NFL 2008

Are we sitting here making excuses about those losses? No. We're saying that the talent is there, the tools are there, they're just not being used to their full effectiveness.

Or maybe the talent and tools aren't exactly what you thought they were. That would make a little more sense to me to be honest.

This isn't a team, it's a loose collection of players. That seems to be the coach's fault, to me.

It's not the coaches fault, at least it's not solely the coaches fault. Look at it this way: What is the constant here in this equation of shit play this last, oh, decade of Cowboys football? I'll give you a hint, his name starts with J and ends with ERRY FUCKING JONES.

The sloppy, uninspired play, the stupid decisions... I've already ranted about this. The Cowboys have a horrible, horrible head coach. Period. His uncaring, laid back, emotionless style infects the players.

Uncaring, laid back, emotionless? That kind of sounds like Tony Dungy. How has his coaching career turned out? Yeah...

They have no fire, because he has no fire. The team is dependent on the defense or Barber to give it fire. The Thanksgiving game, for example... the defense got fired up, and that spread to the whole team. But you can't wait on big plays from your defense to get the competitive fire, you have to come out of the gate with it, and that will never happen with Phillips. Every single major problem on this team can be fixed with a coaching change. Read my earlier post. Individual talent means fuck all when there's no cohesiveness as a unit.

Refer to above. Wade Philips is a phenominal defensive coordinator. He's never had much of a problem with "fire" or "cohesiveness" with those other stellar defenses he was running. Like I said, the one constant here is the Jerry Jones brand of football. He doesn't care who it is, if they can play, bring 'em in. He doesn't understand the concept of team unity or any of that shit, and I'm sure he really doesn't care. Otherwise, he would let Wade call the shots and let him do his fucking job better.
If Romo was such a great fucking quarterback he should be able to get his team fired up, no? Isn't that what a leader does? And isn't a great quarterback a leader?
No I see the talent, just not the amount you do apparently. Allow me to explain.

Oh really? Good as in how? What has he ever done to be worthy of the title "good." He had one good season, REGULAR SEASON, last year earning the #1 seed and how did that end up? It ended up with his "top 10" o-line allowing the Giants d-line to assrape him without lube and him throwing a pick in the endzone. Good indeed.

Barber is good, yes I agree. But you can't assume that both Choice and Jones are "good" because Choice had a couple good games and Jones did almost nothing this season. Oh and did I mention they are both rookies? Yeah...

No, he isn't.

And where did you come up with this? Roy Williams is completely unproven just like the rest of the Cowboys. Anyone can be something, but is he? No, no he isn't.

He's definitely top 3 for sure.

Top 10 in what exactly? And whenever you decide to come up with what they are top 10 in, proof?

The pro bowl title is completely irrelevant. Jay Cutler and Brett Favre made the pro bowl this year. However, I'm not going to claim Ratliff isn't good because I don't know much about him.

James and Ware yes, Ellis and Thomas are old and washed up.

Refer to above. Besides, these "pro bowl" players seemed to be MIA these last few weeks.

Time will tell.

:lol: Oh god.

1. You have said yourself that Romo is a good QB... I don't think anyone is debating this. He's not a great QB, yet, but there's no doubt he is a good QB.

2.Just going off their performance this year, Choice and Jones both performed at high levels. Mind you, Choice is the 3rd HB, so just being average would be success. Jones averaged 9.8 ypc before he was hurt. So I think we can say that they are good players, and that threesome (if they continue their previous production) is as good as any in the league, other than maybe New York's... and it's not far behind.

3. Owens' status is debatable, but imo he still has the ability to be a top player. Christ, just one year ago he was the best receiver not named Randy Moss. There are still the occasional times when he is dominant. Do you think, just maybe considering that 4 players have now criticized the scheme, that there WAS actually something wrong with it? Like how teams were able to shut Owens down because HE WAS PUT IN THE EXACT SAME POSITION ON EVERY PLAY? If Ray Lewis can call our plays out by what formation we're in, it probably isn't too hard to shut 1 player down in that scheme.

4. Williams has had a couple of really good statistical seasons. He needs a year of training camp to get in sync with the QB. I can understand your argument here, I just think he's going to be/is a very good and potentially great receiver.

5.The line is hindered in ways I can't describe by Cory Procter playing LG instead of Kosier, or even Holland. Before he was in there, the O-Line was great. I don't know what proof you want... there aren't too many O-Line stats. They're good when healthy, that's all I can say.

6. Watch a Cowboy game. Jay Ratliff is everywhere. And considering Cutler was all the Broncos had this year... and I mean ALL they had, he deserved to go. His team may suck, but they'd have about 5 wins less if it wasn't for Cutler's play. Brett Favre's invite was an absolute joke, though.

7. Ellis had 8 sacks in split time with Spencer, and Thomas recorded 166 tackles without playing on passing downs. They're still pretty good, despite not being what they once were.

8.Terrence Newman is a shut down corner on par with the top in the league. Besides, like I said earlier, the secondary played pretty well this year... and Hamlin was not only playing hurt all year, but let's not forget he has a shit ton of ground to cover because he's playing opposite of Keith Davis... and even worse, before that it was Roy Williams.

The Cowboys talent is not even a question in my mind.. now team chemistry and especially coaching are. Talent alone will win a game every now and then, but the team needs to be put in position to win. When the team looks completely unprepared and confused on half of the plays every game, your team is routinely out of sync with each other, you lead the league in penalties, and there is a constant stream of mental errors, whether your QB bails you out of them or not, you can't win games against any quality NFL team. And we all know...

