NFL 2008

I really don't see the big deal with referring to a team as "us". When you break it down, Football is for the fans. Without the fans there is no game. So while it might not be grammatically correct, referring to your favorite team as us or we is warranted imo
I wasn't the one who came in whining about a catch that actually was a catch and blaming everything but the players' poor performances and not "going for the throat" as if you can just decide "okay let's just go score now and not fuss about." I only do it to you because you get so easily riled up like a big dumb fucking Texan. And that WAS a catch and Witten DID fumble. And the Steelers DID win, and WERE the better team overall. And Romo did play like shit and make poor throwing decisions, and Owens and Witten played like crap for the most part. The best Cowboy of the day was a no name rookie. The talking heads called it way before the game. A good offense trumps a good defense.

My making fun of you for the use of "we" and "us" was not for the potential confusion that it might cause for somebody who shares your IQ level, but because it's just a stupid and embarrassing thing to do.

Whatever, there are plenty of people who refer to their team as "we." I don't think anyone gives a fuck but your self-righteous ass.
I think I called that Pittsburgh would win before the game, and that turnovers would be the reason... so I don't think I was confused about the game.
By "going for the throat" I mean trying to score in the fourth quarter with the lead, instead of running it on 2 straight 3rd and long plays and settling for a punt... they may not have scored, but they might have been able to get a first down and run more time off the clock. I also mean "going for the throat" in that we should have continued to play the aggressive, blitzing defense we played all game on the last drive, when instead we started rushing only 4 and dropping everyone in to coverage.
I didn't say it wasn't the players, in fact I explicitly blamed Witten and the coaching staff who are just as important as the players. I also said Romo didn't play very well, but the game wasn't completely his fault.
You're dumb ass just came in here looking to start an argument because you're a retarded faggot who has to make himself seem big by arguing on the computer. I tried to to discuss the game in a civil manner, and once again you had to start shit. Just shut the fuck up if you have nothing to say but to randomly lob insults.
Kinda like the Giants didn't win their division last year?

College is a completely different animal.

And we saw Texas and OU play... Texas beat OU, but got robbed by retarded coaches and random numbers that apparently have nothing to do with what happens on the field.
Like Mathias said... OU and Texas are the 2 best teams. UF is going to lose by 20+ points.

Texas beat OU, TT beat Texas, OU beat TT. Which one of them should have been playing for the Big 12 Championship again? It's impossible to decide. If you want to complain about how the Big 12 decides their championship game that is one thing, but really, what other choice did they have? No matter who they picked, there would be an argument for why they should have or shouldn't have been there. All that matters is one of those 3 teams will represent that great conference in January for the NC.

I already guarunteed a UF win, so we'll see.

I wouldn't have said anything if you didn't come into this thread throwing out excuses, actually. Aside from my initial joke that you were man enough to ignore. But then you said some stupid things so I corrected you. I'm not doing this for my own benefit.

If you wish to continue this, do it through PM.
I'm going to complain that there should be a 6 team playoff and we should be arguing about who gets 1st round byes, and who is the 6th ranked team, rather than who is 2nd, and who gets a chance to decide their own destiny.
I wouldn't have said anything if you didn't come into this thread throwing out excuses, actually. Aside from my initial joke that you were man enough to ignore. But then you said some stupid things so I corrected you. I'm not doing this for my own benefit.

If you wish to continue this, do it through PM.

Saying why we lost the game isn't making excuses. Had I have said it was the ref's fault, then it would be an excuse. Regardless of what they called, Phillips should have challenged, and even if it was an incomplete pass, it's not a sure thing that we would have stopped them. It was just an example of how Wade is a joke of a head coach, and a primary reason for the disappointing season.

edit: and which joke are you talking about?
How about pointing out how fucked up it is that at 5-8 the Chargers could have still made the playoffs and at 8-5 the Falcons and Cowboys are jockeying for a spot.
Doubt it.
We have a wealth of young talent on the team, and a young pro bowl QB, who will keep us in contention.
We have very few older players, and a lot less Al Davis than the Raiders have.. so I don't think we're heading that way.
Tank hasn't remotely been a distraction. And what ruined the Cowboys in the 90's was Irvin getting caught with coke, and then the rest of the team aging, and being destroyed by free agency. Without Deion we wouldn't have won our 3rd Super Bowl. Our chemistry and discipline collapse was partly due to Barry Switzer and Chan Gailey becoming head coach, as well.
Pacman is the only one out of those who has been a distraction, and I doubt he'll be a Cowboy next year unless we win the Super Bowl.
Romo ain't that young (he's 28, in a league where 32 is pretty old). I'd be wary of counting on him too much, especially with that thumb. Keep in mind that it took five years and several teams for Kurt Warner to really recover from a similar injury, and Romo has definitely been a lot less accurate since coming back this season.

You're right about Dallas having some young talent, but they also got some real holes. That secondary just isn't getting any better. Some of the key guys in the front 7 aren't spring chickens. Marion Barber is already beginning to decline due to his physical style, and Felix Jones is never going to be big enough to be an every down NFL back. Jason Witten is starting to accumulate a lot of nagging injuries - I don't know how long he can play at an elite level (TE's certainly tend to burn out faster in the NFL than WR's). TO is TO: a ticking timebomb (who will likely be in full fledged physical decline shortly, if he isn't already), and Roy Williams has never shown that he can be a number 1 receiver for legitimate contender. The O-line is iffy in pass protection. You want me to go on?

