Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Does not compute. Making cosmetics coterminous with materialism is pretty thin. I doubt that it was the intention of the painter.
I'm a fan of Ellen Von Unwerth's photographs. The bright colors and overall mood and cheekiness are sort of a tribute to that. And her women are almost always holding some sort of beauty product.. since she's more of a fashion photographer.

It's not there so much for symbolism as it is for grace and beauty and the idea of beauty, and for Von Unwerth.

edit: it's not there for materialism. It's also to get across how much her beauty is worth and the time and effort and money women put into being beautiful, in order for men (and gods like Zeus) to become enchanted by them.
Consuming Impulse said:
fury ass, your an object and an idiot. stop thinking you matter cause you dont. metal paddy also sucks ass and he is nothing but an internet badass who thinks he can "fly" at people.
kiss this chick ass bruv
Yea sorry I needed a time when I could sit down for more than 5 minutes and that time is now. What you need to do is make the left leg less of a curve that goes from the upper part of the hip, down to the knee (and define where the knee is!) and up again to the ancle. A leg is angled, not rounded. Basically I think you should make it less bloaty by moving the highlight of the thigh further up along with the "edge" where the thigh meets the matress to straighten it out.
I drew on the more or less pronounced musculature of the thighs in brown/green, and as you can see there is no kneecap that sperates it from the lower part of the leg (pink line, the bone from the kneecap to the ancle), and the left pink line is too long. You could make the legs more aligned to eachother to fix it perhaps, now it looks like the left leg sticks too much out towards the "camera" and you had to make the leg a lot longer in order to get it to look like a relaxed pose. Alternatively you can move the shadow defining the break between the legs and abdomen further down and rotate it clockwise to move the left hip further down and compensate for the longer looking leg. I know it's not easy to just rotate stuff in a painting so if you don't understand what I mean I can make a sketch in photoshop but I don't have that computer here tonight.

The blue ring marks the knee
Consuming Impulse said:
Amarantus should be beaten violently and shot in the leg and tied up to a wall where he would be castrated and his mother should be force fed his genitals. After that, Assarantus should have his arms and legs chopped off and let go from the wall so he could be burned and suffer and have his head bashed in with a mallad and left to rot.

Go back to hobbit land you idiotic Opeth/Fintroll loving faggot.

You are a pussy.
Thank you so much for the advice Panzer. I'm going to rotate the crotch/shadow area and make the knee lower and shave off some fat, move the highlight a bit like you said. Of course this is going to be a lot harder to do with paint.. matching the right shades and colors and such. (That's the hardest part. Trying to mix the exact shade of paint over again.) But i'll do it, because that leg really bothers my boyfriend and I. And so far almost everyone who's seen the painting has commented on it. Thanks again. I'll show it to you when I think i've fixed it, (hopefully if I can), for your approval.

Unfortunately the kneecap is going to have to be moved right where you pointed out with the question mark, right where the quilt and sheets meet, which is kind of awkward composition wise, but it will still be better looking than how it is right now.
Consuming Impulse said:
Panzerknut if your really in the war like you claim, i hope you get captured and decapitated for being a dumbass to go into the war in the first place also for pissing me off earlier.
Hey man i believe that guy is in afghanastan dude for the most part your
cool with me but please dont insult someone that is placing his life online
so you can state an opinion like that let alone a person that is from another
country that is helping us keep those assholes from doing shit here in
the united states and in europe. Look what happened in London and Madrid.
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