NFL 2008

If I ever see Wade Phillips again after the Philly game (or a very unlikely playoff appearance) it will be too soon. I'm so ready for him and Garret to be gone. The coaching of this team it pitiful. False starts, early snaps, poor tackling, poor play calling, poor decisions... I don't know who the hell we should go after, and I don't know if it's a good idea to fire the head coach and the offensive coordinator (and I wouldn't particularly miss the defense coordinator) at the same time, but this team needs a change in the coaching staff. Ray Lewis said that the Cowboys offense was one of the simplest in the NFL, and it showed.
We normally don't we stopped it the rest of the game. I have no idea what happened on those plays. And yeah... Romo could have played better, but it's not his fault we lost the game. Your defense can't allow 33 points and expect you to win.

I'm just looking at the bright side and celebrating the fact that should be it for good ol' bumblin' Wade.

And AcK... do you have a Charger jersey I can borrow? I know you said you don't want them in the playoffs... but we need you guys right now.
Well it's fairly obvious that Phillips (just like everyone has been saying for a long time) is a great defensive coordinator but a shitty head coach. If Phillips was willing to stay as a DC that'd be tits for the Cowboys, but that wouldn't ever happen. The problem like I stated above is, it won't matter who is brought in because Big Jerry will do what he wants, when he wants. Like he often says, "You can't fire me," meaning, "I'll do whatever I want and if you don't like it fuck off!" It's sad but hilarious at the same time.
Wade just needs to accept a demotion to DC, and JJ needs to try and lure Bill Cowher out of retirement to instill some discipline. As far as offensive coordinator I don't know. Everyone was ready to hail Garrett as a genius after last year, now they are wanting to lynch him. VErdict is kind of still out imo.

The defensive coordinator was obviously shit, and it showed the when Wade stepped in.
Jerry Jones didn't allow 2 75+ yard TD runs in the 4th quarter.

Don't be surprised if Bill Cowher's name pops up in Dallas this offseason. Jones will be looking to shake things up after such an embarrassingly underachieving season.
We can still make it if either Tampa or Atlanta lose tomorrow... though I don't think there's a chance in hell we beat Philly next week... I didn't think there was even before tonight's debacle.

Also, I still think Garrett is a good OC and can be a decent HC in the future... he's just not ready now. Jerry will want a larger shake up than jut promoting Garrett after the season, though.. so I think Garrett will be coaching somewhere else soon.
I would like to point out we need a new offensive line coach. Our pass protection is SHIT. How often during games do you see Romo NOT have to scramble to get a pass off?
Proctor wasn't the only one getting manhandled out there tonight. But yeah, not having Barber back there for blocking didn't help. Regardless, for tonight, we put up 24 pts against the #2 defense and still lost thanks to a 4th quarter epic facepalm inducing defensive effort.
Jerry Jones didn't allow 2 75+ yard TD runs in the 4th quarter.

No, but he's the one that hired them and pays them.

I would like to point out we need a new offensive line coach. Our pass protection is SHIT. How often during games do you see Romo NOT have to scramble to get a pass off?

It wasn't the offensive line as much as it was Rex Ryan's blitz packages. He and Jim Johnson have the sickest blitz packages in the league, and he basically turned the Cowboys into swiss cheese. The Cowboys just failed to adjust to it and paid in the end.
You can blame Romo, but he did all he could do to win in the 4th quarter.

Don't blame Romo, though... he gave them every chance in the world to win the game.

SEED, are you related to Romo or something?

Seriously, how can you say this? In one of his biggest games, at home with all the hype and excitement...he looked almost disinterested? I mean c'mon, he was outplayed by Joe Fuckin Flacko. Save the 4th quarter stuff...he had a couple of desparate-lucky completions in the end. His mistakes and INT.s early on are just as crucial, if not more, than anything late in the game.

Yes, its not Romos fault that the defense lets up 2-runs for touchdowns when everyone and thier uncle knows they are running up the middle and killing the clock. But don't ya think the defense feels a bit letdown or discouraged when early on they see thier offensive leader throw up bogus INT.s like Romo did? Those were INT.S that you see a rookie throw in the pre-season.

You keep saying everyone thinks Romo is terrible...I think many have said he is good to being very good. He didn't help himself yesterday...he just took a step-back to being mediocre / terrible. Romo absolutely deserves much blame in this one.
Well so far I'm up 147.76 - 0 against Mort in the championship game.

Peyton Manning gave me 96.61 pts
Anthony Gonzalez gave me 9.90
Tashard Choice gave me 34.25
and Dallas' defense, which I should have known better to start more than 1 week in a row gave me 7. I was actually awating to see a big negative number but oh well.

I still have 9 players left to go. :)
SEED, are you related to Romo or something?

Seriously, how can you say this? In one of his biggest games, at home with all the hype and excitement...he looked almost disinterested? I mean c'mon, he was outplayed by Joe Fuckin Flacko. Save the 4th quarter stuff...he had a couple of desparate-lucky completions in the end. His mistakes and INT.s early on are just as crucial, if not more, than anything late in the game.

Yes, its not Romos fault that the defense lets up 2-runs for touchdowns when everyone and thier uncle knows they are running up the middle and killing the clock. But don't ya think the defense feels a bit letdown or discouraged when early on they see thier offensive leader throw up bogus INT.s like Romo did? Those were INT.S that you see a rookie throw in the pre-season.

You keep saying everyone thinks Romo is terrible...I think many have said he is good to being very good. He didn't help himself yesterday...he just took a step-back to being mediocre / terrible. Romo absolutely deserves much blame in this one.

Like rms said, one of the INTs meant nothing... and why would the defense feel letdown after we just cut it to a one score game and had all the momentum?
Why would they feel let down after he did it again?
Disinterested? I don't know where you're getting that. Our defense gave up 33 points. With out even knowing the situation the points were scored in, you know it's not the QBs fault.
I have never seen anything like that Dallas game. TWO defensive meltdowns at the most important point in the game? Reminds me of the Packers.
Well so far I'm up 147.76 - 0 against Mort in the championship game.

Peyton Manning gave me 96.61 pts
Anthony Gonzalez gave me 9.90
Tashard Choice gave me 34.25
and Dallas' defense, which I should have known better to start more than 1 week in a row gave me 7. I was actually awating to see a big negative number but oh well.

I still have 9 players left to go. :)

You'll probably beat me if only for the awful performance by the Cards today.