NO Insane McCain! NO Barack Hussein!

Fuck it. I decided to throw our hat into the political ring. You make sure everyone has a gun, I'll make sure everyone keeps aborting babies. We'll balance this ticket out:lol:

Dude, sorry for the late reply, had other things going on..
That is hilarious!:lol:! I sent it out to a bunch of friends.

We make a good team.. I'll make sure everyone has the right to own machine guns and hand grenades, plus the fact that I believe in GOD and am a Christian will get us the religious right to go along with my fanatical right wing hardcore militia types!

All conflict will be settled in a UFC style ring where presidents and ruling parties of various country's will fight to the death instead of sending troops to war.

The only things we will allow to be imported into the country will be alcohol related beverages.

The borders will be officially closed.. And new slogan will be.....
"America, a great place to visit that you will NEVER be allowed to live in!!!"

Anyone named Akbar, Muhammad, Barack, Hussein, or Obama will be IMMEDIATLEY deported to either their original country of orgin or a country where other people have the same type names.

Ted Nugent will be the new Homeland Security chief while Jesse Ventura will be Secretary of Defense.

Jurched will reign supreme as White House Spokesman/Foreign Policy Guy.

After taking over Czech (Just to show that we can) JohnnieCzech will be named King/President/Ruler of ALL Czech Republic!! And anyone with a problem with that gets a nuke straight up the ass!!

Fah - Q Will be in charge of weapon technology and will be given an unlimited budget to develop and purchase the greatest of ALL firearms and implements of death that he sees fit.

SueNC will be solely responsible for getting the rest of the nation up to speed with how the south does things!! I know the North won the war but I happen to like how they do things down south and if ANYONE has a problem with this or trys to impede the work that SueNC will be doing they will immediatley be shipped off to Turkey so that where they live can match what they are!!:lol:

Our country's new song will be Suicidal Tendencies - You Can't Bring Me Down. And a new state motto for all 50 states will be.. Speak English or DIE!!! It will be on every license plate, every license and will be enforceable by ALL citizens!!

This I promise when elected your next President of the United States!!
You of course correct but missing the bigger picture. Why should you and I with our tax dollars have to bail out THE LENDING CORPORATION that made these stupid loans that people couldn't afford? Bush's blame is that he sees no problem bailing out a corporation for its stupid lending practices. No one is going to save you or I if we make dumb loans.

I'll never understand single issue voters, be they gun people or people who only care about abortion. It just seems to justify all the special interests that run Washington.

As for troop withdrawl, there is no meaningful distinction between Obama, Bush, or the Iraqi government on the matter of when troops will leave. They'll leave when the Iraqi government thinks they are ready to take full control. Mccain's position is thus retarded pandering. He knows very well just about every serious military analyst or anyone higher up in the pentagon engages in serious contingency planning that involves time tables that depend on certain bench marks. So blabbing on about how early withdrawl is giving into the enemy is stupid rhetoric and reflects no major candidate's position. It's great "politics" but means nothing in reality.

If the single issue is important to you why not? I have an autistic son and in Illinois elections I usually vote with who help him the most.
Yeah, I'm always amazed how people want to reconnect with their roots in some other country. Not the rest of the world doesn't have anything to offer but seriously, I'm like 6th generation American. Here are my roots. Visiting some random building in another part of the world has little to do with me.

i'm nowhere near 6th generation here. besides, i would like to meet that side of the family
nah, i pretty much made up my mind some time ago

in other words, it's exactly like i said: a lot of lip-flapping about how 'horrible' this country is, but if given a chance to back up all your talk, you wouldnt want to actually leave this 'horrible' country. :rolleyes:
i dont suppose things really got bad AFTER all those easily swayed lemmings voted in Dems into the majority in the House?
the Dems and their attack dogs with the far left have kept on the heat, making it impossible for the president to do his job during a difficult time in our nation's history. they've acted like spoiled childen from the moment Bush won the office.

when i think of Dems and what that means to this country, i just think back to when Slick Willie was in office and what he did [or didnt do]. numerous attacks against the US and US interests that he all but completely ignored. i think about the chances he had to get Bin Laden but couldnt be bothered with. i think about how badly he slashed our military and the military families that were struggling to get by while being led by a Dem.

now, i'm sure you dont care about military families, now that you're safely out, but i've got many friends that are still in.
i also care about keeping this country safe. that should always be a top concern, considering that if you're dead, the economy doesnt mean a thing. the Dems want us to believe that we have nothing to worry about and that the 'terrorist scare' is just a figment of Bush's imagination, but that doesnt account for all the attacks that went on before Bush was in office.

