears attempted to mirror the Colts offense (just like the Patriots did last year except with more emphasis on being well-rounded) with they'd steamroll some people in the NFC for sure. Oh and did I mention Forte is a stud? He reminds me of Edgerrin James, and it makes me sad because I live Edge. One of the most underrated running backs this decade for sure. I'd go as far to say if Edge hadn't blown his knee out in '01, he'd still be in Indy and have so many rushing records right now. :(

Anyways, if the Bears fix their problems (mediocre secondary, depth at linebacker, receivers) they'll be pretty damn good.
wow, someone that doesnt hate Kyle Orton!
I think he is a good QB, but he has shit for WR. He needs a playmaker.
yeah, Bears country loves Matt Forte, he is good at all things RB.

Off to work :mad:
How can I say that? Well let me show you:

Did you catch what he said at the end of the clip to Kelvin Hayden? I sure did. It was something along the lines (exact quote tbh) of, "You fucking suck!" So yeah, I hope he is bleeding internally due to the hit he suffered today.

This is why..."you fuckin suck"! :cry:
Please, gimme a break. This is harmless compared to the real nasty dirty shit that goes on. Who's to say that Colts player didn't do something previous to Welker and Welker was giving him back the business. This also goes back to my point about players who should not talk shit before games. Atleast the Pats jerk- players save it for on the field.:)
Originally, I was pointing out how tough Welker was...but also being kinda tongue and cheek about the whole thing. You should'nt be taking this so serious...being pissed off about profanity in the NFL?:rolleyes:
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Why do you always try to make your players seem like folk heroes?

Dude, I support my teams and have been a true fan for many many years. But I think many here take things too serious at times. I don't mind having a good arguement and I try to be reasonable as possible. I mean christ, I'm the only Pats fan here and take a ton of grief. I'll bring facts, criticism, throw a jab or two...but try to do it all in good fun most of the time. I think people miss it and get too offended.
I mean I'm a parent, counsel and help troubled kids for work, I really am a honest decent guy. I don't mean to be annoying.:lol:
You're not, it's just funny how you glorify the Pats' players.

I know...refering to Brady as God may be over doing it.:)
At the same time (for an eg.) when I hear he is overrated, average, etc and without being a homer, I atleast try to make a reasonable arguement on how good he really is...its no big deal.

I throw out enough criticism around to other I will do so to Pats players as well. Like Wilfork, Light, Harrison, times these guys can be foolish-dicks with the best of them. I'm unglorifying.:lol:

like some here...I'm just not going to call out players for swearing.