Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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So i've been doing a little art history research this morning, looking through my art history books. Right now I'm reading a book about symbolism and art and came across this painting by Lorenzo Lotto:

Does anyone know the symbolism behind Cupid urinating on Venus?? I'm assuming it's some sort of erotic/love type stuff, since they're always getting it on in old paintings, but I've never seen anything like this.

Little boys are often depicted urinating in old paintings/statues (we've all seen those fountains) but I've never seen one urinating on a woman before. Any other art historians here?

edit: A bigger version
Susperia said:
Good job, that's not at all what I said.

He's just joshing you, hon. I don't know what the symbolism might be - I know that Urine was previously used as a steralising agent, so maybe it has something to do with cleansing ? Venus doesn't seem unduly upset by it, anyway.
Of the countless Renaissance paintings of Venus and Cupid, few are as beautiful - and certainly none is quite so startling - as this humorous wedding picture. It is an allegory in which the goddess of love, surrounded by symbols of fertility and conjugal fidelity, blesses a marriage. With her right hand Venus raises a myrtle wreath through which Cupid urinates, with evident delight, onto her lap. His action may seem ludicrous to us today, but for Lotto's contemporaries a urinating child was an augury of good fortune. It has been suggested that the picture was painted in 1540 for Lotto's cousin, but an earlier date is also possible Venus may be a portrait of the bride.
KMADD said:
Hey man i believe that guy is in afghanastan dude for the most part your
cool with me but please dont insult someone that is placing his life online
so you can state an opinion like that let alone a person that is from another
country that is helping us keep those assholes from doing shit here in
the united states and in europe. Look what happened in London and Madrid.

Of course, if we left those poor bastards alone in the first place they wouldn't have any cause to blow shit up like the did in London and Madrid and America and everywhere else.
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