Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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The Greys said:
.. oh susperia pilgrim girl stop being bitter and old
it's ok to show some skin letting the wind touch your skin

oh cara girl there is no reason to be wise
life is short and your not getting any younger
stop stepping so far into the future

Cara stop being eccentric and weird
people just might look at you more....
(than if you showed some more skin)

... don't think the eyes are you.
there is always someone much hotter...
to take their eyes off you!
when you walk no one remembers you

My song to you!!!
oh a beautiful song for a beautiful girl
Indeed. Though I'd like to hear the actual song, not just the lyrics.

Right now it's really just a poem.

I put it in my away message for you Cody.
:eek: a picture of me

It looks like he has pubic hairs on his chin or something.

Ex-Cally since you are what 14,15 you probably should keep shaving. If you keep shaving until you are older you will eventually get decent facial hair. I have really light facial hair also.
The Timebird said:
i think most faces would be pretty pissed off about being attached to such a big blubbery abomination
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Funniest thing I've heard today.

Timebird, you've a way with words. This is about the fifth post of yours I've skimmed through that made me laugh my ass off.
What do you expect, he's English. They have that there edumacation I hear such good things about I reckon.
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