NO Insane McCain! NO Barack Hussein!

Amaranth, 1st- what is the pic of in your avatar? Hey man, don't let this crazy TPT b*tch get to you. That's what happens when brothers & sisters, or cousins inbreed, you get stupid retards that just spew shit that makes no sense. You did your time and can vote however you want. You got an honorable discharge, what does this clown have...nothing but a big mouth. I highly doubt she could handle basic training.

Jerry, thanks for the support, I appreciate it. It's nice to see the comradiere among us that served in the military. My pic is of a gnome that was reported somewhere in South America.

Thanks for having my back, but there's no need for the insults. I met Sue last year at an M.O.D. show in Fayetteville and she is very nice. I'm just baffled at her way of thinking. Even though I'm a civilian now, I still work for the Marines. I have to fly out to Yuma, AZ on Sunday to train Marines next week, so with Sue saying "I don't care about the military" is absolutely ludicrous. But that's the last time I'm voicing my political views on this site. I'll check this site to see if there is any M.O.D. news, but it's not fun for me to post on here anymore.
Jerry, thanks for the support, I appreciate it. It's nice to see the comradiere among us that served in the military. My pic is of a gnome that was reported somewhere in South America.

Thanks for having my back, but there's no need for the insults. I met Sue last year at an M.O.D. show in Fayetteville and she is very nice. I'm just baffled at her way of thinking. Even though I'm a civilian now, I still work for the Marines. I have to fly out to Yuma, AZ on Sunday to train Marines next week, so with Sue saying "I don't care about the military" is absolutely ludicrous. But that's the last time I'm voicing my political views on this site. I'll check this site to see if there is any M.O.D. news, but it's not fun for me to post on here anymore.

I only insult the people who deserve an insult. This crazy lady sounds very ignorant and lives in her own little shell. "Nail in the coffin if the democrats win", you're really living in your own little world. Bellevue is waiting for you.
No prob, Ms. Inbred trailer park trash. How's Jerry Springer?

OMG! inbred trailer park trash? Jerry Springer?? i've never heard anything like that before!! did you come up with that all by yourself??

you must be the smart one in your family. :Smug:
1) I am not voting for Obama

2) By your usage, you don't know what Neo-Lib meansPlease, yell down the definition from that higher mental plane you are on.

3) What other side are you refering to? I see no substantial difference between Obama or Mccain. That's a fantasy for cultural warriors or Christian nuts. I am neither of these things.
Your point speaks to why a person would vote 'one issue'. McCain and Obama are not at opposite ends of the continuum. That is why single issues (gun rights) are drawing people to one candidate or another.

4) Your hypothetical is baffling as it is divorced from historical reality. I do believe I pointed out that I was splitting hairs. If my one issue was personal welfare, if that's all I voted on, and let's say I formed a powerful pro-personal welfare lobby (as opposed to a corporate welfare lobby groups) then yes that's special interest pandering. And sorry to break the news to you, under Bush II entitlement spending increased as it did just about every other president in recent years. So why would you vote for a party that increases entitlement spending? Why?

5) And, again, if a President SIGNS A BILL INTO LAW that bails out a lending firm that made stupid loans, why shouldn't he be held responsible? Your lack of logic on this truly baffling. WHY SHOULD MY TAX DOLLARS go to this?
Your $$ should not go to this. I agree 100%. Your money should remain your money. Be it social programs (welfare) or bailing out a lending firm (also welfare?). Our tax dollars should not be tossed down those holes. If I knew more about economics. I might make the arguement that the failure of lending firms may trigger a downturn in the economy. I don't so, I won't.
You know, an apology would have been decent of you since you insulted me yesterday with your remarks that I don't care about the military since I'm out now. But I see you're brainwashed and believe everything the republicans tell you. I guess in your opinion, i'm a leftist and anti-american because I would like to see more affordable healthcare for my family, cheaper gas prices so I can commute back and forth to work, and want to retain the value of my house. I've done much more for this country than you have.