Sorry, I have to get my fill just in case Herm's fired. His press conferences are must see TV. I almost wish the Cowboys would get him so I'd never miss one. And hell... he can't be worse than Wade.
Wait... Never mind... I forgot I was talking about Herm Edwards.
If Romo was such a great fucking quarterback he should be able to get his team fired up, no? Isn't that what a leader does? And isn't a great quarterback a leader?

I haven't said he was great... In fact I specifically said he wasn't great. He's good... not great... hopefully I can add "yet" to that.

@Drunkard... I'm sorry did you just compare Wade Phillips and Tony Dungy?
I was hoping I had misread that... but you did... you just did that.
And it's not that he's laid back... it's that he's stupid. I've never seen a coach with a more confused look on his face for 3 straight hours... it's almost as bad as Art Shell seemingly falling asleep on the Raiders' sideline. Phillips is more responsible for the poor preparation leading up to the week. I'm not at practice, so I can't say exactly what goes on there, but I know that I have never seen a Cowboy team as unprepared and confused as this team constantly was this year.
why does everyone on the Cowboys go behind the back of their coaches? Now Romo and Owens bitching about their OC calls. Fucking ridiculous, that's why they lose no discipline
These last two made me laugh for a few reasons. First off, the 31st team made the playoffs, however they ended their season 8-8 with the second easiest schedule in the fucking league. How sad. Yes of course, I'm talking about the Chargers. God I hope the Colts rape them come saturday.

I bet you and your Colts were hoping for Bronco's win on Sunday night...

Yes, it is sad that the AFC West could be won with an 8-8 record. If Denver or SD or KC or Oakland was better, things would have been different. As it turns out, the AFC West sucked, so the winner is 8-8. We (that's right Nec) offer no apologies for winning, and will offer no apologies for knocking any or all teams out of the playoffs that can't beat us. Like Rivers said, everyone in the playoffs is 0-0. If the Colts win, they deserve to go on. If we beat them, then we deserve to go on. Simple as that.
And then there is of course, the Patriots bringing up the rear. Thank god the missed the playoffs. I would have been so angry if they made the playoffs without Brady and with a cupcake schedule.

Not sure what the point is of your list? But if its to be overjoyed that the Pats missed the playoffs, this I can understand and not be surprised, with you being the great Patriot hater.

If its to criticize thier performance? Well, you should recognize and credit things better than much as it would pain you to admit it. No team had a more crucial-one major injury (Brady), or as a whole hit with more significant injuries than the Pats. And if a team did...they certainly wouldn't have or didn't finish 11-5. I wouldn't say a cupcake schedule but certainly not the toughest. Nobody really had a tough schedule...with this year being so mediocre throughout.
I bet you and your Colts were hoping for Bronco's win on Sunday night...

Not at all. It'll be a good game no doubt.

Not sure what the point is of your list? But if its to be overjoyed that the Pats missed the playoffs, this I can understand and not be surprised, with you being the great Patriot hater.

The point was to show where each team's strength of schedule ranked.
The point was to show where each team's strength of schedule ranked.


Colts v Bolts is in S.D.? Because of an 8-8 sucky division winner.
I think the better record holder should get homefield in the playoffs, unless if there is a head to head loss during the season?

I can't root for your Colts but I dislike the bitchy S.D. players / team even more...if this makes any sense? I'll probably watch and root for a train-wreck.:lol:

Colts v Bolts is in S.D.? Because of an 8-8 sucky division winner.
I think the better record holder should get homefield in the playoffs, unless if there is a head to head loss during the season?

I can't root for your Colts but I dislike the bitchy S.D. players / team even more...if this makes any sense? I'll probably watch and root for a train-wreck.:lol:

Do the right thing, root for the Colts.
Rivers is a jackass, so I can't root for him even though I like Tomlinson and Turner. It looks like the Colts have the best chance in the AFC imo, Steeler's defense can't win them every game
Rivers is not a jackass, he's just a guy, and he seems like a pretty good guy. Yeah, he got a little mouthy, but it's part of the game. Plus he seems to have learned from the negative press, and has mellowed out with that stuff this season. I don't recall any incidents this year. He's a good QB!

Aside from wanting it all for the Chargers, I would love to see Miami take it all. But if it is the Colts, that's cool too. At least they have class.
Fuck the Cowboys. You play hard and finish you win games. Football is a 60 minute game, not 58 or 55. Cowboys lost to the Steelers because they thought the game was won with 2 minuted left. They were congratulating each other on the sidelines. Well, you know what happened. Cry-babys and big mouths (T.O.) Tony Romo has never won a play=off game, don't compare him to Rothelisberger, he won Super Bowl 40!!The Cowboys should stop reading all their headlines. I fuckin' hate the Cowboys and their ass-hole owner Jerry Jones.
Since my college football thread pretty much failed I'll just leave my thoughts on USC/PSU here:

-USC raped the shit out of PSU.
-Taylor Mays is a freak.
-Mark Sanchez will be the Heisman winner next year if he stays.
-Those receivers are ridiculous. Number 1 and 18 have a shit ton of potential.
-Aaron Maybin's stock probably dropped a good bit.
-Those LB's are great, brutal, awesome, etc etc...