NO Insane McCain! NO Barack Hussein!



Pat Robertson was just on CNN and said this:

"I honestly believe...what I heard last night, she's the most exciting Republican politician since Ronald Reagan".


You know, for all the times conservatives accuse Obama of elitism, the tone of Palin's speech last night was, ironically, the essence of elitism. What a joke she is....

Perhaps it's piss puddling at Barrys feet.

Pat Robertson? Who gives a shit what that holy roller has to say anyway? Apparently only the Clinton News Network.

As far as her speech goes, I just revert back to my comments on fear or piss!
Thats it? Tell me you have a better argument than that. Again you have went beyond and proved my point of sad comebacks without substance. I hope you can think for yourself without using links from left wing propaganda. Hit me!

let me speak up for Jost and tell you, no, he doesnt have any better arguments. if he's true to form, any more responses from him will just go downhill from here, until they finally just resemble a mish-mash of syllables and whatever results from the drool on his keyboard.
Don't lump anyone voting for McCain/Palin in with clowns like Pat Robertson. Pat Robertson does not represent what I believe in. I don't think that Palin is a joke. We can only speculate on the motives behind her being chosen. I like the idea of having someone as VP who isn't completely 'in-step' with the POTUS. Her looks, gender and stance on abortion don't move me either way. I generally vote for Republican-type candidates for these reasons:
-I am pro-gun
-I don't like being taxed for social programs that create a country of people standing there with their hands out
-I don't like the idea that anytime anything bad happens. The gov't is supposed to run in and fix everything for us.

Abortion, although I don't like seeing it used as birth control, isn't a hot-button issue for me. The last 3 times I was in a church. It was for weddings. I don't particularly care about gay marriage. Although, it does stick in my craw that the company I work for will give same-sex couples health insurance but wouldn't give it to me and my then fiance' (now wife). They weren't buying the "She's my hetero-life-partner" rap.

Give me a pro-gun, fiscally conservative Democrat and I'll vote for he/she/it. Frankly, the only real differences between Hillary and McCain is/was their stances on guns.

Great post. I tend to vote republican also for the reasons you do.

I'm pro 2nd amendment. I don't believe in the notion that there isn't a reason to own a gun because the government will protect you. We all know that's BS. Though, I'm not bitter and cling to my guns, I want the right to protect me and my family from gangsta wannabes.

When you get over your head from making wrong choices, don't expect the government to bail you out! You are an adult, figure it out!

Universal Healthcare is something that bothers me. As a healthcare provider, I see many indigents everyday. While I'm sympathetic I know UH is not the answer. McCain is right, it would slash pay and jobs across the board for healthcare providers. I don't like the idea of my government telling me when and where to receive treatment.
let me speak up for Jost and tell you, no, he doesnt have any better arguments. if he's true to form, any more responses from him will just go downhill from here, until they finally just resemble a mish-mash of syllables and whatever results from the drool on his keyboard.

Thanks Sue, I'm just trying to stay off jurcheds hit list.:)
Holy shit, I just about spit half my cup of Timmy Hortons onto my laptop when I saw that picture. That is funny as hell.

Where in NY are you? I'm orginally from Buffalo, and get Tim Horton's everytime I'm in the area.
'dont ask, dont tell' was Pres. Clinton's brilliant solution. :rolleyes:
the best solution would have been to allow enlisted men and women to vote on the issue. they're the ones that have to deal with it. they should have the say over it.

It doesn't matter that Bill created the "don't ask, don't tell" rule. There are no lie detector systems to scan people trying to get into the military, so someone could easily lie and say they're straight even when the question was asked. When I enlisted in the Marines, we had "The moment of truth" in which we were away from our regular recruiters, and with the higher ups from MEPS, and they tried to scare us and get us to admit to us to stuff that we might not have disclosed to our recruiters. The 1st week of boot camp, our drill instructors took it a step further, and said they have ways to find out if anyone did drugs, how many times, and when they did it, and if anyone ever got in trouble (even minor traffic tickets).

Point is, if you had a criminal record, the recruiters found it. If you were a homosexual, if you got caught in the military, you were kicked out and didn't get an honorable discharge.
Uhh! Its like the first grade here. Hussein rhymes with McCain, brainless. (Obama only rhymes with Osama, but unfortunately THAT would-be Presidential candidate died years ago.)

