NO Insane McCain! NO Barack Hussein!

Ironic coming from the resident cavewoman. [ALLEGEDLY woman]

Yep, you're liberal. Same sad comebacks without any substance. Fact remains, in this election, ole Barry's got folks believin he's gonna give you free healthcare, lower college tuition and in some states, including my own, Dems are planning on free community college tuition. All of this while lowering 95% of peoples taxes.Now, I know down here in the south we're a bunch of dumbass hicks, but didn't anyone ever teach you if it looks and smells like bullshit, IT IS BULLSHIT!
Don't think I was talkin' about Palin. This election is between McCain and Obama, but since you brought it up, she's got you liberals all fired up! Wait, what's that smell? FEAR!

See, you repubs are so outdated, illogical, brainwashed and flat out dumb that you are equating palin being laughed at to fear.

How embarrassing!!! :lol:


Pat Robertson was just on CNN and said this:

"I honestly believe...what I heard last night, she's the most exciting Republican politician since Ronald Reagan".


You know, for all the times conservatives accuse Obama of elitism, the tone of Palin's speech last night was, ironically, the essence of elitism. What a joke she is....
i love it! when the left and their lapdogs in the MSM are getting worked up and on the attack, it definitely means they're threatened! :kickass:
I don't agree. I live in the country where the system is different and allow small parties to form coalitions with the big ones (which win the election). And it suck ass! Because the only thing we get after the fucking election is a coalition of so called right, something-in-the-middle and something like mild left. So, nothing is gonna ever change! I pray for the two big parties system!

Up here the right-wing coalition have shown there is a lot different opinons within it during our little FRA-crisis. (the right to go through outgoing internet traffic to protect us from swathly men with beards and russians, who our beloved foreign minister does business with when he´s not threatening them with boycots).

The sad thing is they know that Reinfeldt is their daddy and any protests are just lip-service to liberals and anti-FRA groups.

There are also differences between the parties on the left wing but since they´re in oposition now it´s the right who deals and squeals.

Holy shit, I just about spit half my cup of Timmy Hortons onto my laptop when I saw that picture. That is funny as hell.
McCain made a foolish, terrible choice in Sarah Palin. The media glare is only just beginning for her.

Her poor daughter is the product of a pro-abstinence, anti-sex education upbringing - supporters (especially the Evangelical community) will put their positive spin on it ("what a responsible, wonderful choice she's made to have the baby!"), but the bottom line is that there are two humans under the age of 20 who are four months away from shouldering the greatest responsibility of all, at a time in their lives when they should be entertaining the possibilities of a college education and getting out in the world and finding themselves. It's a shame.

Kudos to Obama for stating that families, and specifically children, are not fodder for attack/criticism.

I'm proud of my parents and believe they did the best job they could raising me. However, at 17 years of age, I had interest in few things.
1. What beer is on sale (Drank a lot of Genessee Beer)
2. Girls
3. Lacrosse
4. Girls
5. Checking out new gear at the House of Guitars
6. Girls
7. Which metal band was coming to the Penny Arcade that week.
8. Girls
9. Girls
10 -You get the friggin' point.
Being a Jew/Muslim/Catholic/Athiest/Agnostic etc. has little bearing on whether or not you are sexually active. 90% of 17 year olds out there that aren't sexually active are only that way because they can't get any.


Pat Robertson was just on CNN and said this:

"I honestly believe...what I heard last night, she's the most exciting Republican politician since Ronald Reagan".


You know, for all the times conservatives accuse Obama of elitism, the tone of Palin's speech last night was, ironically, the essence of elitism. What a joke she is....

Don't lump anyone voting for McCain/Palin in with clowns like Pat Robertson. Pat Robertson does not represent what I believe in. I don't think that Palin is a joke. We can only speculate on the motives behind her being chosen. I like the idea of having someone as VP who isn't completely 'in-step' with the POTUS. Her looks, gender and stance on abortion don't move me either way. I generally vote for Republican-type candidates for these reasons:
-I am pro-gun
-I don't like being taxed for social programs that create a country of people standing there with their hands out
-I don't like the idea that anytime anything bad happens. The gov't is supposed to run in and fix everything for us.

Abortion, although I don't like seeing it used as birth control, isn't a hot-button issue for me. The last 3 times I was in a church. It was for weddings. I don't particularly care about gay marriage. Although, it does stick in my craw that the company I work for will give same-sex couples health insurance but wouldn't give it to me and my then fiance' (now wife). They weren't buying the "She's my hetero-life-partner" rap.

Give me a pro-gun, fiscally conservative Democrat and I'll vote for he/she/it. Frankly, the only real differences between Hillary and McCain is/was their stances on guns.

I'm proud of my parents and believe they did the best job they could raising me. However, at 17 years of age, I had interest in few things.
1. What beer is on sale (Drank a lot of Genessee Beer)
2. Girls
3. Lacrosse
4. Girls
5. Checking out new gear at the House of Guitars
6. Girls
7. Which metal band was coming to the Penny Arcade that week.
8. Girls
9. Girls
10 -You get the friggin' point.
Being a Jew/Muslim/Catholic/Athiest/Agnostic etc. has little bearing on whether or not you are sexually active. 90% of 17 year olds out there that aren't sexually active are only that way because they can't get any.

