NO Insane McCain! NO Barack Hussein!

McCain made a foolish, terrible choice in Sarah Palin. The media glare is only just beginning for her.

Her poor daughter is the product of a pro-abstinence, anti-sex education upbringing - supporters (especially the Evangelical community) will put their positive spin on it ("what a responsible, wonderful choice she's made to have the baby!"), but the bottom line is that there are two humans under the age of 20 who are four months away from shouldering the greatest responsibility of all, at a time in their lives when they should be entertaining the possibilities of a college education and getting out in the world and finding themselves. It's a shame.

Kudos to Obama for stating that families, and specifically children, are not fodder for attack/criticism.
McCain made a foolish, terrible choice in Sarah Palin. The media glare is only just beginning for her.

Her poor daughter is the product of a pro-abstinence, anti-sex education upbringing - supporters (especially the Evangelical community) will put their positive spin on it ("what a responsible, wonderful choice she's made to have the baby!"), but the bottom line is that there are two humans under the age of 20 who are four months away from shouldering the greatest responsibility of all, at a time in their lives when they should be entertaining the possibilities of a college education and getting out in the world and finding themselves. It's a shame.

Kudos to Obama for stating that families, and specifically children, are not fodder for attack/criticism.

when your kids are old enough to start doing things you dont approve of and are against what you tried to teach them, what will they be a product of?

the bottom line is: once kids get to a certain age [teenagers] it's often hit-or-miss. you can hope you've instilled in them the tools to always do the right thing and take care of themselves, but even our best efforts as parents are no guarantee.
if the worst you have to say about Palin is that she raised typical teenagers, then you've got nothing.

and yes, that was very classy of Obama to come out immediately and say families/kids are off limits. he's right.
There is plenty to talk about regarding her. For starters...

She was elected Alaska's governor 18 months ago after defeating the previous governor, Frank Murkowski, in a primary. Murkowski appointed his own daughter to fulfill his unexpired U.S. Senate term. This so angered Alaska voters that they stripped the governor of this in 2004. Then Murkowski brokered a deal for a gas pipeline and threatened to implement the agreement without legislative approval (the legislature had to sue him to stop the agreement). Palin's primary victory came as Alaska voters rejected Murkowski's greed, graft and nepotism.

Palin's general election victory came as she promised to "clean up" state government. Only now she's under investigation for violating state law for letting political considerations drive the hiring and firing of state workers.

Palin's claim to fame? A couple years as a sports reporter for an Anchorage TV station, and a few years as mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. That infamous 3 a.m. phone call? That's Palin -- a person with no international experience, no business experience, no nothing. She runs an organization (Alaska state government) with all of 8,500 employees.

Palin is strongly anti-choice. She opposes abortion even in the case of rape or incest.

Palin supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000.

Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.

Palin think human beings have nothing to do with climate change, which isn't happening anyway she says.

Palin very strongly supports oil drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, offshore California, near Florida beaches, and other environmentally sensitive areas. She poo-poo's renewable energy, claiming it "won't be ready" for years.

Palin is a rabid anti-environmentalist. She sued the Bush administration when it declared polar bears as an endangered species, claiming the listing would interfere with extensive oil drilling in Alaska. (Her husband is an oil field worker.) She is pro-gun, and hunts and fishes -- which she claims makes her an environmentalist.
There is plenty to talk about regarding her. For starters...

She was elected Alaska's governor 18 months ago after defeating the previous governor, Frank Murkowski, in a primary. Murkowski appointed his own daughter to fulfill his unexpired U.S. Senate term. This so angered Alaska voters that they stripped the governor of this in 2004. Then Murkowski brokered a deal for a gas pipeline and threatened to implement the agreement without legislative approval (the legislature had to sue him to stop the agreement). Palin's primary victory came as Alaska voters rejected Murkowski's greed, graft and nepotism.

Palin's general election victory came as she promised to "clean up" state government. Only now she's under investigation for violating state law for letting political considerations drive the hiring and firing of state workers.

Palin's claim to fame? A couple years as a sports reporter for an Anchorage TV station, and a few years as mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. That infamous 3 a.m. phone call? That's Palin -- a person with no international experience, no business experience, no nothing. She runs an organization (Alaska state government) with all of 8,500 employees.