Indeed I do! I have a majour problem with that "Islamic, Homosexual, Long-Legged Mack-Daddy Emissary of the Devil, Barack Hussein Obama!"*

*Quoting the Honourable Reverend James David Manning, of course.


I don't see the problem. Its just a name, doesn't mean anything.
You mean something to throw up at when you on a drunken nighttrain in Prague? :lol: :lol: :lol: Just kidding. Ever been here?

Yes..., yes I guess I do! (Hey, my joke crosses all cultural barriers!) At first, I just meant that Biden's been in Washington so long, one cannot picture the city without his weather-beaten face. Much like those statues on the Charles bridge.

Yes, I've been in Praha. I understand the statues are fakes, though. The real ones are locked up in some museum.

New rant or maybe I should start a new thread. Anyway, what do any of you think that Obama has done in his past that would suggest he will stand up for your rights? Don't use he was a civil rights attorney, that won't fly. While good for african american advancement, it doesn't mean diddly for the rest. I don't know about any of you, but I want someone who governs for THE people, not A people!
New rant or maybe I should start a new thread. Anyway, what do any of you think that Obama has done in his past that would suggest he will stand up for your rights? Don't use he was a civil rights attorney, that won't fly. While good for african american advancement, it doesn't mean diddly for the rest. I don't know about any of you, but I want someone who governs for THE people, not A people!

i agree with you.
New rant or maybe I should start a new thread. Anyway, what do any of you think that Obama has done in his past that would suggest he will stand up for your rights? Don't use he was a civil rights attorney, that won't fly. While good for african american advancement, it doesn't mean diddly for the rest. I don't know about any of you, but I want someone who governs for THE people, not A people!

Barack Hussein hasn't governed anything! All he knows how to do is speak. He is a great orator. Beyond that, descriptions of his life as an assistant law professor, a civil activist, and state senator all suggest a man who's guided from position to position by other people.

They say he's a man of ambition, having risen so far so fast. I say, he's an underachiever at heart, preferring to relax in the back row and watch the action, than to take a risk and stand up to make a difference.

I sincerely doubt running for the Presidency was his idea. It might have been Michelle's since she's the one with fire in her belly. But Barack Hussein has enough personality and overflowing charisma to grab the attention of far more aggressive and ambitious men who'd like to be in much more powerful positions than they have now. They managed to crowbar him into the campaign against all those other veteran candidates, and apparently the entire DNC political machine has decided the best way to augment their power, and fix their angry image, is to push Barack Hussein all the way to the top.

Yes, he's a great guy, that Barack Hussein. He's being pushed and shoved to the halls of power, all while bearing that electric smile and twinkling those dazzling eyes. His youthful gait twists as acrobatically as his necktie in the wind while being ruthlessly tugged to the finish line by so many power-hungry political hacks.

After seeing a photo of Barack Hussein mopping his brow on a campaign stop, I feel for the man. He'd rather not be there. He'd much rather be back in Washington, enjoying a cigarette and the shade of a poplar tree in the park behind the Senate wing.

Too bad Michelle and the DNC war machine have him as the battering ram on the frontlines of this brutal election campaign...

I say, he's an underachiever at heart, preferring to relax in the back row and watch the action, than to take a risk and stand up to make a difference.

considering the majority of his senate career consisted of his voting 'present' rather than doing anything that took actual action, then i'd say you make a good point.
The way I look at it, the republicans royally screwed up this country over the last 8 years. Get an independent or a democrat in there. McCain isn't going to change anything, just keep doing what GW has been doing.
The way I look at it, the republicans royally screwed up this country over the last 8 years. Get an independent or a democrat in there. McCain isn't going to change anything, just keep doing what GW has been doing.

Yes..., yes I guess I do! (Hey, my joke crosses all cultural barriers!) At first, I just meant that Biden's been in Washington so long, one cannot picture the city without his weather-beaten face. Much like those statues on the Charles bridge.

Yes, I've been in Praha. I understand the statues are fakes, though. The real ones are locked up in some museum.


Pretty much. These are copies, the real ones are in the national museum depository. Make sure you let me know when you're here again. :kickass::kickass: