I just think it's sad, if you are serious that is, that you think just because Brady had one great statistical season that he just completely dominates Peyton. The only thing Brady touched of Peyton's records was the TD record. Brady didn't even come close to Peyton's single season QB rating, he hasn't been on a team that has one 12+ regular season games in 6+ seasons, he hasn't set an infinite amount of passing records, blah fucking blah. Brady can't hold Manning's jock broseph.
It's funny because you are using this "well teh patriots went 11-5 without brady! therefore he ist teh best!11" when in reality, all this proves is that Belichick (as much as I fucking loathe that piece of shit) is just an amazing* coach (though we'll never really know because of that taping incident(s)). Matt White Cassel, a guy who hasn't made a start since fackin high school, lead the same team that Brady has been running the past 8 years, to an 11-5 season and put up pre-2007 Brady-like numbers, and that's your justification for Brady being the best? Really? Give me a break man. Brady was the beneficiary of a great team. He was basically given 3 super bowls, all he had to do was not fuck it up. Though of course, the whole Belichick cheating out of his ass didn't exactly hurt Brady's chances either.