Palin is strongly anti-choice. She opposes abortion even in the case of rape or incest.

Palin supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000.

Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.

Palin think human beings have nothing to do with climate change, which isn't happening anyway she says.

Palin very strongly supports oil drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, offshore California, near Florida beaches, and other environmentally sensitive areas. She poo-poo's renewable energy, claiming it "won't be ready" for years.

Palin is a rabid anti-environmentalist. She sued the Bush administration when it declared polar bears as an endangered species, claiming the listing would interfere with extensive oil drilling in Alaska. (Her husband is an oil field worker.) She is pro-gun, and hunts and fishes -- which she claims makes her an environmentalist.

Palin's general election victory came as she promised to "clean up" state government. Only now she's under investigation for violating state law for letting political considerations drive the hiring and firing of state workers.
she ordered the firing of a state trooper that happened to be her former brother-in-law. the guy was regarded as a 'loose cannon' and had complaints against him, not the least of which was that he'd used a taser on his stepson. it sounds to me like the guy needed to be removed from his position.
which would have been worse? letting a guy like that keep his job and having people say she ignored the reports against him because he was 'family,' or having people say she wanted him fired because he was ex-family?

Palin is strongly anti-choice. She opposes abortion even in the case of rape or incest.
keeping a baby is a choice, too.
besides, she's not the first or only 'pro-life' politician. it hasnt been an issue yet.

Palin supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000.

Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.
what is it about letting kids hear EVERY side of the argument that scares the crap out of you?

Palin think human beings have nothing to do with climate change, which isn't happening anyway she says.
she's not the only one with doubts and questions about all the 'junk science' that lefties are offering up as 'proof.'

Palin very strongly supports oil drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, offshore California, near Florida beaches, and other environmentally sensitive areas. She poo-poo's renewable energy, claiming it "won't be ready" for years.
PALIN '08!!!

Palin is a rabid anti-environmentalist. She sued the Bush administration when it declared polar bears as an endangered species, claiming the listing would interfere with extensive oil drilling in Alaska. (Her husband is an oil field worker.) She is pro-gun, and hunts and fishes -- which she claims makes her an environmentalist.
again i say, PALIN '08!!!
coming from a family of hunters and fishers, i can say without a doubt that hunters and fishers understand the environment a lot better than a gaggle of leftist, latte'-sipping, Chomsky-reading blowhards.
hunters and fishers value the land and they also realize the value of thinning out species of fish, deer, etc... in certain areas. overpopulation is a problem. if a species overpopulates, the food supply runs low and you're left with sickly, half-starved animals and stripped land.
again i say, PALIN '08!!!
coming from a family of hunters and fishers, i can say without a doubt that hunters and fishers understand the environment a lot better than a gaggle of leftist, latte'-sipping, Chomsky-reading blowhards.
hunters and fishers value the land and they also realize the value of thinning out species of fish, deer, etc... in certain areas. overpopulation is a problem. if a species overpopulates, the food supply runs low and you're left with sickly, half-starved animals and stripped land.

Don't really feel like getting into the rest of CM's post, but I absolutely agree with this. I don't hunt, but I fish like crazy and I respect the land by making sure I leave everything as it was before I leave. I pretty much catch and release everything also. Unless, of course, it's a damn tasty looking fish:lol:

Also, try living in Michigan for a while CM. You'd see just how important hunting is. Not only does it boost our ailing economy by bringing in people from out of state, it also thins the overpopulation of deers like Sue pointed out. I have NO problem whatsoever with people that hunt. Hitting a deer with a car is pretty much a rite of passage in Michigan. Sure, you can argue that we are encroaching the deers natural habitat by having our cars on the road, but transportation is a necessary evil and hitting a deer at 70mph is not real fun, let me tell you. So the less of those fuckers I see on the road, the better.

As far as her daughter getting pregnant? Who gives a shit? I want to know how much knowledge she has on Iran, North Korea and China - our biggest threats in the next 10 years. Is she well versed in oil/natural resource consumption nation wide? Likely, since she sits in Big Oil's lap. Does she have any idea what our military branches are capable of, given the fact they are stretched to the max, and funding is practically non-existent. What does she plan on saying about veterans who, over the last 20 years and counting, have been wallowing in substandard medical care?