Romo will be a solid player for another 7 years or so.
The secondary has been VASTLY improved this year, and will only get better as Jenkins and Scandrick do as well. They need a SS, and will have the money after Roy Williams comes off the book this year to get one.
Other than Zach Thomas and Greg Ellis (who has been garbage this year) who else in the front 7 is old?
Barber may only be available for another few years, but you can say that about any RB now a days. Not to mention, I think they have his eventual replacement in Choice.
Witten has no serious nagging injuries, and I have no idea what you're talking about with TE's not lasting very long. If anything, they last several years. Take Todd Heap, or Tony Gonzalez, for instance. Regardless, Martellus Bennett is a great TE behind him. He reminds me of a younger Antonio Gates (not saying he's as good as Gates... yet)right down to the basketball background.
TO has been a ticking time bomb now for 3 years, apparently.. I don't get it.. I guess the fuse got wet or something. Roy Williams is more than capable of being a #1 receiver, and has shown that in the past with the great Jon Kitna throwing to him.

You act like they won't ever add any players... what you said can be said about any team. I don't see your point at all. Are you one of those guys who just hates the Cowboys, and says they suck and will always suck for no reason?
That secondary just isn't getting any better.
:lol: How many rookies are we starting right now in the secondary not to mention players playing out of position due to injuries? I don't call inexperience and injuries "getting worse", in the long term.
Marion Barber is already beginning to decline due to his physical style
Don't know what you are seeing.
Jason Witten is starting to accumulate a lot of nagging injuries - I don't know how long he can play at an elite level (TE's certainly tend to burn out faster in the NFL than WR's).
TO is TO: a ticking timebomb (who will likely be in full fledged physical decline shortly, if he isn't already)
The one thing I agree with you, is that he is going to seriously decline within 2 years.

and Roy Williams has never shown that he can be a number 1 receiver for legitimate contender.
:lol: Already answered.

The O-line is iffy in pass protection.

Well with Kosier out it hasn't been as good. We definitely need to draft Adams replacement. But as seed said, you just described potential problems for multiple teams in the league. The names are interchangable.

I guess since the Pittsburg Oline is iffy in pass protection they are ready to collapse as well? :Smug:
3 cheers for an overrated SEC that's going to get its ass handed to it by OU!!!!
Florida doesn't deserve a spot in the NC over Texas. Texas' resume is better, but they'll get it because no one seems to realize exactly how terrible the SEC is this year.
Florida has 2 quality wins, and a relatively bad loss. Florida beat Alabama (also severely overrated) and Georgia and they lost at home to 4 loss team ranked 20th.
Texas, however has 3 quality wins... over OU, OSU, and Missouri. Texas' loss was on the road against the 8th ranked team who only has one loss all year.
To me, there is not even a comparison. Florida is getting undue respect for playing in a traditionally powerful conference, that has been relatively weak this year. They crushed a bunch of crappy teams for a few weeks, and now everybody thinks they're the best team in the nation.
I hate OU, but I hope they kick the shit out of UF.

Have you officially lost your mind? :lol:

Make your case that OU will beat the Gators...and OU is very capable, but cmon. The Gators have to be in the NC. When any no.2, hell even 3 or 4 ranked team at the end of the year beats the no.1 team in the country...its really no surprise to be in the NC. Tee-up a playoff system and I'm all for it...but this is the way it has to be for the time being.

Alabama was a topped ranked team this year, goes into the SEC title game ranked no.1 in the country and goes down in a close game to a very good Gators team. Now you state "Bama was severly overrated"???.:lol:. I'm thrilled Bama lost, but you are wrong here.

"The Sec is terrible and overrated"??? Yes, the pundits may have over-hyped this conference at the start. Does not take away still, how tough this conference is each year. Even on a down year (and this was not), its still a monster conference loaded with skill and future NFLers.

No way in hell I would bet against Meyer and Tim Tebow in a NC game.

Other than T.Tebow, there is only one football player in the world right now that is more fun to watch...tougher, strong-willed, competative and more valuable...and that is the man who rose from the dead after that hit in the Steelers game, put up 12 / 135 yd.s while enduring more punishing blows, the one...the only...the white mans Troy Brown...Mr. Mighty might (aka mr. "You fuckin suck"...thanks KD:)) WESSSSSSSSSS WELKERRRRRRRRR!:worship:
The SEC wasn't down this year?
The third and fourth best teams in that conference were mediocre Georgia and Ole Miss. I don't see how they weren't down.
LSU 7-5
Arkansas 5-7
Auburn 5-7
Tennessee 5-7
South Carolina 7-5
How can you not see how bad the SEC was this year? The Big XII was in a different class this year.
Neither Florida or Alabama had to play the schedule that the Big XII did. Like I said, Florida played 3 teams that are currently ranked, and the lost to a 4 loss team at home. Texas played 4, and lost on the road to a one loss team on a last second play.
Texas has a superior resume to Florida's.
This wouldn't be a problem if we had a playoff. It would be much better to be arguing about which of these teams get a first round bye, rather than which one gets their season ended without the chance to fight for it.

edit: and you won't bet against Tebow and Meyer, but you will bet against Stoops and Bradford? That doesn't make any sense. Those two tandems seem like they're on the same level to me.
The SEC was bad this year, agree. No dominant teams at all. LSU looked good for a while but they were always overrated.