If I may, I'd like to make an observation without piling on Sue or you or Zee etc. From what I am reading, Sue is not questioning your military service. I think Sue, like myself, believes that if Obama is elected. Our country is in big trouble. When you encounter someone who isn't like-minded. Naturally, you think there is something wrong with them. Sue expresses her points firmly and sometimes in an abrasive manner. Lately, when I read posts directed at me. I try to read them a few times before responding. That way, I am more apt to respond to the issue/topic rather than the remarks or insults.
Amaranth, Healthcare and fuel are not going to suddenly become cheaper if Obama is elected. Even if socialized medicine is put in place. You will find that it is not all it is cracked up to be. Check out this snopes article on just how convoluted socialized health care can be.
Lastly, why is it that when someone is firm in their conservative beliefs they are a wing-nut but, another who is more left-leaning is called open minded?

We don't all agree. So what? If we did, this place would be boring.
Lady, do you live in a bomb shelter? You're nuts, seriously!!! Get some psychiatric help! I read through all of the posts on this thread, and a bunch of you have some serious issues. How can you bash a guy who served in the military? The man served his country so he has the right to voice his opinion more than the average joe/jane that didn't do anytime in the military.

Time spent serving our country in the military does not make you beyond reproach. It also does not mean your opinion matters more. It certainly does mean that he has much more experience to draw from though.

BTW, welcome to the forums.
Jerry, thanks for the support, I appreciate it. It's nice to see the comradiere among us that served in the military. My pic is of a gnome that was reported somewhere in South America.

Thanks for having my back, but there's no need for the insults. I met Sue last year at an M.O.D. show in Fayetteville and she is very nice. I'm just baffled at her way of thinking. Even though I'm a civilian now, I still work for the Marines. I have to fly out to Yuma, AZ on Sunday to train Marines next week, so with Sue saying "I don't care about the military" is absolutely ludicrous. But that's the last time I'm voicing my political views on this site. I'll check this site to see if there is any M.O.D. news, but it's not fun for me to post on here anymore.

Please don't go!

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OMG! inbred trailer park trash? Jerry Springer?? i've never heard anything like that before!! did you come up with that all by yourself??

you must be the smart one in your family. :Smug:

Well, if you heard it before then it must be true. From reading all of the posts, it doesn't sound like you care about people losing the value of their homes and foreclosures, so obviously since you live in a trailer you don't have those kind of worries do ya? And I see you don't give a damn about how much people pay for health insurance, since you're on welfare you get free handouts so now I can understand why you don't care.
Time spent serving our country in the military does not make you beyond reproach. It also does not mean your opinion matters more. It certainly does mean that he has much more experience to draw from though.

BTW, welcome to the forums.

The point was this nut job was bashing someone who did his time in the military. How can this crazy nutcase call herself a patriot and a american if she bashes on someone who served his time for his country and wants his family to have a good way of life? If anyone is unpatriotic and unamerican, it's SueNC. She sounds like some of the people I meet and say they wish they could've been in the military, but..., and come up with a lame excuse.

Thanks for the welcome.
Well, if you heard it before then it must be true. From reading all of the posts, it doesn't sound like you care about people losing the value of their homes and foreclosures, so obviously since you live in a trailer you don't have those kind of worries do ya? And I see you don't give a damn about how much people pay for health insurance, since you're on welfare you get free handouts so now I can understand why you don't care.

i dont care so much about people that disregard their debt-to-income ratio and go in over their heads, then wonder why they lost their homes, no.

as for my being on welfare, insurance, etc... while i realize in newbie land that seems like a really biting, witty insult, it's not. it just shows the level of your intelligence [or lack, thereof].
i work, have always worked and get insurance through my employer. i also go to college part time, so that i can one day get a job making even more money, thereby paying more taxes to take care of those who wont work.

since you made it an issue and since you've shown all the creativity and intellectual jousting skills of a well-trained monkey, i'm going to guess welfare has more of a role in your family tree than mine.

are you related to Jost?
i think maybe you are.
i dont care so much about people that disregard their debt-to-income ratio and go in over their heads, then wonder why they lost their homes, no.

as for my being on welfare, insurance, etc... while i realize in newbie land that seems like a really biting, witty insult, it's not. it just shows the level of your intelligence [or lack, thereof].
i work, have always worked and get insurance through my employer. i also go to college part time, so that i can one day get a job making even more money, thereby paying more taxes to take care of those who wont work.

since you made it an issue and since you've shown all the creativity and intellectual jousting skills of a well-trained monkey, i'm going to guess welfare has more of a role in your family tree than mine.

are you related to Jost?
i think maybe you are.

