NFL 2012

And about that "Pats D-"??...I'd be worrying about that 'Boys D-.;)
And another reason why some stats like the 4th quarter passer rating are misleading at times.
Ouch, yeah definitely can't blame the loss on Romo there though he probably should've led Austin a bit more on that one pass.

Fault Austin for not adjusting. Ball was in the air forever. This loss sits squarely on Rob "Stop me before I blitz (ineffectively) again" Ryan (Just like the Eagles loss). Couldn't protect a double digit lead with 5 minutes left.

@Krig: I love seeing the Bears lose because of ex-Cowboys players, especially to Tebow :)
Yet, all you need is a fairly simple completion at the end by Romo and its first down game over. Then you don't even need to depend on that Rob Ryan D- and now you give Eli a chance to do what he does best...torch teams in the 4th!

What a finish! FG good...nope t.o. Then FG blocked! I seriously don't know how Jerry Jones is not in jail for murdering somebody in the Dallas organization. A player, coach...take it out on a ballboy something?
ClockQtr ToP TM ST P Yds Result
05:41 4 02:27 NYG 20 8 80 Touchdown
02:12 4 01:26 NYG 42 6 58 Touchdown

Any QB can light up a blitz that never puts pressure on him.
Both defenses suck, we know that. When it came down to it Eli Manning pulled out another one. The guy is surprising the shit out of me week by week!

Eli tied & might set the new record for 4th qtr touchdowns in a single season.

Wether or not Dallas makes it more difficult for Eli...he still needs to go out and get it done wich he did. The closing minutes with the score being close provides enough of the wich Eli simply handles better. And any QB should be able to complete a simple throw for a first down under zero pressure (Romo) for that matter! Romo should learn that sometimes a good offense is your best defense.
The fact that (at least) two of you are calling that performance a choke is the reason neither of you know jack shit about football.

No pressure? It was a blitz. Overthrown? Miles' first game back after a hamstring injury, and can't quite get to a ball that was to his left. You guys are blind.

There was pressure on Romo almost the whole game. He had to escape the pocket to make the deep passes to Robinson and Bryant. Going 51 yards in 40 seconds with no timeouts is clutch. I guess he allowed Pierre Paul through for the field goal block too.

Tom Brady actually did choke at the end of the game against Washington today, but his defense bailed him out in the end. But it's Brady :rolleyes:
It's hard to pin the Cowboys' loss on anybody. There are lots of things that went wrong for them to conspire for their demise. But I'm pretty sure the Giants get paid to play too, so they probably played a role in it as well. Like Eli throwing for 400 yards, Jacobs running for 100 yards, Pierre-Paul having 2 sacks, a safety, and a blocked field goal, etc.
The fact that Jacobs gained over 100 yards is telling on the defensive play calling. The guy has had games where he couldn't buy a yard. I still wish it were possible to demote and retain coaches. While Wade Phillips is not and has never been head coach material, he is a great defensive coordinator. Better than Ryan to be sure.
Jacobs has a lot more talent than he plays with sometimes. He had a phenomenal season last year within his role. He had to adjust to a new line this year though in addition to just playing without any fire or passion it seems half the time.
The Giants line was impressive. Jacobs usually wasn't touched for the first five-ten yards, and kept the blitz off Manning all night, excluding the one grounding play. Which doesn't matter, because Dallas hasn't been able to cover 2nd/3rd and longs all year, because Ryan continues to blitz instead of playing the situation. The Dallas secondary is not capable of the man coverage/cover 1 he keeps leaving them in.

Edit: The idiots calling this game a choke by Romo fall in line with the same idiots in the media saying Bailey got "iced" on the rekick. Yeah, a blocked kick is totally the kicker getting mentally fucked by a timeout. :rolleyes:

Edit #2: As per the postgame interview "Miles lost the ball in the lights". Yep, total choke.
The fact that (at least) two of you are calling that performance a choke is the reason neither of you know jack shit about football.

No pressure? It was a blitz. Overthrown? Miles' first game back after a hamstring injury, and can't quite get to a ball that was to his left. You guys are blind.

There was pressure on Romo almost the whole game. He had to escape the pocket to make the deep passes to Robinson and Bryant. Going 51 yards in 40 seconds with no timeouts is clutch. I guess he allowed Pierre Paul through for the field goal block too.

Tom Brady actually did choke at the end of the game against Washington today, but his defense bailed him out in the end. But it's Brady :rolleyes:

The kicker had to kick a long kick because that choke Romo couldn't get them any closer. Also the difference in the game ended up being that goofy play where Romo ran into the endzone for a safety. Cowboys were Romo'ed... again :D