Dems want to hug the terrorists and 'understand' why they hate us. Republicans are more likely to actually DO something.

give me a president that puts this country first. Obama talks about us like we're diseased.

First off Sue, I like you, but don't accuse me of not caring about the military & military families, that's a big slap in the face you gave me with that statement and I don't appreciate it. I served 8 years and 8 months in the Marines before I got medically separated due to multiple injuries to my foot & ankle, so if I didn't have those injuries I'd still be in. How much time have you served in the military? My guess is none, so keep comments like that to yourself.

You're right, the dems are weak when it comes to terrorists, my theory is you want to have a republican in during the time of war. But we had no justification going into Iraq, none!!! The B.S. Bush used for justification to go into Iraq was B.S.!!! Where did the terrorists get their training before 9/11/01 Iraq or Afghanistan? answer: Afghanistan!!! We need to get out of Iraq and concentrate on Afghanistan, especially on the Pakistani border.

And the excuse the economy is doing bad because dems have the majority in the house is a lousy excuse. The Dems turned the economy around in the 90's and even when the Repub's had the majority in the House.

Yes, Clinton was a complete pussy to the terrorists, and as much as I don't like him, the economy was good under him. You are right, we do need to keep the country safe, but we also need to have a decent way of life without losing our homes, paying up the ass on gas, and having to shell out tons of money for health insurance. Bush is a crook and so is his administration, he's hooking up his friends in the oil industry. Capitalism is killing this country internally.

Obama said we need to concentrate on the Afghan/Pakistan border, and he's absolutely right. So I don't think he'll be a pussy like Clinton.
Almost everything you write above is true.
Fuel prices have gone through the roof during Bush's terms. However, the prices didn't just go up for Americans. They went up for everyone.
Home values are directly affected by the sharp increase in forclosures. This has occurred during GW's presidency. What you haven't considered is who is really accountable here. Maybe the Mortgage Broker who committed sins of ommission by allowing unsuspecting home buyers to sign on for adjustable rates. Maybe the consumer should do a little more research and know what they can afford to spend before they go shopping for a house. Amoritization charts are not hard to find. Calculating your debt to income ratio is not rocket science, it's fundamental. Nobody made them sign on the dotted line.
I can't vote for Obama for two reasons. I am very pro-gun and I don't want our troops withdrawn too early. It would be like swimming halfway across the English Channel only to turn around because you are tired.
I liked your post. I think we just have a slightly different perspective on the same issues. Cheers!

Thanks I appreciate it. I also appreciate that you didn't insult me like Sue did.

I used to vote straight republican, now I'm in between.

Yes the economy needs to be fixed. No, we don't need gun control. To quote SOD's lyrics "Save the fish, Save the Trees, Save the air", I don't like tree hugging hippies or those greenpeace phenantics. Top priority should be to keep the country safe, then fix the economy. You're right, we shouldn't pull out of Iraq early, but the Iraqi's need to step up and start taking care of their own country, I feel they're dragging their feet. I like McCain & Obama as individual people, but don't care much for them as politicians. To me, I'm voting for the lesser of 2 evils (so to speak).
If the single issue is important to you why not? I have an autistic son and in Illinois elections I usually vote with who help him the most.

Well, if you vote on one issue at the expense of all others you don't do you or anyone a service in bigger picture terms. In the long term, all it does it produces more and more pandering by politicians to special interests.
First off Sue, I like you, but don't accuse me of not caring about the military & military families, that's a big slap in the face you gave me with that statement and I don't appreciate it. I served 8 years and 8 months in the Marines before I got medically separated due to multiple injuries to my foot & ankle, so if I didn't have those injuries I'd still be in. How much time have you served in the military? My guess is none, so keep comments like that to yourself.