Thats what I want to know. I dont give a fuck who her teenage daughter is banging.
I don't think I can force myself to write in for Ron Paul, I mean I might as well write in Billy Milano.

You know the Presidency ages you pretty fast and Palin has a pretty good chance of being promoted. At this point McCain/Palin is really the best option.

Though I usually vote Republican and am registered that way, I really don't believe in their "agenda" any more than the Democrats. Fuck the special interest groups that control things on each side.


They are way too much alike and I really don't understand why so many people think that they are so different and spend so much time touting how much better one is than the other.


I really follow closer to the libertarian idea than any other but it cant take hold as a third party with the dominance of the two we have now. If there were 2 parties that actually defended the opinions of our zealous citizens both left and right, without control of the big interest groups, maybe something could be done about the issues.

Plus with all the crazy pinkos fighting the fascists all the time my true libertarian beliefs would become the dominant stance.

"I have a dream......and that was it":Smokedev:

I don't agree. I live in the country where the system is different and allow small parties to form coalitions with the big ones (which win the election). And it suck ass! Because the only thing we get after the fucking election is a coalition of so called right, something-in-the-middle and something like mild left. So, nothing is gonna ever change! I pray for the two big parties system!
I have voted only a few times. 2 times to keep Democrats out of office, and 3 times I have written myself in for Governor of Tennessee..Unfortunately I did not win. Either way...our choices will not lead us to anything good...either I'm going to be taxed even more like a motherfucker, or we will wallow in degenerate economic faggotry. All I can when it comes down to who I am voting for..Im going for the guy who has the fucking MILF for a VP.. WOOHOOOO. I base my voting solely on appearance and not functionality, thank you.
I don't agree. I live in the country where the system is different and allow small parties to form coalitions with the big ones (which win the election). And it suck ass! Because the only thing we get after the fucking election is a coalition of so called right, something-in-the-middle and something like mild left. So, nothing is gonna ever change! I pray for the two big parties system!

Dude..your country makes Budveiser, Cechvar, and Pilsner Urqell..SHUT IT!!!! :kickass:
I don't agree. I live in the country where the system is different and allow small parties to form coalitions with the big ones (which win the election). And it suck ass! Because the only thing we get after the fucking election is a coalition of so called right, something-in-the-middle and something like mild left. So, nothing is gonna ever change! I pray for the two big parties system!

That's the same problem I speak of. The parties aren't that different at all when it comes down to it. Except here the 3rd parties just lose elections for 1 of the big two. ie Ross Perot

If the 2 parties actually represented the beliefs of the people and not the interest groups (big business $$$) that control them THEN we could have change. They don't today and I'm not sure when they ever did the principals that applied two these parties 150 years ago really don't mean much today. They never evolved they just got big and uncontrolable. When the people lose control it really isn't Democracy anymore.
I don't agree. I live in the country where the system is different and allow small parties to form coalitions with the big ones (which win the election). And it suck ass! Because the only thing we get after the fucking election is a coalition of so called right, something-in-the-middle and something like mild left. So, nothing is gonna ever change! I pray for the two big parties system!

thanks for that. it's always interesting to hear what other areas are dealing with, in comparison.
I love this pick by mccain. It essentially guarantees an obama win. mccain picking palin is just his campaign hoping american women voters are stupid. some are, as evidenced by this forum, but I seriously doubt enough of them are for this vp nominee pick to pay off.
According to the polls, 49% of the country are brainwashed. This fanatacism with Barry Obama is nothing more than celebrity worship. "Drink the wine, they'll be coming with flamethrowers." Think about it!
According to the polls, 49% of the country are brainwashed. This fanatacism with Barry Obama is nothing more than celebrity worship. "Drink the wine, they'll be coming with flamethrowers." Think about it!

yup. cult of personality. the man is an empty suit.
i do love Sarah Palin's comment tonight about Obama: the man has written 3 books but has never written a single piece of legislation.
i was paraphrasing, but that's the gist of it. :rock:
That's good though, that means 51% of the country are democrats.

you're rather stupid, arent you?
