NO Insane McCain! NO Barack Hussein!

And the beat goes on.

Sue, good for you for going back to school? I assume the local community college has a program, are you taking advantage of any of the financing/grant options that are available?

It's funny you should mention working at McDonalds or Walmart and Daddy government. I have a clerk that works here who is 37, she has 3 children all under 18 living at home. Their father was killed in a drive by, not a gang banger just a stray bullet victim. They were scraping by before and he had no life insurance.

She gets $500 a month in what's referred to in Illinois as section 8 money. The state picks up some of her rent based on her income/dependents. If she goes over a certain mark on her income they give her nothing. So when there is mandatory overtime here she freaks out because the extra $100 in OT could mean she loses the $500 she needs to keep her apartment.

The typical republican view seems to be that if you're on public aid you are lazy. That's true for many but not for all. The reality is while this be the land of opportunity, once you are fucked in America, it's hard to get unfucked. And getting fucked is more around the corner than most think.

So Sue, if GOJO (l'm assuming is a 3pl) lost it's current contract and close it's building how would this effect you? Have you been at this job long enough where you are making more than the average starting wage for someone doing similar work in your area? Are you in a position of financial surplus at the end of each month? If similar work/wages were unavailable could you live off (today) minimum wage if need be?

Jurched, number 4 is something that many companies are doing. Bonus for quiting smoking, incentives to eat healthy, partial reimbursement for gym memberships. At local running events you say many Chicago companies are paying there people to run based on that same thought. If I can make Carl the receptionist run a 5k I can bet he's in decent health.

i know all about Section 8. my parents manage Section 8 properties.

as for my company, it pays decent for the area. i've made more, but not this close to home.
i definitely am NOT enjoying a surplus at the end of the month, but i'm surviving.
i've been there several years and we get 'merit' raises, as in, your job performance determines your pay raise. i've gotten the last several merit raises that were given out.
as for minimum wage, i doubt i could live off of that alone. i'd have to have several minimum wage jobs to make it. when i'm done with school, that wont be a problem.

speaking of school, i'm a Radiography major and up until this semester, i paid for everything out of my own pocket.

oh... and i didnt mention McDonalds or Wal-Mart first. our new resident mouth-breather, Jerry, did, as if it were something bad. i'm of the belief that any job is honorable, as long as you're willing to work.
I agree work is work, but work doesn't mean you'll be able to foot the bills.

The point that i am making is that you to could be in need of assistance at some time and god forbid that time comes, you'll be glad it's available.
oh... and i didnt mention McDonalds or Wal-Mart first. our new resident mouth-breather, Jerry, did, as if it were something bad. i'm of the belief that any job is honorable, as long as you're willing to work.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]

I think the chemicals at the GOJO plant have fried your brain.

Anyways, I was being sarcastic to begin with, but you're brainwashed, fried brain couldn't figure that out. I know why you don't like Obama, because he's Black. Most of you people that were born & raised in the south are a bunch of racist bastards (make sure you read that again when I said Most, NOT ALL). I know you probably think Obama is going to "hook-up" the black people in this country, plus he'll be having a cookout every weekend with his family on the white house lawn, grilling up some ribs & chicken. That's why you think he's a devil. And according to you, every democrat has the satanic bible, the necronomicon, worships the goat, and wants the devil to rule the country. If anyone in the country is evil, it's crazy republicans like you.
I agree work is work, but work doesn't mean you'll be able to foot the bills.

The point that i am making is that you to could be in need of assistance at some time and god forbid that time comes, you'll be glad it's available.

unemployment is one answer. regardless, i dont get the point. that day may come, but i'd never just settle for it. the fact that i'm trying to go to school AND work at the same time should show that much.
oh... and i didnt mention McDonalds or Wal-Mart first. our new resident mouth-breather, Jerry, did, as if it were something bad. i'm of the belief that any job is honorable, as long as you're willing to work.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

I think the chemicals at the GOJO plant have fried your brain.

Anyways, I was being sarcastic to begin with, but you're brainwashed, fried brain couldn't figure that out. I know why you don't like Obama, because he's Black. Most of you people that were born & raised in the south are a bunch of racist bastards (make sure you read that again when I said Most, NOT ALL). I know you probably think Obama is going to "hook-up" the black people in this country, plus he'll be having a cookout every weekend with his family on the white house lawn, grilling up some ribs & chicken. That's why you think he's a devil. And according to you, every democrat has the satanic bible, the necronomicon, worships the goat, and wants the devil to rule the country. If anyone in the country is evil, it's crazy republicans like you.[/QUOTE]

I'm not voting for Obama but I would love to come to the BBQ. Can I still come?
I think the chemicals at the GOJO plant have fried your brain.