This has become the problem with the right. They are so vain as to think they only ones with patriotism. I have close friends who were in the Marines. One was in the first Iraq war. He's voting democrat. Must be because he hates his country of course.

The dozen or more students I know who have served in the current conflict? Clearly they all hate their country if they are going to vote democrat.
This has become the problem with the right. They are so vain as to think they only ones with patriotism. I have close friends who were in the Marines. One was in the first Iraq war. He's voting democrat. Must be because he hates his country of course.

The dozen or more students I know who have served in the current conflict? Clearly they all hate their country if they are going to vote democrat.

Thank you!!!!:worship:

I guess the republican stereotypes are as follows: Everyone in the military must vote republican. All democrats are anti-military and want to eliminate the military. All democrats are conscienous objectors and don't believe in war, and will never go to war no matter the circumstances. If you don't vote republican, then you're not a patriot.

I guess because since Sue has friends in the military, it makes her more patriotic than me, even though I was in the Marines for over 8 years. And also in Sue's view, I don't care about the military anymore now that I'm out because I'm not gonna vote republican this time. I still have a lot of friends in the military, and have lost 6 friends during my time in the military, but because I'm not voting republican, I guess it means I don't care about any of them anymore. I don't remember anything saying that I have to vote republican in order to be in the military when I raised my hand and took the oath to enlist in the military . I also never seen or heard of a written order by the President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Navy or the Commandant of the Marine Corps stating that everyone in the military/Marines must vote Republican.
I don't see how Obama can make things worse than GW did? Gas prices jumped more than $2 a gallon in the years GW has been in. The value of homes dropped by more than 20%, and foreclosure rates are the highest they've been in years. Health insurance took a drastic jump in prices. So Sue, if you're all for that and like paying higher gas prices, having your home worth less and paying up the as- in health insurance, then vote republican. Me on the other hand, the only thing I don't like about the Dems is universal healthcare. I think healthcare should be much cheaper than it is now, and affordable for everyone, but you should still have to pay something for it. Other than that, our economy needs to be fixed, the republicans royally screwed it up. Sue, I have a feeling you would vote republican no matter how bad the country is doing with a republican president. I used to vote straight republican myself since I spent 8 1/2 yearsin the military, but I can't vote republican this time. I like McCain and I give him all the respect in theworld for what he went through in Vietnam, I was hoping he would have beat out GW in the 01' primary, but it didn't happen. But the way our economy is currently doing after 8 years of republican rule, I can't vote for a republican (unless Ronald Reagan was re-incarnated!!!!)

Are you blaming the current administration for the housing problem????? If so, you are way off base. It was not the government, it was the real estate industry. Do you think these people are actually educated in any way?? The single mother selling your $250,000 house probably BARELY graduated high school, let alone any higher education institution.

My opinion is not formed from being a homeowner or in the industry, but from fucking a Realtor for the last year and a half and attempting to buy my own property.

All I will say is GREED. Interest rates were low, and these people totally screwed everyone they talked too. I live in Orlando, and what happened in 2005 is that the real estate industry started spending 95% of their marketing money in Puerto Rico. They convinced all the Ricans to come here and buy 200,000 dollar homes while they cut grass or served coffee to tourists. We have over 4K foreclosures here, and it gets worse every month.

Did Bush do this?????? I fail to see where Bush had ANY direct influence on ANY industries absolute greed. It had nothing to do with the gov...just with some folks seeing an opportunity to screw the layman.

Real Estate agents are just as scummy as the lawyers who represent child rapists, murderers, and random thugs. And I've listened to this stupid bitch run her mouth about totally fucking people over........with zero remorse. All that matters is making that dollar. No one cares about actually helping people. Realtors I dealt with, some asked for 10K under the table, to secure a deal. Others told me to not pay my bills for 6 months to make a massive down payment.... Yes, these things actually happened. I was dumbfounded that a person who attempt to pull this kind of shit.

I make a huge paycheck, but the reason is that what I do ensures the safety of thousands of people who fly, everyday. EVERY SINGLE REAL ESTATE PERSON I KNOW is NOT in the business to help people, but to make every single $ they can at ANY COST. With a decent moral base I find it hard to swallow; how people can fuck over their fellow countrymen to make 1% commission.