Sounds to me like you don't have a family so you don't give a rats ass about people who do, so you don't care if they lose their house or lose the value on it. Just as long as your single-wide, or double-wide doesn't get nailed by a hurricane or tornado, then that's just fine & dandy in your book.

Wow, you work for a living, great. I wouldn't be too proud to say that I work at Wal-Mart or McDonald's.

As far as intellectual jousting skills, I'm just taking it up a notch in here, I can go a lot farther.

As far as welfare goes, nobody in my family has ever been on it. I've been working since high school. After 6 years in the Army, I went to school and got my bachelor's degree in buisness management, and I'm currently working at Lockheed Martin, so nice try crazy lady.

So have fun in your little militia, or whatever cult you belong to down there in North Cackalacky. They've put a spell on you, and now you believe all the insane ideas they do..."The Democrats are EVIL", "Obama is the son of the DEVIL", snap out of it!!!
Sounds to me like you don't have a family so you don't give a rats ass about people who do, so you don't care if they lose their house or lose the value on it. Just as long as your single-wide, or double-wide doesn't get nailed by a hurricane or tornado, then that's just fine & dandy in your book.

Wow, you work for a living, great. I wouldn't be too proud to say that I work at Wal-Mart or McDonald's.

As far as intellectual jousting skills, I'm just taking it up a notch in here, I can go a lot farther.

As far as welfare goes, nobody in my family has ever been on it. I've been working since high school. After 6 years in the Army, I went to school and got my bachelor's degree in buisness management, and I'm currently working at Lockheed Martin, so nice try crazy lady.

So have fun in your little militia, or whatever cult you belong to down there in North Cackalacky. They've put a spell on you, and now you believe all the insane ideas they do..."The Democrats are EVIL", "Obama is the son of the DEVIL", snap out of it!!!

let's highlight some of the jewels of this latest offering from the n00b:

Sounds to me like you don't have a family so you don't give a rats ass about people who do
idiot. i have a family. a rather LARGE extended family, at that. i have a son, who's MENSA material, parents who live the next street over, 3 brothers and a host of nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews and enough aunts, uncles and cousins, all ranging from newborns to professors of photojournalism.
i have family. everybody has family.
did i mention you were an idiot?

Wow, you work for a living, great. I wouldn't be too proud to say that I work at Wal-Mart or McDonald's.
i actually work for GOJO industries, in the division that makes and distributes Purell hand sanitizer. i'm in school studying to go into radiography. however, if i DID work at McDonald's or Wal-Mart, at least that would be a job. trying to do something will always be better than doing nothing and waiting on Daddy Government to step in and take care of you, as the Dems seem to think should always happen. there's no shame in work. ever.
you're an idiot, btw.

As far as welfare goes, nobody in my family has ever been on it. I've been working since high school. After 6 years in the Army, I went to school and got my bachelor's degree in buisness management, and I'm currently working at Lockheed Martin

goody for you. you're still an idiot.

So have fun in your little militia, or whatever cult you belong to down there in North Cackalacky. They've put a spell on you, and now you believe all the insane ideas they do..."The Democrats are EVIL", "Obama is the son of the DEVIL", snap out of it!!![/

no spell necessary. Dems are evil. Obama is a devil. you're an idiot.
let's highlight some of the jewels of this latest offering from the n00b:

idiot. i have a family. a rather LARGE extended family, at that. i have a son, who's MENSA material, parents who live the next street over, 3 brothers and a host of nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews and enough aunts, uncles and cousins, all ranging from newborns to professors of photojournalism.
i have family. everybody has family.
did i mention you were an idiot?

i actually work for GOJO industries, in the division that makes and distributes Purell hand sanitizer. i'm in school studying to go into radiography. however, if i DID work at McDonald's or Wal-Mart, at least that would be a job. trying to do something will always be better than doing nothing and waiting on Daddy Government to step in and take care of you, as the Dems seem to think should always happen. there's no shame in work. ever.
you're an idiot, btw.

goody for you. you're still an idiot.

no spell necessary. Dems are evil. Obama is a devil. you're an idiot.

Oh please, stop with those bad, awful names you are calling me, I just can't take it (sarcasm).