I tend to agree. I think it started at 14 and I just saved myself for the first chick to say OK. I'm realisitic, I would hope that my kids at that age would keep it in their pants, I'm pretty sure they won't. I would hope they have the good sense to use protection, but they may not. If one of them is knocked or knocks someone up I would be disapointed but as their parent I'm going to support their dumb asses.

A pregnant 17 year old with bible banging parents isn't new.
Don't lump anyone voting for McCain/Palin in with clowns like Pat Robertson. Pat Robertson does not represent what I believe in. I don't think that Palin is a joke. We can only speculate on the motives behind her being chosen. I like the idea of having someone as VP who isn't completely 'in-step' with the POTUS. Her looks, gender and stance on abortion don't move me either way. I generally vote for Republican-type candidates for these reasons:
-I am pro-gun
-I don't like being taxed for social programs that create a country of people standing there with their hands out
-I don't like the idea that anytime anything bad happens. The gov't is supposed to run in and fix everything for us.

Abortion, although I don't like seeing it used as birth control, isn't a hot-button issue for me. The last 3 times I was in a church. It was for weddings. I don't particularly care about gay marriage. Although, it does stick in my craw that the company I work for will give same-sex couples health insurance but wouldn't give it to me and my then fiance' (now wife). They weren't buying the "She's my hetero-life-partner" rap.

Give me a pro-gun, fiscally conservative Democrat and I'll vote for he/she/it. Frankly, the only real differences between Hillary and McCain is/was their stances on guns.

My problem with the GOP is that in order to vote for a fiscal conservitive you have to take all the social religious crap with it. I'm not big on abortion but I've never been pregnant either. I think it's fucked up that we can send gay men and woman to fight for freedom but they can't marry or more so they can't talk about being gay while holding a gun.
My problem with the GOP is that in order to vote for a fiscal conservitive you have to take all the social religious crap with it. I'm not big on abortion but I've never been pregnant either. I think it's fucked up that we can send gay men and woman to fight for freedom but they can't marry or more so they can't talk about being gay while holding a gun.

'dont ask, dont tell' was Pres. Clinton's brilliant solution. :rolleyes:
the best solution would have been to allow enlisted men and women to vote on the issue. they're the ones that have to deal with it. they should have the say over it.
Bloody hell! Sue's gone into Marathon overdrive on this topic! (It was a good exchange of ideas/complaints until Cheeseboy (Jostopheles) decided to waste electrons with his usual bullshit.)

Palin is cute, talks well, has some accomplishments that suggests a good platform for the rest of the campaign, but there's one small problem...

Insane McCain is still at the top of the ticket. She'd be the VP, while that cranky, insane Ultimate Washington Insider with a globe-sized chip on his shoulder would be President. He's got the nerve to steal Barack Hussein's "change" mantra for himself, but that's crazy talk!

I mean, just by herself, Palin is change from Washington business as usual. But would she wield the sort of power over Insane McCain the way people claim Dick Cheney lords it over George W.? Unlikely. Anyway, Limbaugh always states something like, "once those elected officials get to Washingon, something happens to them. They start having lunches with journalists, start rubbing elbows with certain activists, and soon they're unrecognisable." Palin's just sweet enough to be duped by the Insiders.

As for Barack Hussein, everything I said about Palin holds true, only he's in the top slot and already affected by the Insiders. He's in fact one of them, what with his charter membership with the CFI and other high-life drinking clubs in Washington.

His bullshit mantra of "change" got flushed to the four winds the moment he announced Biden as his running mate. Biden is to Washington what those statues are to the Charles Bridge in Prague (right, Johnny?)

So what the fuck's my alternative?

I'm looking at Libertarian candidate Bob Barr as my choice for President... I guess.

Notice my enthusiasm? Its because his campaign is a shambles, his own supporters are exclusively people as pissed as I am, devoid of true devotion to the candidate, and divided against the Libertarian Party, which itself is a club for philosophically challenged ideologues. (Picture that one!)

Still, he's got the best platform of the three, is smarter than the other two, and, as a lame-duck right from the moment he's sworn into office, the SAFEST President we'd have.

Unfortunately, his campaign reports about $800,000 in donations. That appears to be what Insane McCain and Barack Hussein get every single day.

Giant corporate and national interests seem to have no problem hyper-funding the two parties in spite of that scrap of paper called, what, The McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform?

To quote Aretha Franklin in "The Blues Brothers:"


'dont ask, dont tell' was Pres. Clinton's brilliant solution. :rolleyes:
the best solution would have been to allow enlisted men and women to vote on the issue. they're the ones that have to deal with it. they should have the say over it.

Yep, Clinton pussed out on that one.

I wish I could pick off chunks of people and make a POTUS
See, you repubs are so outdated, illogical, brainwashed and flat out dumb that you are equating palin being laughed at to fear.

How embarrassing!!! :lol:

Thats it? Tell me you have a better argument than that. Again you have went beyond and proved my point of sad comebacks without substance. I hope you can think for yourself without using links from left wing propaganda. Hit me!