Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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(M)aggoT said:

Looks like a grim frostbitten forest

YAY for unoriginality

I painted this last weekend for my friend. I'm going to frame it, it will be beautiful and hard to part with. I also did an etching of it last semester, but I wanted to paint it ever since then because the colors are so beautiful, (as is everything in Sicily) and you can't capture color in an etching. At least not in the class I took.
Susperia said:

I painted this last weekend for my friend. I'm going to frame it, it will be beautiful and hard to part with. I also did an etching of it last semester, but I wanted to paint it ever since then because the colors are so beautiful, (as is everything in Sicily) and you can't capture color in an etching. At least not in the class I took.
Nice babes luv it and my big bruvver girls says oh yeah luv it babes
No, she's not well known, but she does sell a good bit of her stuff. She used to have a site, but it's not up anymore.
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