Anyways, I was being sarcastic to begin with, but you're brainwashed, fried brain couldn't figure that out. I know why you don't like Obama, because he's Black. Most of you people that were born & raised in the south are a bunch of racist bastards (make sure you read that again when I said Most, NOT ALL). I know you probably think Obama is going to "hook-up" the black people in this country, plus he'll be having a cookout every weekend with his family on the white house lawn, grilling up some ribs & chicken. That's why you think he's a devil. And according to you, every democrat has the satanic bible, the necronomicon, worships the goat, and wants the devil to rule the country. If anyone in the country is evil, it's crazy republicans like you.

I'm not voting for Obama but I would love to come to the BBQ. Can I still come? [/QUOTE]
unemployment is one answer. regardless, i dont get the point. that day may come, but i'd never just settle for it. the fact that i'm trying to go to school AND work at the same time should show that much.

Many people don't settle. Your assumption that everyone on public aid is lazy is pretty ignorant as to what is going on in the country especially in smaller towns where one or two large companies were the main employers of the population.
Many people don't settle. Your assumption that everyone on public aid is lazy is pretty ignorant as to what is going on in the country especially in smaller towns where one or two large companies were the main employers of the population.

wait... i never said that. what thread are you reading??
I hope everyone is enjoying the economic meltdown.

Just remember government regulations of banks and other financial corporations are a bad, bad thing. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I hope everyone is enjoying the economic meltdown.

Just remember government regulations of banks and other financial corporations are a bad, bad thing. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Yes, yes they are. Glad you share my sentiments. Let the wildfire take its toll on the driftwood out there. Let the banks fail.

I'm not worried about that. Just worried about nationalisation. Our government is so drunkenly reckless with money, how the hell do they have the GALL to tell us their take-overs will be responsible?

Yes, yes they are. Glad you share my sentiments. Let the wildfire take its toll on the driftwood out there. Let the banks fail.

I'm not worried about that. Just worried about nationalisation. Our government is so drunkenly reckless with money, how the hell do they have the GALL to tell us their take-overs will be responsible?


The only reason I am for banking and lending regulation is so when these firms fail we don't have to bail them out. Laws were passed in the 1930s to prevent such financial meltdowns. Of course, these laws were repealed by the fake free-market Republicans. Yes, banks and other lending and insurance firms should fail if they can't handle their debt but the corporate fools who run Washington always knew bailouts would come their way. You think these firms would have acted so recklessly if they knew big fat bailouts wouldn't come their way?

Somebody send me a bailout check. I promise to stimulate the economy. Really I will.
I think the current financial crisis is going to give more reason for people to vote democratic this time, even though it may or may not be the republicans fault. Either way, whether Obama or McCain wins, they really have a huge job ahead of them.
I think the current financial crisis is going to give more reason for people to vote democratic this time, even though it may or may not be the republicans fault. Either way, whether Obama or McCain wins, they really have a huge job ahead of them.

and Obama-wan is neck-deep in this scandal.
and Obama-wan is neck-deep in this scandal.

Not really, or rather not nearly as much as Mccain, Republicans, and other numerous Senate Dems who voted for every deregulation law under the sun in the last ten years. Perhaps the only benefit of not having much experience is you have less shit on your shoes. Donor ties, which Obama no doubt has, are nothing compared to Phil Gramm's and Mccain role in authoring bills for deregulation.
Oh, and guess who got an ethics violation during the Saving and Loans scandal which also required huge government bailouts? Yup, John Mccain.
The only reason I am for banking and lending regulation is so when these firms fail we don't have to bail them out. Laws were passed in the 1930s to prevent such financial meltdowns. Of course, these laws were repealed by the fake free-market Republicans. Yes, banks and other lending and insurance firms should fail if they can't handle their debt but the corporate fools who run Washington always knew bailouts would come their way. You think these firms would have acted so recklessly if they knew big fat bailouts wouldn't come their way?

Somebody send me a bailout check. I promise to stimulate the economy. Really I will.

Welcome to the GOP. Cut taxes while you wage war. Deregulate and give loans to anyone who can blink. Pass bills that make it possible for CEO's of now bankrupt companies like Lehman to get 20 million dollar bonuses while ordinary people lose their homes, jobs, pensions, health care, and the value of their 401K's. And then blame it all on someone else.

Um, yes he has ties Freddie Mac. And? How did those help the repeal of the Glass-Stegall act proposed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (voted for by Mccain) which essentially stripped the walls between investment and commerical banking set up after the Great Depression, and which essentially allowed investment banks to engage in wild speculations?

How did Obama's ties to Freddie Mac allow for what was, at first a government sponsored mortgage loan company in the 70's, to become semi-private and under regulated, and allowed to make crazy loans?

I like how the link contains meaningless information. All Senators have horrible ties, Obama included, but to try to blame the mess on him is stupid. His only blame, like every other asshole in the Senate, is inaction. Just about every serious economic forecast in the last 5 years hinted at massive over-investment in the housing market by banks and mortgage firms. The collapse was coming.

But wait, I know, I'll reduce it your level: Damn liberals, they are to blame!
If you can't vote for Brak Obama, or John McClane (who was in the wrong place at the wrong time) who do you have to choose between?

