NFL 2008

edit: @ drunkard- I think Vince Young will still be a quality player in the league, once he gets on a team that gives him more than Justin Gage to throw the ball to. Kerry Collins is playing better than Vince because he's a game manager, unlike Young, who is a playmaker and needs some sort of talent around him to assist him. That team has such a good defense and are built around the run on offense, so a game manager is more effective than a guy like Vince.

First off, Vince Young will never, I repeat, never be a good NFL QB. He's just like Mike Vick, great intangibles, horrible passer.

Secondly, your argument doesn't even make sense. How could a less talented QB, a "game manager," have better passing statistics and a better record than a QB who is a, according to you, more talented and has more potential with the same exact players at his disposal?

This I agree with.
The Gators and the SEC are always loaded with physically talented made for the NFL players.

However, the training, experience, systems, coaching, physical abilities etc will always favor the worst NFL team over any NCAA team.

How can you say this about a team that hasn't won a single game? You peoples' argument is so skewed it's not even funny. This is the NFL, where "any given sunday" is a reality. The NFL is built around parity, but yet we are arguing whether a winless team could beat one of the best college teams around right now? It's not like I'm comparing some unknown high school team. I'm talking about the Florida Gators. If you look up and down their roster, compare all the specs for each player, I bet you'd see that these Gators' players are on par or excel in every category over the Lions.
I'm a huge Gators fan and I would actually be rooting for them to win in a said hypo NFL game. I mentioned my reasons as to why the NFL wins here...I'll let it go at that.
First off, Vince Young will never, I repeat, never be a good NFL QB. He's just like Mike Vick, great intangibles, horrible passer.

Secondly, your argument doesn't even make sense. How could a less talented QB, a "game manager," have better passing statistics and a better record than a QB who is a, according to you, more talented and has more potential with the same exact players at his disposal?

The difference is that Young is looking for bigger and more risky plays. He's going to turn the ball over occasionally, and that's going to kill a team with that good of a defense. A playmaking QB needs other players on his team to make plays as well. Kerry Collins only throws the ball when he has to, and he's not going to try to make big/risky plays. He's just going to manage the game, and not lose it for you.

Look at it this way, if Young had some sort of talent at WR, you'd score far more points with him at QB than with Collins at QB. He'd turn the ball over a little more, but overall your offense would be better. Unfortunately, other than the backfield, the Titans have absolutely no offensive talent. No QB is going to put up consistently great numbers with them. So, they're better off going with the safer Collins and winning with their crushing defense and smashmouth running game, with your QB just trying to not lose the game and get a few first downs.

Vince Young is better than Michael Vick because he can throw the ball better than Vick can. He's more accurate and he's shown the ability to stand in the pocket and throw. Young runs when he needs to, while Vick will look for his run... a strategy that just doesn't work in the NFL. When a team picks him up in the next year or two, I see him turning in to a quality starting QB. He still needs another year or two to develop, but somebody is going to steal him for next to nothing.
The idea that any NFL team could beat any college football team in any scenario is patently absurd. I wish this would actually take place so people wouldn't think so stupidly. Getting paid for what you do doesn't make you the best at it.
Especially if you brought a downtrodden team (such as the Lions) into a rowdy stadium such as the one in OU...

I think people are overestimating what the Lions have on their team... go look at their team and tell me how many of their players you would take over their OU/UT (and UF, if you insist... but just watch them fall to Alabama or Oklahoma) counterparts. Each of those teams have at least 10-15 players who will be eventually drafted in to the NFL.
I'm so glad that the pretentious, snotty, arrogant little dick coach Saban got it handed to him.
TIM TEBOW is one of the best collegiate players ever! No way in hell he was going to let his Gators lose this game...what a football player!
3 cheers for an overrated SEC that's going to get its ass handed to it by OU!!!!
Florida doesn't deserve a spot in the NC over Texas. Texas' resume is better, but they'll get it because no one seems to realize exactly how terrible the SEC is this year.
Florida has 2 quality wins, and a relatively bad loss. Florida beat Alabama (also severely overrated) and Georgia and they lost at home to 4 loss team ranked 20th.
Texas, however has 3 quality wins... over OU, OSU, and Missouri. Texas' loss was on the road against the 8th ranked team who only has one loss all year.
To me, there is not even a comparison. Florida is getting undue respect for playing in a traditionally powerful conference, that has been relatively weak this year. They crushed a bunch of crappy teams for a few weeks, and now everybody thinks they're the best team in the nation.
I hate OU, but I hope they kick the shit out of UF.
Yeah, Texas is clearly better. But that was a damn good game against an overrated Alabama team who surprised me. I thought Florida would kill them, but they played it close. I want to see a Texas vs. OU, that would be a damn good game. And these rankings are skewed anyway, why the fuck is TT behind Utah of all teams?

And wtf, Packers are playing like ass