I will go into more detail and probably more coherent thought when I am a bit more sober.
It had nothing to do with the gov...just with some folks seeing an opportunity to screw the layman.
Mabe the gov't should be regulating the idiots that are selling other idiots $250,000 items. It might save the rest of us money in the long run.
Are you blaming the current administration for the housing problem????? If so, you are way off base. It was not the government, it was the real estate industry. Do you think these people are actually educated in any way?? The single mother selling your $250,000 house probably BARELY graduated high school, let alone any higher education institution.

My opinion is not formed from being a homeowner or in the industry, but from fucking a Realtor for the last year and a half and attempting to buy my own property.

All I will say is GREED. Interest rates were low, and these people totally screwed everyone they talked too. I live in Orlando, and what happened in 2005 is that the real estate industry started spending 95% of their marketing money in Puerto Rico. They convinced all the Ricans to come here and buy 200,000 dollar homes while they cut grass or served coffee to tourists. We have over 4K foreclosures here, and it gets worse every month.

Did Bush do this?????? I fail to see where Bush had ANY direct influence on ANY industries absolute greed. It had nothing to do with the gov...just with some folks seeing an opportunity to screw the layman.

Real Estate agents are just as scummy as the lawyers who represent child rapists, murderers, and random thugs. And I've listened to this stupid bitch run her mouth about totally fucking people over........with zero remorse. All that matters is making that dollar. No one cares about actually helping people. Realtors I dealt with, some asked for 10K under the table, to secure a deal. Others told me to not pay my bills for 6 months to make a massive down payment.... Yes, these things actually happened. I was dumbfounded that a person who attempt to pull this kind of shit.

I make a huge paycheck, but the reason is that what I do ensures the safety of thousands of people who fly, everyday. EVERY SINGLE REAL ESTATE PERSON I KNOW is NOT in the business to help people, but to make every single $ they can at ANY COST. With a decent moral base I find it hard to swallow; how people can fuck over their fellow countrymen to make 1% commission.

I will go into more detail and probably more coherent thought when I am a bit more sober.

Damn!!! Sorry to hear the horror stories you had with realtors. Sounds like you had the same people as I did when I tried to trade in my van back in 06'. The dumbass car dealer said he wasn't going to accept my van as trade in and recommended I let the bank eat it, that I was young enough and I could rebuild my credit after it was done.

Helen, my realtor from when I sold my house in NC last year was real nice, and very honest with me. I had my house on the market for 3 months before it sold. When I bought my new house this year, I worked with the builder on buying our house (which was a spec house), we got a good deal so i have no complaints on that. The housing market was an example of how bad our economy is now. I said at the time Bush took office, gas prices were between 1.20-1.40 a gallon here, houses stayed on the market anywhere from a couple of days to maybe 2 weeks at most, health insurance was $100-$125 a month for a family of 4. 7 years later everything jumped up drastically, houses lost 20-25% of their value, all of this happened during 7 years under the Bush administration. Now, is Bush responsible for every single problem in this country, no, but he's not innocent of everything either. Republicans had 8 years, the economy was strong when GW took office, 7 years later it's doing bad, coincedence? I already went through my rants of what republicans and democrats are good and bad for, so I'm not repeating them. Bottom line, whoever gets elected has their work cut out for them. If Obama wins, I hope he has the balls to go after terrorists and keep the country safe. If McCain wins, I like to see Palin naked...I'm mean, ah, I hope he can turn around the economy, and make the necessary things in life more affordable again. If anyone agrees with my opinions or not, that's fine, we all have the right our opinions, just don't be childish and insult me and question my patriotism like a certain member on this board did.
First off Sue, I like you, but don't accuse me of not caring about the military & military families, that's a big slap in the face you gave me with that statement and I don't appreciate it. I served 8 years and 8 months in the Marines before I got medically separated due to multiple injuries to my foot & ankle, so if I didn't have those injuries I'd still be in. How much time have you served in the military? My guess is none, so keep comments like that to yourself.