You just confirmed up everything I said about you. You're crazy and brainwashed. So I guess we'll be hearing about whatever strange cult or militia you belong to in years come after you loonies do something crazy like in Waco, TX in 1993 or in Jonestown with the Jim Jones cult. "Quick they're coming with flamethrowers, DRINK, DRINK".
So I guess we'll be hearing about whatever strange cult or militia you belong to in years come after you loonies do something crazy like in Waco, TX in 1993 or in Jonestown with the Jim Jones cult. "Quick they're coming with flamethrowers, DRINK, DRINK".

You mean, supporters of the Republican Party? I seriously can't see this happening. :goggly:
Can't we all just get along!? It sounds like I'm reading some wrestling promos here with all of the trash talking that going on. Evil, satanic democrats vs the cult, militia, holier than thou republicans are set to destroy each other in the biggest pay-per-view if the year, "The 2008 Presidential Election". Whatcha gonna do brother?! Coming in the November to Remember. WHOOOOOOOO!!!
If I may, I'd like to make an observation without piling on Sue or you or Zee etc. From what I am reading, Sue is not questioning your military service. I think Sue, like myself, believes that if Obama is elected. Our country is in big trouble. When you encounter someone who isn't like-minded. Naturally, you think there is something wrong with them. Sue expresses her points firmly and sometimes in an abrasive manner. Lately, when I read posts directed at me. I try to read them a few times before responding. That way, I am more apt to respond to the issue/topic rather than the remarks or insults.

I used to treat Military Service as a holy, untouchable sacrament. My views are gradually changing as I attempt (with difficulty) to examine our country's issues from all angles, especially global foreign policy and finance.

That's not to say that I agree with the platform of the democrats. That will NEVER fucking happen! However, I am pulling away from the GOP at the same time, because their efforts to create socialism is right on the Dem's track, while their speeches and mailings still spout the same old "smaller government, fiscal responsibility" mantras. And, it brings me right back to my original post.

Amaranth, Healthcare and fuel are not going to suddenly become cheaper if Obama is elected. Even if socialized medicine is put in place. You will find that it is not all it is cracked up to be.

They may not become cheaper because of anything he does, but rather because of who he is. The international bourses may ease their fuel and commodity prices if they conclude Obama will not cause an international incident. Healthcare won't get cheaper because Obama will NEVER do the following:

1. Eliminate HIPAA, reducing the huge paperwork crush and insurance transfer costs that ensured a double-digit increase every year since 1996.

2. Reduce or eliminate mandated benefits, each new one adding tens of millions in liabilities every year.

3. Tighten malpractice regs, to reduce liability insurance that burdens doctors and hospitals with their largest cost.

And most important (and impossible) of all,

4. Make preventive medicine hinge on personal responsibility, to increase insurance costs according to personal habits, and force everyone to treat good health as a privilege worth working for.

Lastly, why is it that when someone is firm in their conservative beliefs they are a wing-nut but, another who is more left-leaning is called open minded?

Left-leaners are open-minded because there's nothing in their heads. Its not a joke. Any time I hear someone talk about open-mindedness, I cringe at the vacuousness of the statement.

And the beat goes on.

Sue, good for you for going back to school? I assume the local community college has a program, are you taking advantage of any of the financing/grant options that are available?

It's funny you should mention working at McDonalds or Walmart and Daddy government. I have a clerk that works here who is 37, she has 3 children all under 18 living at home. Their father was killed in a drive by, not a gang banger just a stray bullet victim. They were scraping by before and he had no life insurance.

She gets $500 a month in what's referred to in Illinois as section 8 money. The state picks up some of her rent based on her income/dependents. If she goes over a certain mark on her income they give her nothing. So when there is mandatory overtime here she freaks out because the extra $100 in OT could mean she loses the $500 she needs to keep her apartment.

The typical republican view seems to be that if you're on public aid you are lazy. That's true for many but not for all. The reality is while this be the land of opportunity, once you are fucked in America, it's hard to get unfucked. And getting fucked is more around the corner than most think.

So Sue, if GOJO (l'm assuming is a 3pl) lost it's current contract and close it's building how would this effect you? Have you been at this job long enough where you are making more than the average starting wage for someone doing similar work in your area? Are you in a position of financial surplus at the end of each month? If similar work/wages were unavailable could you live off (today) minimum wage if need be?

Jurched, number 4 is something that many companies are doing. Bonus for quiting smoking, incentives to eat healthy, partial reimbursement for gym memberships. At local running events you say many Chicago companies are paying there people to run based on that same thought. If I can make Carl the receptionist run a 5k I can bet he's in decent health.