NFL 2015

I'm envisioning Matthews and Muarey rotating drives with Sproles playing as he 3rd down back. Furthermore, for how explosive Sproles is, he couldn't carry the workload if one of the other RBs got injured.
I'm envisioning Matthews and Muarey rotating drives with Sproles playing as he 3rd down back. Furthermore, for how explosive Sproles is, he couldn't carry the workload if one of the other RBs got injured.


... and LOL you're really having some trouble spelling Murray. And it's "Mathews" with one T. :cool:
Including the Bradford trade?

I'm still on the fence with the Bradford thing. I want to see him play. Foles wasn't the guy. Im leaning toward thinking this is a good risk. When Bradford is healthy the guy can play; he's smart and I think he'd absorb Chips system right away

They overpaid for Maxwell, but if you saw any of their performances against top tier WRs last year, you understand why.

No I get that and I agree but why not go after Brandon Flowers, Antonio Cromartie, Kareem Jackson

maybe I'm missing something but for that kind of money they could have had any of those guys no?

Yeah, I don't get that. Isn't Sproles good enough to be the 2nd back? Why do they need Mathews?

Insurance. If Murray goes down for 3-4 weeks Sproles isnt an every down back. Plus the 3 headed monster stategy is a good one imo
It'll be such a waste if they don;t get a QB that can win games.

Fitz and Geno are not the answer

I know he's been hit hard with the injury bug but they should take a close look at Matt Schaub.

Hey Dak, just curious, Romo or Aikman?

Not an easy question. It depends on what you value most highly at the position. Romo offers immense athleticism, particularly compared to a QB like Aikman. However, Aikman has a presence that Romo never seemed to exude (you can see this in interviews), and it has been suggested that that has something to do with college/draft pedigree. It also might have something to do with being from the upper midwest vs Cali. Romo appears all aw shucks about everything, which isn't "leadership" in machoman world.