You're right, the dems are weak when it comes to terrorists, my theory is you want to have a republican in during the time of war. But we had no justification going into Iraq, none!!! The B.S. Bush used for justification to go into Iraq was B.S.!!! Where did the terrorists get their training before 9/11/01 Iraq or Afghanistan? answer: Afghanistan!!! We need to get out of Iraq and concentrate on Afghanistan, especially on the Pakistani border.

And the excuse the economy is doing bad because dems have the majority in the house is a lousy excuse. The Dems turned the economy around in the 90's and even when the Repub's had the majority in the House.

Yes, Clinton was a complete pussy to the terrorists, and as much as I don't like him, the economy was good under him. You are right, we do need to keep the country safe, but we also need to have a decent way of life without losing our homes, paying up the ass on gas, and having to shell out tons of money for health insurance. Bush is a crook and so is his administration, he's hooking up his friends in the oil industry. Capitalism is killing this country internally.

Obama said we need to concentrate on the Afghan/Pakistan border, and he's absolutely right. So I don't think he'll be a pussy like Clinton.

Obama said Iran wasnt a threat. he'll be worse than Clinton.

everything you just said came straight from the leftist, anti-America handbook.
You of course correct but missing the bigger picture. Why should you and I with our tax dollars have to bail out THE LENDING CORPORATION that made these stupid loans that people couldn't afford? Bush's blame is that he sees no problem bailing out a corporation for its stupid lending practices. No one is going to save you or I if we make dumb loans. Agreed. I don't believe the gov't should be bailing them out. I wish I knew more about economics. It is Bush and Bush alone that is rescuing these lending companies?

I'll never understand single issue voters, be they gun people or people who only care about abortion. It just seems to justify all the special interests that run Washington. zzz, I am not a single issue voter. That is just one of the things that keeps me right of center. It's curious that the two single issues you cite above are generally right-wing views.

As for troop withdrawl, there is no meaningful distinction between Obama, Bush, or the Iraqi government on the matter of when troops will leave. They'll leave when the Iraqi government thinks they are ready to take full control. Mccain's position is thus retarded pandering. He knows very well just about every serious military analyst or anyone higher up in the pentagon engages in serious contingency planning that involves time tables that depend on certain bench marks. So blabbing on about how early withdrawl is giving into the enemy is stupid rhetoric and reflects no major candidate's position. It's great "politics" but means nothing in reality. I do not agree. Since more of the war is fought in the media than ever before. Even discussing a withdraw is bad. Unless we are discussing it under the guise that we were successful. Morale among the troops is important. Neo-Libs cry about how poorly the rest of the world percieves us while standing at the top of the highest mountain yelling about how America sucks.
This has become the problem with the right. They are so vain as to think they only ones with patriotism. I have close friends who were in the Marines. One was in the first Iraq war. He's voting democrat. Must be because he hates his country of course.

The dozen or more students I know who have served in the current conflict? Clearly they all hate their country if they are going to vote democrat.

The difference is that Republicans don't rebuke their country when things don't go their way. When Clinton was running for his 2nd term. How many Republicans were threatening to move to another country if Clinton was re-elected? How many Republicans were saying this country sucked and acted as if they were oppressed because their guy wasn't in office? In my eyes, that is where the parody between my patriotism and someone else's lies. Republican/Democrat/Liberal/Conservative/Christian/Church Of Fonzerelli. -I don't care. If you say "Not my president" or "If he wins, I'm leaving the country" you are not patriotic. You're a malcontent who won't ever stop bitching.
Amaranth, ZeeZoZum and anyone else can still be a patriot and vote for Obama. If you do it and attach a caveat like the above mentioned. You are not a patriot and I welcome you to leave. The same damn thing goes for Republicans. If you threaten to leave if Obama wins. Make good on that threat if he does. I don't want my country filled with quitters.
Well, if you vote on one issue at the expense of all others you don't do you or anyone a service in bigger picture terms. In the long term, all it does it produces more and more pandering by politicians to special interests.

You are assuming that the politician you voted for based on that one issue will result in pandering. What if my one big issue was that I wanted to be taxed so more of my money could be handed out to people who don't want to work? I would be voting for Obama then. Does this mean he will be pandering to special interests? -I know, I am splitting hairs. You are just so embedded in your Neo-Lib ideals that you don't even seem willing to look at what's on the other side.