NFL 2008

Romo has missed too much time to get the MVP. He should be in the probowl, I agree there. And Manning does deserve it, I don't know what you all are smoking
Can you really make a stronger case for an MVP candidate because his backups are shitty? doesn't seem right to me but I guess that does make him more valuable
Brad Johnson may be shitty, but there are only a couple of QBs in the league who would have the Dallas offense where it is or better than what Romo has it... especially considering how our O-Line lacks in pass protection.
Not to mention, everyone's back up is shitty.. that's why they're not starters. Brad Johnson is the worst QB I have ever seen outside of the immaculate 1-17 Chris Weinke, but any backup would have lost 2 of those games, imo.

I don't know what you're vendetta against Romo is, and every time I ask you to fully explain it you never respond. Will you actually tell me why you think he's so terrible? You never produce evidence other that "dur he thwor teh intepeition"
Is the MVP really this big of a deal???

I know its important but we all know these last couple of games and the playoffs are when great players show up and really matter...let it all play out. Woops...I forgot to throw out my Welker for MVP vote.:D

Seriously, I know Welker wont get it but he has been as valuable to his team this year than just about anyone. He has the stats, does the dirty work, makes big plays, carries the offense. He is "Dustin Pedrioa" in football pads.

The Boys' better beat the Ravens tonite...the Pats need this to happen in the worst way.
Moss is more valuable than Welker. Welker is good, but he can only do what he does because Moss commands a double team.

And, no, MVP isn't that big of a deal... but this is an NFL thread... we debate NFL things. There's not much else to debate until the games are played this weekend.
I don't think Romo is terrible, i'd put him at the 'good' status, but there is way to much fellating of him and I don't see it. He causes a lot of turnovers and seems to always fuck up often every game, like Brett Favre.
Moss is more valuable than Welker. Welker is good, but he can only do what he does because Moss commands a double team.

I'm well aware of the Moss factor and he is a more talented receiver than Welker. But you are wrong here. You need to watch every Pats game to understand what Welker does or has done for this team. He is 150% all out, all the time...downfield blocks, sacrificing himself over the middle all the time etc. The little things that Moss, as great as he is, never really does and stuff that Welker can control doing without the benefit of having Moss.

This year with the QB situation, how they have had to run the offense, short possesion passing, ball control, it has lent itself to Welker clearly being the MVP of this team IMO.
I don't hear him get fellated... in fact I hear the exact opposite. It's probably just because I listen to Dallas media a lot. He has his occasional bone head play, but for every one of those he has one that no other QB would make... other than maybe a young Favre. Other than the Pittsburgh game (where there was 26 MPH wind, 7 degree weather, and the best D since the 2000 Ravens) he has really cut down on the turnovers since coming back from injury... not sure what you can draw from that... but it's something I have noticed.
I don't even know what to say about this game.
You can blame Romo, but he did all he could do to win in the 4th quarter.
This team is an embarrassment to the Dallas Cowboys franchise, and to the honor of Texas Stadium. This team doesn't deserve to stand on the field with the legends that will be there shortly.
How you allow those 2 runs to seal the game like that... and how Phillips doesn't onside kick with 1:30 left after the defense had just failed to do what he was asking them to do this time, is beyond me. It'll take a small miracle for them to make the playoffs, now... and I'm not sure I even want to watch them blow a playoff game like that, anyways.
I can't believe that Texas Stadium went out this way. I'm in absolute shock at the total lack of effort and passion. I guess I was wrong about the defense, too. This is up there with the Arizona game, the blocked field goal Redskin game, and the Leon Lett game as the most embarrassing losses in Cowboy history. This was only made worse because they sent out one of the most iconic stadiums in sports like this.

Go ahead with all your Cowboy hating crap that you will surely reel out over the coming posts... we deserve all of it. Don't blame Romo, though... he gave them every chance in the world to win the game. Here's rooting for San Diego and Minnesota, I guess.
Not. Romo's. Fault.

The defense gave up two massive touchdown runs. In a row. Romo had his team in a position to win in the 4th quarter twice. Twice. He marched the team down the field and did it with amazing throws (and amazing catches). If the defense had done their job and stopped the Ravens from running for 75+ yard touchdowns we would have won.
If Romo hadn't thrown two early picks and given the Ravens the lead he wouldn't have needed to make a comeback. But yeah, being a sackmaster defense doesn't amount to shit if you get trampled by the run. It's clear the Cowboys just aren't good enough to make it to the next level yet. They're still young and have a lot of promise. Problem is, they got good ol' JJ sitting up in that owners boxes just salivating at what dumbass move he can make next that will end up fucking his team over. Better luck next year I guess.