NFL 2012

Note to the other 31 teams in the league (especially the Bears): When the Dallas Cowboys take a large cap hit to release a player, there is a reason.
This is his first offense this year, and suspensions are reserved for maliciousness. Richard Seymour just got fined $30K for a punch, when he already was ejected from a game and fined last year for a punch, but he never got suspended. There's no way Harrison gets suspended. At least not justifiably, especially considering McCoy was a running threat up until about a quarter of a second before Harrison hit him, with the ball tucked and threatening to cross the line of scrimmage.

I think he had enough time to pull up. But either way, Godell might decide to make an example out of Harrison since he is a repeat offender. We'll probably see on Tuesday. If not a suspension, it will at least be a massive fine.
Oh, of course it will be a massive fine. I've heard some source say that it will be a minimum of 100K, which would be bullshit as far as I'm concerned, but I'm not going to argue about it over a millionaire losing money. Apparently a suspension is under consideration, but I really don't see one being justified at all for a player that has not had a personal foul in 16 games (his last helmet to helmet hit was actually the first one that everybody talks about, the one on Massaquoi in game 5 last year. He had two roughing the passers after that, one on Brees for a facemask to the back and one on Fitzpatrick for...well, I don't even understand that one. It looked fine to me). The only 2 people that have been suspended under Goodell for on-field actions are Albert Hayneworth for stomping on somebody's face and Suh for repeatedly slamming a guy's head into the ground and then stomping on his arm. What Harrison did was hardly comparable.

Whether or not Harrison had time for whatever anybody wants to argue that he had time to do isn't something I'm going to argue. Somebody on the NFL Network Radio claimed to have timed the time between McCoy releasing the ball and Harrison making contact at .23 seconds. What I will say is that it's unfair to characterize him as somebody who's dumb, who's stupid, who "doesn't get it" and "hasn't learned anything" and who needs to be made an example of. There are a lot of players who have had multiple personal fouls in their past 16 games, and Harrison isn't among them. His last helmet to helmet hit was actually like 23 games ago.
Marion Barber might want to stay in Denver after that 4th quarter performance.

Oh, and I hate Tebow.

The whole team can stay in Denver after this performance. Lovie's cover no-one defense really worked well in the 4th quarter. At least they didn't give up any big plays...:yell: The Bears are done. Go Packers!
Jesus is a racist!

When Marion Barber prays and asks for the Lords help...Jesus tells him to- "run out of bounds and give Denver a chance..then fumble thy fookin game away". Wahhh??

But when Tebow prays and asks for the Lords help...Jesus simply says- "horse-shoes are not for Broncos...for they are to keep tucked up thy lucky ass my son"!;)
^ worries. It is what it is. Thier D- ain't winning anything for them anyway. They'll just have to out-shoot teams and hope thier D-backs can get healthy and atleast play good. May be too much to ask for...but whatever.

Plus, I'd rather dwell on the positives!
Congrats Gronk! The man is a beast. Breaking tackles and shedding linebackers like nothing.
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Jesus is a racist!

When Marion Barber prays and asks for the Lords help...Jesus tells him to- "run out of bounds and give Denver a chance..then fumble thy fookin game away". Wahhh??

But when Tebow prays and asks for the Lords help...Jesus simply says- "horse-shoes are not for Broncos...for they are to keep tucked up thy lucky ass my son"!;)

The only thing worse than watching the Bears give the game away today was having to listen to the announcers gush over Tebow. :yell:
Murray had a similar hit to his ankle/leg that Roflsberger had....sooo....high ankle sprain?

On the + side, maybe Jones will get some juice from his opportunity.

Edit: Fuck. There goes Dallas being "fully healthy".
Hey look, ghost PI calls. Eli spend a little time on both knees before the game?

Heh, and pelvic thrusts by Jacobs, symbolizing what Eli was looking at earlier ;) . Keep it classy, NY.
Ouch, yeah definitely can't blame the loss on Romo there though he probably should've led Austin a bit more on that one pass.