NFL 2008

I can't believe we blew that game. At least I expected it and we're still in the playoff race. I put this one entirely on the coaching staff getting too conservative and not going for the throat on that drive when we were up 13-6. Romo didn't play very well, but they weren't given the chance to win by the coaches.
That ball bounced in to Nate Washington too, and bumblin' good ol' Wade didn't throw the challenge flag... I hope he gets fired if we don't win the SB this year (which I'm going to go out on a limb and say we won't).

Still in the playoffs, though, and a colossal game against New York at home next week. Biggest non-playoff game for the Cowboys in a very long time.

Congrats to the Steelers, but I feel we outplayed them in that game.
That's what I thought would happen, Cowboys beat two shit teams and their fans got all excited. But firing Phillips if they don't win the SB? Tad harsh, don't ya think?
It was a close game, came down to the wire. NOt like Dallas got totally bottled up like was predicted......btw How about them Texans =D
Mathiäs;7864232 said:
That's what I thought would happen, Cowboys beat two shit teams and their fans got all excited. But firing Phillips if they don't win the SB? Tad harsh, don't ya think?

No, he's a shit coach. I've hated him since last year. He's a defensive coordinator and has no business with head coaching duties. There are so many times during the game where the team just looks unprepared.. plus he's clueless when it comes to challenging plays and clock management. He's never been a good coach anywhere he's been.

The bottom line is that Dallas should have at least 10 wins right now with the talent they had, and they have 8 and are probably going to miss the playoffs. That's where you blame the coaches, especially when in almost every loss you can look to a coaching decision that was crucial in the game. Even down to keeping Brad Johnson in the off-season, and not going to Bollinger before the Giant game. Not that they would have won with Bollinger, but it would have been a much better game.

edit: and it's not like we played terrible. We should have won this game, bottom line. We played better than the Steelers, and we just didn't close it out. The fans had a right to be excited. We should be sitting firmly in the playoffs at 9-4.
First of all, you are not on the Cowboys.

Secondly, if you want to challenge the legitimacy of a catch and ignore the fact that Witten fumbled at the end of the second half before the whistle was blown but they gave him forward progress despite the fact that he fumbled which allowed them to kick a field goal, that's your call.

Thirdly, I would blame Witten and Romo above anybody else for playing fucking shitly.
Get over yourself. I refer to the teams I support as we... the fans are part of the game. Does it really matter? Quit being a douche.
Second of all, Romo didn't play very well, but 2 of those picks were on the receiver for running the wrong route, or stopping such as TO did. Witten, however deserves some of the blame. It wouldn't be surprising to find out he had a concussion or something, because he made some absolutely egregious mental errors that he just doesn't make normally.

Also, his forward progress was clearly stopped, and the play was over. He had stopped running. I'm not blaming the refs for that call on the catch, or the game for that matter, Phillips should have challenged it... but like normal he's fucking clueless when it comes to challenging plays.

@mathias- every team has had injuries, and the only one we can have a solid excuse for is Romo, because the QB play while he was gone flat out lost 2 games for us, no matter what the coaching staff did.
3 cheers for an overrated SEC that's going to get its ass handed to it by OU!!!!
Florida doesn't deserve a spot in the NC over Texas. Texas' resume is better, but they'll get it because no one seems to realize exactly how terrible the SEC is this year.
Florida has 2 quality wins, and a relatively bad loss. Florida beat Alabama (also severely overrated) and Georgia and they lost at home to 4 loss team ranked 20th.
Texas, however has 3 quality wins... over OU, OSU, and Missouri. Texas' loss was on the road against the 8th ranked team who only has one loss all year.
To me, there is not even a comparison. Florida is getting undue respect for playing in a traditionally powerful conference, that has been relatively weak this year. They crushed a bunch of crappy teams for a few weeks, and now everybody thinks they're the best team in the nation.
I hate OU, but I hope they kick the shit out of UF.

Blah blah blah, Texas didn't even win their conference, so obviously they don't deserve a shot at the NC. And didn't you say Alabama was going to beat Florida?

Anyways, OU is a great team, but they won't beat Florida as I stated earlier, for the reasons I stated earlier about the Gators. The Gators defense is too fast and too ferocious. Tebow is the best player in college football right now and can will just about anyone to do just about anything he wants. Oh and let's not forget, whenever the Gators play in the NC, they'll have their best play maker on offense back (aside form Tebow of course) in Percy Harvin.

OU stands no chance.

Mathiäs;7863396 said:
Yeah, Texas is clearly better. But that was a damn good game against an overrated Alabama team who surprised me. I thought Florida would kill them, but they played it close. I want to see a Texas vs. OU, that would be a damn good game. And these rankings are skewed anyway, why the fuck is TT behind Utah of all teams?

And wtf, Packers are playing like ass

Texas and OU already played, why would you want to see that again?

edit: On a side note, I think the Bengals should have stayed at home this week.
Blah blah blah, Texas didn't even win their conference, so obviously they don't deserve a shot at the NC.

Kinda like the Giants didn't win their division last year?

And we saw Texas and OU play... Texas beat OU, but got robbed by retarded coaches and random numbers that apparently have nothing to do with what happens on the field.
Like Mathias said... OU and Texas are the 2 best teams. UF is going to lose by 20+ points.
You're telling me to get over myself because I call you out on you attributing yourself to things that have nothing to do with you? Reread the chapter on common sense, you must have skimmed that one.
Jesus fucking Christ dude, no one gives a shit how I refer to the team. Just quit being a fucking douche bag all the time.
I have serious doubt that anyone here thinks I am attributing the Cowboys' success to myself. You just feel the need to be a jack ass at all times, even about such trivial things as this.

Fuck man, I said good game, and the Steelers won. I didn't bitch at you, I didn't do a fucking thing to you, you just once again feel the need to start shit with me for no reason. I swear to god, it's like you're 12.

edit: Baltimore is doing us a serious favor by stomping the Redskins here. The good thing out of today is that every team we needed to lose lost, so we still have a chance.... Oh, shit... THEY still have a chance. I don't want the the Cowboys to think I'm trying to steal their thunder or anything. I mean, I also don't want anyone here to think I play for them or anything... I think some of you might be getting confused. Just so you know, I don't... sorry to mislead you.
I wasn't the one who came in whining about a catch that actually was a catch and blaming everything but the players' poor performances and not "going for the throat" as if you can just decide "okay let's just go score now and not fuss about." I only do it to you because you get so easily riled up like a big dumb fucking Texan. And that WAS a catch and Witten DID fumble. And the Steelers DID win, and WERE the better team overall. And Romo did play like shit and make poor throwing decisions, and Owens and Witten played like crap for the most part. The best Cowboy of the day was a no name rookie. The talking heads called it way before the game. A good offense trumps a good defense.

My making fun of you for the use of "we" and "us" was not for the potential confusion that it might cause for somebody who shares your IQ level, but because it's just a stupid and embarrassing thing to do.
Dallas played a running game, without any runners what's the point? You think choice is gonna plow his way through that Steelers Defense? He's no Barber, and if they'd played more passing plays they would of wom. I mean he gave the balls more times to Choice than to Owens? I think the one with the concussion is Romo.